Landmark Report Concludes Abortion In U.S. Is Safe

I saw a program on one of the cable was about a people who have a business where they find family members that have been separated.....sometimes through adoption... and other tragedies...

In one episode, a woman had them find her biological mother...who had given her up for adoption.....the mother was a victim of rape, and instead of aborting the baby, she gave her up for adoption....20 years later, they found each other and now have a life knowing each other....

That doesn't happen when the mother kills the baby....
It would be a silver lining for the raped mother to find out that her biological daughter grew up to be an awesome person. The daughter was not the guilty party in the rape.

Exactly......and if the kid didn't grow up to be an awesome person, they would now have someone else in their life who could help........

Abortion is just nuts.......
If one believes abortion is wrong and wishes to see the practice end, pursue a solution that doesn’t place women at risk, and conforms with the Constitution and a woman’s right to privacy.

For some of us, the safety of the mother is largely immaterial. In my mind the eradication of abortion (with minimal exceptions) is about forcing people to deal with the consequences of bad/poor decisions as much as anything else. Making the alternative to carry th the baby to term more dangerous works just fine for me.
You can do both. Save mom and the baby. It’s commonly called a c section.
‘Abortions in the United States are safe and have few complications, according to a landmark new study by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine.
But the report did find that state laws and regulations can interfere with safe abortions.

"Abortion-specific regulations in many states create barriers to safe and effective care," the report says.
The National Academies report says waiting periods and requirements for unnecessary tests can result in long delays because women may have to travel to get care and have trouble getting appointments.

"Delays put the patient at greater risk of an adverse event," the report says.’

Landmark Report Concludes Abortion In U.S. Is Safe

Reckless, irresponsible, unwarranted measures enacted by Republican lawmakers who, for whatever intent or reason, place the health and safety of women at risk.

If one believes abortion is wrong and wishes to see the practice end, pursue a solution that doesn’t place women at risk, and conforms with the Constitution and a woman’s right to privacy.
Safe for all but those murdered, huh?
ABSTRACT: Studies from many nations suggest that induced abortion (IA) may be a causal risk factor for the development of breast cancer. Researchers agree that IA contributes to the increased risk of breast cancer by delaying the timing of a full-term pregnancy which is a protective factor. Increasing numbers of studies now show that IA prior to 32 weeks in and of itself is a risk factor for breast cancer due to the physiology of breast development and the manner in which abortion interferes with the maturation of the breast cells. Although largely ignored by the mainstream medical community, this risk information deserves a prominent place in the education of all adolescent women who may, in the future, consider an IA.

A PDF of this statement is available at this link: Abortion and the Risk of Breast Cancer.


The state of Texas produces this book, A Woman’s Right to Know Information Material.


[1] Boonstra HD, et al. Abortion in Women’s Lives. New York, NY: Guttmacher Institute. 2006.

[2] Breast Cancer Prevention Institute Fact Sheet. Breast Cancer Prevention Institute. Accessed on September 30, 2013.

Abortion and the Risk of Breast Cancer: Information for the Adolescent Woman and Her Parents

If you don't want an abortion then don't have one. What other people decide is not your concern.
If one believes abortion is wrong and wishes to see the practice end, pursue a solution that doesn’t place women at risk, and conforms with the Constitution and a woman’s right to privacy.

For some of us, the safety of the mother is largely immaterial. In my mind the eradication of abortion (with minimal exceptions) is about forcing people to deal with the consequences of bad/poor decisions as much as anything else. Making the alternative to carry th the baby to term more dangerous works just fine for me.

It's forcing problems on society for no reason other than a 16th Century mentality of "shit, we're human and fragile and we might die out if we allow abortion".

7 billion people on this planet now. We don't need to be worrying about dying out from deadly diseases. We need to worry about dying out for ridiculous human actions now.

Too many people is our issue, not too few.

What about the millions who never put themselves in that position? Pregnancy is 100% preventable.
If you don't want an abortion then don't have one. What other people decide is not your concern.

Yeah just ignore the slaughter of thank you.

What a stupid comment

So if a pregnant woman decides she's not ready to be a mother are you going to throw her in jail until she gives birth?
I'm 100% pro Second Amendment, so I don't know where you are getting "you lefties" from
So you do not support the democrats plan to eliminate all semi automatics?

Of course not. That's retarded.
So you wont be voting democrat in November since every member of the House democratic caucus supported the bill?

I don't know who I'll be voting for in November. I vote the candidate, not the party. Always have. In fact, most of the time, if there's a third party candidate in the race I'll give that person my vote just so the R or D doesn't get it.

Pretty comical how the minute I espouse a pro-choice position, which by the way is the true small government position, I get accused of being a raging lefty extremist.

Not everything is black and white, folks.
If you don't want an abortion then don't have one. What other people decide is not your concern.

Unless you decide to own a gun then you lefties go apeshit.

I'm 100% pro Second Amendment, so I don't know where you are getting "you lefties" from
Most pro abortionists are left.

Who is pro abortion? I am philosophically opposed to abortion, but you know what I hate even more? Big government stooges like you interfering in my personal decisions.
If you don't want an abortion then don't have one. What other people decide is not your concern.

Unless you decide to own a gun then you lefties go apeshit.

I'm 100% pro Second Amendment, so I don't know where you are getting "you lefties" from
Most pro abortionists are left.

Who is pro abortion? I am philosophically opposed to abortion, but you know what I hate even more? Big government stooges like you interfering in my personal decisions.
We are going in circles! I will stay out of your womb, you stay out of my gun case!

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