What do Democrat leaders have in common with communist China? A minimum wage!


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
One of the Democrat Party Leadership's outrageous positions is to meddle with the people’s inalienable right to be free to mutually agree in contracting the value of their own labor. The Democrat Party constantly panhandles setting a minimum wage as a noble cause. Similarly,China’s communist government sets The minimum wage:

Article 48 of the Labour Law stipulates that the statutory minimum wage should be set at a level sufficient to support the daily needs of employees. It was not until March 2004 however, when the then Ministry of Labour and Social Security implemented its Minimum Wage Regulations, that guidelines were put in place to establish a framework calculating and adjusting the minimum wage.

The Regulations state that regional governments should determine and adjust the monthly minimum wage for full-time workers by referring to:
## Minimum living costs of local employees and their dependents
## The consumer price index for urban residents
## Social security and housing fund contributions paid by individual employees
## The average wage of employees in the locality
## Level of economic development and the supply and demand of labor in the locality.

What the democrat leadership refuses to acknowledge is how government setting a minimum wage adversely affects our free market system, and in particularly how it affects inner city youth who have dropped out of High School who are not prepared to earn a “living wage”. The most glaring example of how a government set minimum wage has destroyed a lifesaving opportunity for high school drop-outs is to look at a New York City newspaper from the early 1960’s and turn to its help wanted section. To our surprise we will find a significant number of jobs, especially in the trades [plumbing, electrical, carpentry, etc.] available as “will train“ positions. At the time, these jobs provided a second opportunity to many high school drop-outs to not only find employment, but learn a well-paying trade in the process if they were willing to buckle down and take the opportunity. Countless part time positions were available with a very low hourly wage, but the pay was rapidly increased as the employee’s productivity increased which allowed the employer to give an increase in pay proportionately equal to productivity. In the process the employee learned a valuable trade capable of providing more than just a "living wage".

Unfortunately, because of today’s countless government financial requirements added to the cost of hiring a new employee in the trades, and would include an outrageous minimum wage in addition to unemployment compensation, Social Security Payments, Medicare, etc., a business owner today who may like to hire a high school drop-out as a trainee finds the government added costs prohibitive and thus, the bottom rungs on the employment ladder have been cut off by government for many of our nation’s high school drop outs, and this creates a built-in financially dependent sub class.

But there is a motive behind this minimum wage lunacy and it has nothing to do with helping the unemployed or those who have very little to offer an employer. It is obvious that Democrats are attempting to flimflam unskilled poorly educated souls into believing there is free cheese and is intentionally designed to keep them dependent, rather than providing them with a way to learn how to make cheese and become financially independent in the process. Were we not warned against dependency by our Founding Fathers?



If we can make 51 percent of America’s population dependent upon an Obama, welfare, food stamp, section 8 housing, college loan check, and now free Obamacare along with FREE BACON, we can blackmail them for their vote, keep ourselves in power and keep the remaining portion of America’s productive population enslaved to pay the bills ____ Obama’s Marxist Free Cheese Democracy, designed to establish a federal plantation which redistributes wealth that wage earners, business and investors have worked to create.
You know who doesn't have labor laws? Nowhere you would want to live.
You know who doesn't have labor laws? Nowhere you would want to live.

They have plenty of labor laws in China. Do you want to live there?


They are not “liberals”. They are conniving Marxist parasites who use the cloak of government force to steal the wealth which wage earners, business and investors have worked to create


JJ Watt makes $1,041,000 an hour for being a defensive end.

It is only fair that I get paid the same.

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JJ Watt makes $1,041,000 an hour for being a defensive end.

It is only fair that I get paid the same.

Why not?

Good question.

All I need now is 100,000 people willing to pay $100 each to watch me work.


It'll take you 12 times to get that much...

$1,041,000 divided by 12 is...umm..

I appreciate your confidence and faith in my skill set....


You have to pay the fellows it takes to get it to you to where the people can pay to watch you, and it takes 12 guys....
You know who doesn't have labor laws? Nowhere you would want to live.

They have plenty of labor laws in China. Do you want to live there?


They are not “liberals”. They are conniving Marxist parasites who use the cloak of government force to steal the wealth which wage earners, business and investors have worked to create
Do you have a point to this post? If you do you need to make it. Pretty much every country sets some sort of rock bottom to the extent a worker may be exploited. If they do not do that eventually factories get burned down and no one makes any money.
You know who doesn't have labor laws? Nowhere you would want to live.

They have plenty of labor laws in China. Do you want to live there?


They are not “liberals”. They are conniving Marxist parasites who use the cloak of government force to steal the wealth which wage earners, business and investors have worked to create
Do you have a point to this post? If you do you need to make it. Pretty much every country sets some sort of rock bottom to the extent a worker may be exploited. If they do not do that eventually factories get burned down and no one makes any money.

Did you have a point to your original question?


They are not “liberals”. They are conniving Marxist thieves who use the cloak of government force to steal the property which labor, business and investors have worked to create
Hey Johnwk. I am looking to hire some real cheap labor for a real hard job. You available? I'll pay you what you are worth. About 2 bucks an hour. When can you start?
You know who doesn't have labor laws? Nowhere you would want to live.

They have plenty of labor laws in China. Do you want to live there?


They are not “liberals”. They are conniving Marxist parasites who use the cloak of government force to steal the wealth which wage earners, business and investors have worked to create
Do you have a point to this post? If you do you need to make it. Pretty much every country sets some sort of rock bottom to the extent a worker may be exploited. If they do not do that eventually factories get burned down and no one makes any money.

Did you have a point to your original question?


I always have a point. Labor laws that at least make an effort to protect workers from undue exploitation are one one of the things that keep people showing up to do their lousy jobs.You seem to have an issue with that. There is another way you might like better, unpaid forced labor, but places like N Korea are pretty terrible places to be.
You know who doesn't have labor laws? Nowhere you would want to live.

They have plenty of labor laws in China. Do you want to live there?


They are not “liberals”. They are conniving Marxist parasites who use the cloak of government force to steal the wealth which wage earners, business and investors have worked to create
Do you have a point to this post? If you do you need to make it. Pretty much every country sets some sort of rock bottom to the extent a worker may be exploited. If they do not do that eventually factories get burned down and no one makes any money.

Did you have a point to your original question?

I always have a point. Labor laws that at least make an effort to protect workers from undue exploitation are one one of the things that keep people showing up to do their lousy jobs.You seem to have an issue with that. There is another way you might like better, unpaid forced labor, but places like N Korea are pretty terrible places to be.

Hey, I am trying to hire some cheap labor here. I made Johnwk a job offer for 2 bucks an hour. Please don't make him think he might be worth more.
You know who doesn't have labor laws? Nowhere you would want to live.

They have plenty of labor laws in China. Do you want to live there?


They are not “liberals”. They are conniving Marxist parasites who use the cloak of government force to steal the wealth which wage earners, business and investors have worked to create
Do you have a point to this post? If you do you need to make it. Pretty much every country sets some sort of rock bottom to the extent a worker may be exploited. If they do not do that eventually factories get burned down and no one makes any money.

Did you have a point to your original question?

I always have a point. Labor laws that at least make an effort to protect workers from undue exploitation are one one of the things that keep people showing up to do their lousy jobs.You seem to have an issue with that. There is another way you might like better, unpaid forced labor, but places like N Korea are pretty terrible places to be.

Hey, I am trying to hire some cheap labor here. I made Johnwk a job offer for 2 bucks an hour. Please don't make him think he might be worth more.
Yes, I have worked with entitled assholes that talked like this, everytime you turn around they are on break or trying to dump their workload on others, the rest of the time they just bitch about everything.

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