L.A. city council may require employers remove "criminal record" questions


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles

It's hard to say what the goal is of the city and the "ban the box" activists, but most likely it's intended to increase employment of the black community and other chosen people by the left.

It looks like the rule will cause employers to drop candidates during the later stages of the employment process due to criminal record history, which in my opinion, will open them up for lawsuits. (and should)

This criminal record crap has gone too far. People are being denied for employment simply because ANY black mark is found on their application. It's not the job of the employer to understand or interpret the law, or hand out additional punishment for crimes.

There has been increasing usage of the NCIC database which was never intended for employers eyes. The NCIC database shows crimes people have pled guilty to, but does not show the final result, which may not have resulted in a conviction.

According to this article employers will have to justify why a certain criminal records will be bad for that job.

our country was created so you are either free or you're not. The fools of modern law have created a grey area, where people are free but can't work
Easy to get around, run a background check, all you have to do is make it company policy on all new hires
These folks should clearly pay for the rest of their lives even after release, regardless of the offense. Hell, if they get jobs they may not wind up back inside. We've got a private prison industry to support, and really now, we know all that talk about jobs coming back is bullshit. We need to keep the recidivism rates high, have prison industry lobbyists working on criminalizing more behavior, and encouraging higher crime rates to support this growth industry.

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