Kushner's companions in Saudi Arabia are torturing women who....DROVE!

Concern Grows For Loujain Al-Hathloul, Jailed Saudi Women's Driving Activist

If they send an audio file, the so called president and the SoS won't listen to it. Why should they?

Trump: No Plans to Listen to Tape of Khashoggi Killing

They have turned their heads to a gruesome murder...they will ignore more Saudi atrocities.
Jared needs a loan, man.
Jarod is a worthless piece of shit who is using the office for his own financial benefit.
Translation: Our desire to profit outweighs our moral obligations as Americans.... or trump could give a shit about a journalist being murdered and dismembered...
Maybe if you on the left were as worked up about the unsolved murders of Seth Rich, Andrew Breitbart, Monica Peterson, and countless others that never make it to the “vigilant” MSM’s pages --- as you are freaking out over Saudi undercover govt activities, you might actually be doing something great for our nation. But this selective outrage is a bit hypocritical, to say the least. China and Russia eliminating political enemies are far more sinister. Do we go publicly ballistic on them?
Maybe those on the Right should hang out their own dirty laundry with the Seth Rich Murder, by first acknowledging they had to apologize to the family for starting a conspiracy theory about it. You don't seem qualified to lecture others about Seth Rich, so save the bs for yourself. Seth Rich Family Receives Apology for Conspiracy Theory – Rolling Stone
I have zero interest in your evidence for why Seth Rich was taken out. Zero. There are a hundred reasons that say you are dead wrong. They are to be found on the internet if one get past the first 10 pages of a typical google search that protects the left in all controversial matters. So believe whatever you want, I do not have the time to defend my positions to this board or any board. You want to believe obama's birth certificate has to be real, you go ahead and have a cup of coffee and laugh at people like me. You want to believe evolution all could have happened without God you go ahead and impress your friends with all your science babble. You want to believe there is no way of knowing who God is so you can pursue all kinds of pleasures with impunity, go for it. I have given up on most people in the West because I have no time for them. So this board is no different than how a secular humanist world carelessly lives their lives. (After all, more than half this nation thinks Hillary and the DNC did nothing wrong because they are running around free.)
Maybe if you on the left were as worked up about the unsolved murders of Andrew Breitbart...

I think it's unlikely that Breitbart was murdered.

I am totally convinced Breitbart was murdered by deep state operatives. He had Podesta and others nailed on their pedophilia crimes long before pizzagate and he tweeted about it two days before he died walking his dog at the age of 43. He made it clear to many others he had enemies in high places and it would not be long before he would be targeted. And on and on. The facts are endless.

The pizzagate affair is far, far more real than anyone wants to believe. Youtube gave up trying to filter out the documentaries on pizzagate, now there are over 200 that pop up when you type in pizzagate exposed. It is totally creepy and real. If one takes the time to actually watch them. And Ashton Kutcher testifying before a congressional committee on child sex trafficking is totally bizarre. Most of the youtube videos on his appearance praise his bravery and his desire to root out pedophiles with his software company. But if you look at a few others on this and you find out Kutcher is actually doing this to take the heat off of the Hollywood elites and political elites who are involved in this kind of stuff as well. It makes sense but it will never surface because the media elites are blackmailed just as much as politicians. Believe whatever you want, I have my own life to try to make sense of.

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Here are a couple of articles on Breitbart, not necessarily the most revealing, but I just do not have the time to search for them. And everyone KNOWS that google puts the narrative they want spread on the first three pages at least of every search. So you have to go deep to one that does not call Breitbart’s murder or pizzagate a fake news matter. (the left rules the air waves and the media, or they would be totally squished.)


Bombshell: Breitbart Murdered After Exposing Clinton Pedo Ring

Are you a coward too?
Maybe those on the Right should hang out their own dirty laundry with the Seth Rich Murder, by first acknowledging they had to apologize to the family for starting a conspiracy theory about it. You don't seem qualified to lecture others about Seth Rich, so save the bs for yourself. Seth Rich Family Receives Apology for Conspiracy Theory – Rolling Stone The Right had to apologize for Seth Rich. Why is it on the Democrats? The Left first needs to investigate Republicans for concocting a conspiracy to begin with.
Translation: Our desire to profit outweighs our moral obligations as Americans.... or trump could give a shit about a journalist being murdered and dismembered...
Maybe if you on the left were as worked up about the unsolved murders of Seth Rich, Andrew Breitbart, Monica Peterson, and countless others that never make it to the “vigilant” MSM’s pages --- as you are freaking out over Saudi undercover govt activities, you might actually be doing something great for our nation. But this selective outrage is a bit hypocritical, to say the least. China and Russia eliminating political enemies are far more sinister. Do we go publicly ballistic on them?
Maybe those on the Right should hang out their own dirty laundry with the Seth Rich Murder, by first acknowledging they had to apologize to the family for starting a conspiracy theory about it. You don't seem qualified to lecture others about Seth Rich, so save the bs for yourself. Seth Rich Family Receives Apology for Conspiracy Theory – Rolling Stone
I have zero interest in your evidence for why Seth Rich was taken out. Zero. There are a hundred reasons that say you are dead wrong. They are to be found on the internet if one get past the first 10 pages of a typical google search that protects the left in all controversial matters. So believe whatever you want, I do not have the time to defend my positions to this board or any board. You want to believe obama's birth certificate has to be real, you go ahead and have a cup of coffee and laugh at people like me. You want to believe evolution all could have happened without God you go ahead and impress your friends with all your science babble. You want to believe there is no way of knowing who God is so you can pursue all kinds of pleasures with impunity, go for it. I have given up on most people in the West because I have no time for them. So this board is no different than how a secular humanist world carelessly lives their lives.
Republicans apologized, and you have zero reasons that say I am wrong. You manufactured a false narrative painting the Democrats as the one's not interested in the case. The Right manufactured a lie about it, then had to apologize, and you say you have no interest. You were the one who brought it up dumb ass.

The rest of your post is nothing but distractions to draw attention away from your original false nonsense, because you are a coward who can't answer for your bs.. Seth Rich was on the Right. They had to apologize, despite your lies about having zero interest.

And your evidence that "Pizzagate" is far more real? Answer, there is none. It's all conjecture and lies. There never was a Pizzagate, and you have no proof. You are a trouble maker and a liar. You invent shit that doesn't exist. Very bad people.
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SA is like every other death cult country.

Nothing about the death cult has changed there in a thousand years.

No one but idiots see it differently. And that would be the lefty loons.

Idiots one and all.
So, its "monkey see, monkey do" for you? They are who they are, so let's jump in bed with them because of their money? Where is your own morality?

Nothing has changed about the death cult for the last thousand years. They are what they are.

If you can't see it them to damned bad.

What an idiot you are.
Says the one who can't construct a coherent sentence. Lol!

And why are you a coward? I asked you a direct question you are too afraid to answer.

So, its "monkey see, monkey do" for you? They are who they are, so let's jump in bed with them because of their money? Where is your own morality?
Answer my questions coward.[/QUOTE]

You jump in bed with them. I have better things to do and I couldn't care less about their money but you obviously do.

Have fun nitwit.
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SA is like every other death cult country.

Nothing about the death cult has changed there in a thousand years.

No one but idiots see it differently. And that would be the lefty loons.

Idiots one and all.
So, its "monkey see, monkey do" for you? They are who they are, so let's jump in bed with them because of their money? Where is your own morality?

Nothing has changed about the death cult for the last thousand years. They are what they are.

If you can't see it them to damned bad.

What an idiot you are.
Says the one who can't construct a coherent sentence. Lol!

And why are you a coward? I asked you a direct question you are too afraid to answer.

So, its "monkey see, monkey do" for you? They are who they are, so let's jump in bed with them because of their money? Where is your own morality?
Answer my questions coward.[/QUOTE] All it takes is to box you in and you retreat to the funny faces. Lol! What a loser and a coward.
SA is like every other death cult country.

Nothing about the death cult has changed there in a thousand years.

No one but idiots see it differently. And that would be the lefty loons.

Idiots one and all.
So, its "monkey see, monkey do" for you? They are who they are, so let's jump in bed with them because of their money? Where is your own morality?

Nothing has changed about the death cult for the last thousand years. They are what they are.

If you can't see it them to damned bad.

What an idiot you are.
Says the one who can't construct a coherent sentence. Lol!

And why are you a coward? I asked you a direct question you are too afraid to answer.

So, its "monkey see, monkey do" for you? They are who they are, so let's jump in bed with them because of their money? Where is your own morality?
Answer my questions coward.

You jump in bed with them. I have better things to do and I couldn't care less about their money but you obviously do.

Have fund nitwit.[/QUOTE]
Look at this loser run folks.
SA is like every other death cult country.

Nothing about the death cult has changed there in a thousand years.

No one but idiots see it differently. And that would be the lefty loons.

Idiots one and all.
So, its "monkey see, monkey do" for you? They are who they are, so let's jump in bed with them because of their money? Where is your own morality?

Nothing has changed about the death cult for the last thousand years. They are what they are.

If you can't see it them to damned bad.

What an idiot you are.
Says the one who can't construct a coherent sentence. Lol!

And why are you a coward? I asked you a direct question you are too afraid to answer.

So, its "monkey see, monkey do" for you? They are who they are, so let's jump in bed with them because of their money? Where is your own morality?
Answer my questions coward.

You jump in bed with them. I have better things to do and I couldn't care less about their money but you obviously do.

Have fund nitwit.
Look at this loser run folks.[/QUOTE]

Run?? I'm to busy laughing at your stupid ass.

Oh I have plenty of morality for people who deserve it.

So blow it out your ass.
Why are you such a coward? How come you lied about Obama bowing? Man up. Don't be a pussy. Prove me wrong.

The picture doesn't lie. Obama has bowed in front of others as well. It wasn't the end of the world that he did it, but it was poor form for a sitting president. Anyway, I simply asked if you were upset when Obama bowed to the evil Saudis, since you are obviously very upset with how the Trump Administration has handled the Saudis. It sounds like you had no problem with how the Obama Administration treated the Saudis, including Obama bowing to them. No problem.
SA is like every other death cult country.

Nothing about the death cult has changed there in a thousand years.

No one but idiots see it differently. And that would be the lefty loons.

Idiots one and all.
So, its "monkey see, monkey do" for you? They are who they are, so let's jump in bed with them because of their money? Where is your own morality?

MORALITY? Ask Graham and Falwell Jr about morality....they will just laugh and walk away.
Maybe if you on the left were as worked up about the unsolved murders of Andrew Breitbart...

I think it's unlikely that Breitbart was murdered.

I am totally convinced Breitbart was murdered by deep state operatives. He had Podesta and others nailed on their pedophilia crimes long before pizzagate and he tweeted about it two days before he died walking his dog at the age of 43. He made it clear to many others he had enemies in high places and it would not be long before he would be targeted. And on and on. The facts are endless.

The pizzagate affair is far, far more real than anyone wants to believe. Youtube gave up trying to filter out the documentaries on pizzagate, now there are over 200 that pop up when you type in pizzagate exposed. It is totally creepy and real. If one takes the time to actually watch them. And Ashton Kutcher testifying before a congressional committee on child sex trafficking is totally bizarre. Most of the youtube videos on his appearance praise his bravery and his desire to root out pedophiles with his software company. But if you look at a few others on this and you find out Kutcher is actually doing this to take the heat off of the Hollywood elites and political elites who are involved in this kind of stuff as well. It makes sense but it will never surface because the media elites are blackmailed just as much as politicians. Believe whatever you want, I have my own life to try to make sense of.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Here are a couple of articles on Breitbart, not necessarily the most revealing, but I just do not have the time to search for them. And everyone KNOWS that google puts the narrative they want spread on the first three pages at least of every search. So you have to go deep to one that does not call Breitbart’s murder or pizzagate a fake news matter. (the left rules the air waves and the media, or they would be totally squished.)


Bombshell: Breitbart Murdered After Exposing Clinton Pedo Ring

Concern Grows For Loujain Al-Hathloul, Jailed Saudi Women's Driving Activist

If they send an audio file, the so called president and the SoS won't listen to it. Why should they?

Trump: No Plans to Listen to Tape of Khashoggi Killing

They have turned their heads to a gruesome murder...they will ignore more Saudi atrocities.

Aren't these the same people who gave your hero, the shrillary, millions of dollars? Why yes, yes they are. Best be careful who you fling your monkey poo at, clown.
A man was murdered....he was chopped up...literally....and trump and his CHRIST LIKE SOS....says...."We didn't see anything."
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A man was murdered....he was chopped up...literally....and trump and his CHRIST LIKE SOS....says...."We didn't see anything."

He was killed by his own people, on their ground. What exactly do you think trump should do? I'm just curious.
Concern Grows For Loujain Al-Hathloul, Jailed Saudi Women's Driving Activist

If they send an audio file, the so called president and the SoS won't listen to it. Why should they?

Trump: No Plans to Listen to Tape of Khashoggi Killing

They have turned their heads to a gruesome murder...they will ignore more Saudi atrocities.

Why are you calling it a murder?
Are you proficient in Saudi law?
Funny things, they forget that if the State says it's not "murder" then it's not murder. That is the argument these hypocrites use in the abortion debate.

According to their logic, this man was unwanted. He was the product of CHOICE.

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