Large Canadian Arctic climate change study cancelled due to climate change


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Global Warming Study Canceled - You'll Laugh Your Rear Off When You Hear Why!

A $17 million global warming research program in Canada was recently canceled due to “unprecedented” summer ice. You can’t make this stuff up:

The study, entitled BaySys, is a $17-million four-year-long program headed by the University of Manitoba. It was planning to conduct the third leg of its research by sending 40 scientists from five Canadian universities out into the Bay on the Canadian Research Icebreaker CCGS Amundsen to study “contributions of climate change and regulation on the Hudson Bay system.”



Ok, let's get this straight. They do not call it GLOBAL WARMING for a reason. We know this.

Well, here we go. There is too much ice and because there is too much ice, they had to cancel this study of climate change.
Oh, my gosh, ice that grows out over water.... it broke off... into an ICEBERG....


Never mind the iceberg is still frozen, and the actual data from the 90% chunk of Earth ice called Antarctica shows it ADDING at least 80 billion tons of ice every year since Algore started lying.

NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses

But who needs data??

Just emotion... glacier ice never produced icebergs until Algore started lying.... never mind Titanic....
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Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

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Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

Owl you are one stupid fuck. Easy to get data that says the ice this year is way below normal. Looks like the ice is melting out early in the Northwest Passage again this year. How many very large luxury cruise ships this year.

I am here in Florida AT SEA LEVEL. I am going to the beach.....

Just to see how high the water level has gotten.

Is, it safe?
Image 3 of 6 (play slideshow) Download


Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

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Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

Owl you are one stupid fuck. Easy to get data that says the ice this year is way below normal. Looks like the ice is melting out early in the Northwest Passage again this year. How many very large luxury cruise ships this year.
What a moron.. DO you ever wonder why the ACTUAL EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE OBSERVATIONS NEVER MATCH the crap you post?
Global Warming Study Canceled - You'll Laugh Your Rear Off When You Hear Why!

A $17 million global warming research program in Canada was recently canceled due to “unprecedented” summer ice. You can’t make this stuff up:

The study, entitled BaySys, is a $17-million four-year-long program headed by the University of Manitoba. It was planning to conduct the third leg of its research by sending 40 scientists from five Canadian universities out into the Bay on the Canadian Research Icebreaker CCGS Amundsen to study “contributions of climate change and regulation on the Hudson Bay system.”



Ok, let's get this straight. They do not call it GLOBAL WARMING for a reason. We know this.

Well, here we go. There is too much ice and because there is too much ice, they had to cancel this study of climate change.

A couple of the meteorologists I deal with in Canada have confirmed that all of the AGW hype is made up BS. They cite that the Hudson Bay ice is five times what the Cryosphere Today posts and many other governmental agencies.

I'm going to see if I can post up a reliable, private, Polar orbiting satellite images of the areas for comparison.
Laughable..............the whole Arctic Ice disappearing stuff has always been folklore. The AGW bozo's in here always make it like we'll be doing waterskiing up there in a year or two. But lets remember.......they were saying that over 20 years ago.

Why do you think there is such pronounced disinterest amongst the public in climate change in 2017............its because the climate crusaders over did it with the k00k predictions that fell flat on their face. They fucked up on the following: tornado's, drought, floods, hurricanes, arctic ice, temperatures...........and the public has noticed. ( see Paris Treaty getting nuked ).

These people are losing the PR battle in ePiC fashion and still trot out the same old dull narrative nobody cares about. The same stoopid graphs from 10 years ago..........the same dopey research from 10 years ago..........the same goofball colorful temperature maps as 10 years ago. As stale as it gets............and whats fascinating is these people think they are winning the PR battle!! And whats best is.........our president knows its a bunch of hooey and how refreshing is that?:coffee:

To that I say................:oops-28:............they cant post up one single link showing us where their shit is winning in the real world!!:boobies::boobies::deal:
Global Warming Study Canceled - You'll Laugh Your Rear Off When You Hear Why!

A $17 million global warming research program in Canada was recently canceled due to “unprecedented” summer ice. You can’t make this stuff up:

The study, entitled BaySys, is a $17-million four-year-long program headed by the University of Manitoba. It was planning to conduct the third leg of its research by sending 40 scientists from five Canadian universities out into the Bay on the Canadian Research Icebreaker CCGS Amundsen to study “contributions of climate change and regulation on the Hudson Bay system.”



Ok, let's get this straight. They do not call it GLOBAL WARMING for a reason. We know this.

Well, here we go. There is too much ice and because there is too much ice, they had to cancel this study of climate change.

Hey the gif........hey bro can you send that my way in a PM??!! Would appreciate it!! Gotta add it to my Photobucket Classics............
By the way.........has anybody else noticed............with progressives, even when you slam them square in the noggin' with pure fact that cannot be repudiated, they continue on with a narrative taken from an alternative universe as if the rest of the world will automatically be duped with the ghey. In fact, if you look at most everything in the narrative of the progressives these all total crap. Fabricated bs.....from the Trump collusion stuff to Paris........of course, I say go.....go...........the voters are taking note of these dog and pony shows. Outside NY, Ca, DC and a couple of other places, nobody is caring.:bye1::bye1: .......all places they automatically win anyway. Then there is the WHOLE rest of the country!!:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:
By the way.........has anybody else noticed............with progressives, even when you slam them square in the noggin' with pure fact that cannot be repudiated, they continue on with a narrative taken from an alternative universe as if the rest of the world will automatically be duped with the ghey. In fact, if you look at most everything in the narrative of the progressives these all total crap. Fabricated bs.....from the Trump collusion stuff to Paris........of course, I say go.....go...........the voters are taking note of these dog and pony shows. Outside NY, Ca, DC and a couple of other places, nobody is caring.:bye1::bye1: .......all places they automatically win anyway. Then there is the WHOLE rest of the country!!:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:
They are sheep and their shepherds just change words or phrases and the sheep follow right along. Examples :

It is no longer COLLUSION, it's "obstruction."

It no longer THE global warming, it's climate change.

Before it was THE global warming....

The 70s it was global cooling.
80s it was acid rain.
90s it was a big giant hole in the ozone.
2000s it led to THE global warming.

This is all in line with how conformity works and don't think the ivy league political science democrats don't know this. They fully understand the power of group think.

Watch how powerful conformity is in this popular experiment.

This is the way it is used. The ironic part is the left truly believe they are the independent thinkers. It is the opposite.
Laughable..............the whole Arctic Ice disappearing stuff has always been folklore. The AGW bozo's in here always make it like we'll be doing waterskiing up there in a year or two. But lets remember.......they were saying that over 20 years ago.

Why do you think there is such pronounced disinterest amongst the public in climate change in 2017............its because the climate crusaders over did it with the k00k predictions that fell flat on their face. They fucked up on the following: tornado's, drought, floods, hurricanes, arctic ice, temperatures...........and the public has noticed. ( see Paris Treaty getting nuked ).

These people are losing the PR battle in ePiC fashion and still trot out the same old dull narrative nobody cares about. The same stoopid graphs from 10 years ago..........the same dopey research from 10 years ago..........the same goofball colorful temperature maps as 10 years ago. As stale as it gets............and whats fascinating is these people think they are winning the PR battle!! And whats best is.........our president knows its a bunch of hooey and how refreshing is that?:coffee:

To that I say................:oops-28:............they cant post up one single link showing us where their shit is winning in the real world!!:boobies::boobies::deal:

But but but Leonardo DiCaprio said.....


That is the proof that it is a scam and a way to seduce the masses. They get these self important pathetic ignorant arrogant doooosh bags to sell it to the world.

Like celebrities that endorse products to sell.

No one on the left questioned why this hollywood moron why he rented a 300 million dollar yacht from a Middle Easter oil tycoon to party in Brazil, shortly after that speech.

Instead we get the left wing lambs rolling their eyes at us.
Well now, Owl, why don't you just hang a big sign on your back stating stupid and ignorant? No, in the '70's most scientists stated even then that warming was most likely the danger. Acid rain was and is a real problem, and was addressed the the air pollution regulations put in place, the ozone hole was and is a problem, but one we have a handle on after reducing the CFl's we put into the atmosphere. Global warming has been recognized by scientists as a problem since after WW2.

Peer-Reviewed Literature
However, these are media articles, not scientific studies. A survey of peer reviewed scientific papers from 1965 to 1979 show that few papers predicted global cooling (7 in total). Significantly more papers (42 in total) predicted global warming (Peterson 2008). The large majority of climate research in the 1970s predicted the Earth would warm as a consequence of CO2. Rather than 1970s scientists predicting cooling, the opposite is the case.


Figure 1: Number of papers classified as predicting global cooling (blue) or warming (red). In no year were there more cooling papers than warming papers (Peterson 2008).

Scientific Consensus
In the 1970s, the most comprehensive study on climate change (and the closest thing to a scientific consensus at the time) was the 1975 US National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council Report. Their basic conclusion was "…we do not have a good quantitative understanding of our climate machine and what determines its course. Without the fundamental understanding, it does not seem possible to predict climate…"

This is in strong contrast with the current position of the US National Academy of Sciences: "...there is now strong evidence that significant global warming is occurring... It is likely that most of the warming in recent decades can be attributed to human activities... The scientific understanding of climate change is now sufficiently clear to justify nations taking prompt action." This is in a joint statement with the Academies of Science from Brazil, France, Canada, China, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Russia and the United Kingdom.

What were climate scientists predicting in the 1970s?

Full text of "Understanding climatic change"

Depending on where you live, maybe you've heard of acid rain. Now, acid rain is not pure acid falling from the sky, but rather it is rainfall or atmospheric moisture that has been mixed with elements and gases that have caused the moisture to become more acidic than normal. Pure water has a pH of 7, and, generally, rainfall is somewhat on the acidic side (a bit less than 6). But, acid rain can have a pH of about 5.0-5.5, and can even be in the 4 range in the northeastern United States, where there are a lot of industries and cars.

Causes of acid rain
Acidic precipitation can be caused by natural (volcanoes) and man-made activities, such as from cars and in the generation of electricity. The precursors, or chemical forerunners, of acid rain formation result from both natural sources, such as volcanoes and decaying vegetation, and man-made sources, primarily emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) resulting from fossil fuel combustion. The burning of fossil fuels (coal and oil) by power-production companies and industries releases sulfur into the air that combines with oxygen to form sulfur dioxide (SO2). Exhausts from cars cause the formation of nitrogen oxides in the air. From these gases, airborne sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and nitric acid (HNO3) can be formed and be dissolved in the water vapor in the air. Although acid-rain gases may originate in urban areas, they are often carried for hundreds of miles in the atmosphere by winds into rural areas. That is why forests and lakes in the countryside can be harmed by acid rain that originates in cities

Acid rain, from USGS Water-Science School

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