Kofi Again On Nukes


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003

UNITED NATIONS - Amid rising nuclear tensions, more than 180 nations convened Monday to review the nonproliferation treaty, hearing calls from many sides for concessions by Iran and North Korea, America, Russia and others to move toward a world free of the nuclear threat.

"Ultimately, the only way to guarantee that they will never be used is for our world to be free of such weapons," Secretary-General Kofi Annan said in opening the monthlong conference.

The U.N. chief urged nonweapons states like Iran to renounce potential bomb technology, in return for international guarantees of nuclear fuel. But he also challenged Washington and Moscow to slash their nuclear arsenals irreversibly to just hundreds of warheads...
merely being a corrupt head of a near useless organization. Now he wants to dictate to the US what it's nuclear arsenal should be? I'm sure the lefties and Clintonistas would be happy to give up our defense to the UN.. What a crock of crap.. As if the United States were on par with the lunatic mullahs of Iran. Has he been attending the Rodney King "can't we all just get along" elementary school of diplomacy? That jackass makes the "get the US out of the UN, and the UN out of the US" crowd seem sane.. Please, Kofi, please, step away from the crack pipe....
Koffi Annan the complete arse said:
"Ultimately, the only way to guarantee that they will never be used is for our world to be free of such weapons,"

Ultimately, the only way to prevent the abuse of power by an International organizations is to be free of such International Organizations.

Pretty much the same logic as Kofi is used to speaking about.
the buttholes probably taking kickbacks from NK to get rid of everyone elses nukes so they would be the only ones with them. you know they have an issue with trying to wear daddy pants.

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