Lack of Knowledge of the Stock Market


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2011
Based on many questions and statements, it is quite evident that too many people don't have a basic understanding of the Stock market. They don't know the difference between an ETF, CEF and Closed End Mutual Fund, shorting a stock, Puts, Calls and much more.

The statements about Oil Futures is laughable.
The same futures selling apply to pork bellies, wheat, sugar, cotton, soy beans and every other commodity.

Unless, they take the time to educate themselves about the Stock Market, they will continue to make laughable statements and ask ridiculous questions.
All just different ways of trading baseball cards. In a way.

IPO's and new releases give operating capital to a corporation after that is is just trading between different groups or individuals.
too many people don't have a basic understanding of the Stock market. They don't know the difference between an ETF, CEF and Closed End Mutual Fund, shorting a stock, Puts, Calls and much more.

Stock market is not for everyone and not all the people can make profit from it.
Learning is the only key to become expert in the stock market. But many people lack enough patience to learn continuously.

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