Larry Nassar...Bad Guy


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
So here we have what appears to be a sordid and frightening tale of THOUSANDS of instances of "sexual assault" against young girls and women, over a period of decades, for which the perpetrator is now being subjected to a protracted, forced public shaming, and he will spend the remainder of his pathetic life in jail. All of this is undeniable.

And we have a host of his victims, bravely recounting their horrors, and proudly stating that they will SURVIVE, dammit, despite what he tried to do to them.

And what, exactly, was the nature of his horrific crimes? Well, in the course of giving these young athletes massages and manipulations for one minor injury or another, he would fondle them sexually in various ways, and in the worst cases place his fingers into one or both of the available body cavities, telling the girls that this was part of the physical therapy.

Is it worth saying that he was apparently pretty good at what he was SUPPOSED to be doing; that is, treating minor injuries in elite athletes?

In most cases, the girls felt some discomfort; in some cases acute pain is claimed (no doubt true), but of course that is not unusual in receiving treatment for an injury.

There was absolutely no physical harm done to the girls - nothing requiring a BandAid or an icepack or a tourniquet or even a couple Advil. Most of the victims thought the "treatments" were unusual and possibly "wrong," but not to the extent that any extraordinary action was warranted on their part (e.g., tell their coach about it, tell their parents, or call the police). And the Perp, from all indications, never even attempted to achieve physical sexual gratification from the girls. On both sides the effects were psychological and emotional, not physical.

Send the guy to jail and throw away the key. But do "we" the public really need this protracted Kabuki Dance of shaming? And are their girls really being heroic? Were their lives "ruined"? Or did they have an unpleasant experience that they can say they endured (if they choose to) and then move on with their lives?
“But this is the biggest sexual assault scandal in history,..."

One of the victims says.

Stuff and nonsense. Not even a single rape occurred. Not one girl was injured. Most didn't even know they had been "sexually assaulted" until it was explained to them later.

The AFTERMATH...the Hollywoodization of the whole sordid affair - did more to victimize these girls than Nassar ever did.

And as always, it is mostly about MONEY. The victims are lining up, making sure they are counted and recognized among the victim "class," so they won't be left out. There is a victims fund, and the lawyers are desperately trying to implicate UMich, and anyone else connected who has either resources or a fat insurance policy, so they - the lawyers - can cash in...and get a few bucks for the victims. Maybe.

It's always about the money, isn't it?

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