Latino groups to Obama: You owe us


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
There is a big reason Obama won the election. It's not because of what he's done. It's not for how he plans to help everyday Americans.

It's because illegals want amnesty. That is what tipped the scales in his favor. Romney was focused on citizens and the economy. Not good enough. Even though that would help most Americans.

Obama got re-elected because he promised to kiss the asses of the illegal population. This is seriously fucked up.

Leaders of immigrant rights and Latino groups told reporters in a conference call on Wednesday that Obama owes his second term to Latino voters, and should repay them by passing comprehensive immigration reform. Obama promised to pass a law legalizing many of the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in the country while he campaigned four years ago, and he's been chastised by Latino leaders for breaking his promise.

Latino groups to Obama: You owe Latinos the election, now pass immigration reform

Latino groups to Obama: You owe Latinos the election, now pass immigration reform | The Ticket - Yahoo! News
Hey Mexico is nasty. Do you know what they do to illegals. Whoa geeze......Good thing they can come to America where no one has jobs.

Talk about lala land. Hey but you just re elected the fantasy President.
If Romney would have won the election the same thing would have happened with the big buck people. Sorry to say its a I scratch your back, you scratch mine society no matter who is in.
Reform is long overdue. What are the Republicans going to do, turn themselves into a permanent minority party?
you guys really ought to come out of the echo chamber and face reality...

you'll feel better

So, do you think amnesty for illegals is fair? Simple question.. is it FAIR?

no, it isn't. that didn't stop mr reagan, iirc.

it's a tough problem and there are no easy answers, but every latino isn't an illegal and every illegal isn't a latino.

alienating large blocs of voters generally isn't seen as the road to success in electoral politics.
Maybe hating minorities and not facing reality is a bad idea. Pass the Schumer/Lindsay Graham Bill and end this Pub mess. We need a good work/SS ID card in conjunction with O-care and act like adults...
I think Obamas Dream Act helped him, and Romneys "Self Deportation" helped sink him. However it's also fair to note that Romney lost every demographic except white Christian men, so it's not "just" the Hispanics that tipped the scale.

How about this demographic for voters?


Or is that considered "unfair" by some dumbass "demographic"?
I think Obamas Dream Act helped him, and Romneys "Self Deportation" helped sink him. However it's also fair to note that Romney lost every demographic except white Christian men, so it's not "just" the Hispanics that tipped the scale.

How about this demographic for voters?


Or is that considered "unfair" by some dumbass "demographic"?

someone's a little cranky :lol:
you guys really ought to come out of the echo chamber and face reality...

you'll feel better

So, do you think amnesty for illegals is fair? Simple question.. is it FAIR?

no, it isn't. that didn't stop mr reagan, iirc.

it's a tough problem and there are no easy answers, but every latino isn't an illegal and every illegal isn't a latino.

alienating large blocs of voters generally isn't seen as the road to success in electoral politics.

What are we teaching people in this country then that expecting people to obey the law alienates citizens? This society has worked and been successful because most, not all, but most people voluntarily obey the laws that are duly passed by those we send to Washington to represent us. Where do we end as a society when that voluntary compliance ends. Why should one man obey the law while another breaks it with impunity?
I think Obamas Dream Act helped him, and Romneys "Self Deportation" helped sink him. However it's also fair to note that Romney lost every demographic except white Christian men, so it's not "just" the Hispanics that tipped the scale.

How about this demographic for voters?


Or is that considered "unfair" by some dumbass "demographic"?

That's the one I've always held up. Treat everyone the same regardless of color, race, ethnicity, etc... Pander to and exploit no one.

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