Knock Knock

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
USMB: Who’s There?


USMB: Run!!!!


Bye bye Russian Trolls!
So Mueller is going to ask Russians who tried to help Hillary Clinton with Russian Propaganda interfere with our election about Russia trying to disrupt our Democracy?

That’s like giving a suicide bomber a live bomb and asking him to show you how he would carry out a suicide attack

How’s Mueller going to interrogate them?

By using SKYPE?
USMB: Who’s There?


USMB: Run!!!!


Bye bye Russian Trolls!
Mueller wants to charge these guys hoping he can get one to point the finger at Trump is my bet.
Besides all that my post was actually about Russian Trolls on USMB as well as other Trolls here from Nations Hostile to The US.

Is The USMB unwittingly allowing Russians to engage in Information Warefare on The USMB?
I’d pay to see that.

Mueller would be sacrificed in the first 30 seconds

Didn’t they already do that in a James Bond Film?


I hope they create a Mueller like character for Jaws 14
Or maybe will have a Mueller vs Predator movie?
he may not even make it in time to do battle with Predator being a T-Rexx will be chasing him as he flees in a white SUV
It’s post like yours that reaffirms my intelligence and my decision to place you on IGNORE a long time ago!

What The Fuck is your problem bringing race in to this?

You make me regret clicking “show Ignored dumbasses”

Now that was a dumb decision on my part!
Knock knock

Trumptards: who’s there?


Trumptards: run!
Following on dumbass Toro Troll’s comment,

“Don’t you think it’s discriminatory to choose a “White” SUV?

Why not a Brown, or Black, or Yellow , or Red SUV?

I’d pay to see that.

Mueller would be sacrificed in the first 30 seconds

Didn’t they already do that in a James Bond Film?


I hope they create a Mueller like character for Jaws 14
Or maybe will have a Mueller vs Predator movie?
he may not even make it in time to do battle with Predator being a T-Rexx will be chasing him as he flees in a white SUV
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what does a color of a car have to do with racism? dont people who work for funeral homes wear black? are they racists?
what does a color of a car have to do with racism? dont people who work for funeral homes wear black? are they racists?
what next? will Al Sharpton demand that we rename that black hole in space "Whitey Hole"?

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