LatinoUSA tracking poll: Clinton 83, Trump 11 (Clinton 77, Trump 18 in FL)

Clinton Camp: Hispanics’ Mail Ballot Requests Up in Fla., N.C.

Hispanic voters’ requests for mail ballots are up 73% in Fla. compared to this point in 2012 and 43% in N.C., Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign says in "field report" memo.

Black voters’ mail ballot requests in N.C. are up 73% from 2012


The black vote is probably going to be up in NC and hispanics everywhere. ;) NOT good for trump.
America is afraid to have Trump at the controls of the Good Train America, you idiots.

Not all Americans are afraid to have Trump in charge. At least half the country wants Trump. Are they all idiots? Many of us are afraid of clinton. Such as, how do you explain her intention of wanting to outdo obama in bringing tens of thousands of refugees here, not just because the're muslims, and that is a major concern, but also because America's ability to provide for it's own citizens in need is becoming overwhelmed without bringing in additional people in need. The life boat that is America at some point has to stop taking aboard people, or it will sink. I've explained one reason that I and many others don't want clinton. So far, the anti Trump arguments don't convince. He's rude, intolerant. Is there a rude meter or intolerant meter to measure someone? Then they say he has no experience in government. So then, how much experience in government is necessary. 2 years? 4 years? Where are these qualifications written?
This is a little more than a month old, sassy, and if the bad guys had anything better for Trump they would have posted it.

In April, the same firm found Trump's support at 11 percent among Latinos. Manzano says Trump's rise to 19 percent can be explained by Republican Latinos consolidating around their candidate after the primary. "People who are Republicans are saying, 'I'm gonna vote for my candidate,'" Manzano said. The poll, she noted, was taken amid talk that Trump would moderate his position on immigration. "I think it's likely that we are going to see this number drop a point or two…in light of the Arizona speech." This poll shows just how screwed Donald Trump is

Trump loses 81% of the Latino vote, and the far and alt right still expect him to win.

The freaking thing was done last March, troll. The entire thread is just a chance for you LEFTISTS to whine and moan. It's a worthless poll if it's seven months old

It probably took them seven months to translate it to English


LatinoUSA tracking poll: Clinton 83, Trump 11 (Clinton 77, Trump 18 in FL)
The 83.2% is an all-time high
The poll notes that Latino support for Clinton spiked after the first debate and Trump's Latino support in Florida collapsed. The pollsters called the Trump collapse among Florida Latinos "the Machado effect." He lost 12 points among all Florida Latinos (from 29 to 17) and 5.5 points in Miami-Dade (from 25.5% to 20%)
National Post-Debate Tracking Poll of Latino Voters Has Clinton With 83% of Support - Latino USA
Trumps fucked! hahaha
America is afraid to have Trump at the controls of the Good Train America, you idiots.

Not all Americans are afraid to have Trump in charge. At least half the country wants Trump. Are they all idiots? Many of us are afraid of clinton. Such as, how do you explain her intention of wanting to outdo obama in bringing tens of thousands of refugees here, not just because the're muslims, and that is a major concern, but also because America's ability to provide for it's own citizens in need is becoming overwhelmed without bringing in additional people in need. The life boat that is America at some point has to stop taking aboard people, or it will sink. I've explained one reason that I and many others don't want clinton. So far, the anti Trump arguments don't convince. He's rude, intolerant. Is there a rude meter or intolerant meter to measure someone? Then they say he has no experience in government. So then, how much experience in government is necessary. 2 years? 4 years? Where are these qualifications written?

Guess jakey's not capable of an answer other than putting in one of those funny icons. This is typical of the hillary crowd.
Almost 70% of the country is terrified of Trump. jasonfree's alt right alinksy tactic of making bold assertions without facts is typical of the orange messiah's fanatics.
As I predicted before Trump will not win in Florida. Guarantee 100%.
Romney only won 27% of Hispanic votes without any condemnation. Trump in the other hand is totally fucked with Hispanics.
Trump is lucky if he get 10 to 15% of Hispanic votes come Nov. 8.

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