Knee-deep in blood: We are all being held hostage by Wayne LaPierre’s children

Expecting you to pass a competency test in order to be in possession of a gun is not an "attack" on your rights.

It quite literally does.

But I don't get my right to own and effectively use state of the art firearms in defense of my means to freely exercise my God-given rights, from the government, thus I do not seek permission from the government to own and effectively use state of the art firearms in defense of my means to exercise my God-given rights.

Requirements that I must, decidedly would infringe upon that right.

The State can shove their interests, up their collective. My Rights are not a subjective which is relevant to them, at all... > . <

Gee, who wrote this rant ^^^, was it written by James Oliver Huberty, Patrick H. Sherrill, Patrick Edward Purdy, James E. Pough, George Jo Hennard, Eric Houston, Gian Luigi Ferri, Colin Ferguson, Mitchell Johnson or Andrew Golden, Eric Harris or Dylan Klebold, Mark Orrin Barton, Larry Gene Ashbrook, Byran Uyesugi, Michael McDermott, Charles Andrew Williams, Robert S. Flores, Doug Williams, Jeffrey Weise, Charles Carl Roberts IV, Sulejman Talovic, Seung-hui Cho, Robert Hawkins, Steven Kazmierczak, Jiverly Voong, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, Omar S. Thornton, Jared Lee Loughner, Scott Dekraai, One L. Goh, James Holmes, Wade Michael Page, Andrew Engeldinger, Radcliffe Haughton, Adam Lanza, John Zawahri, Aaron Alexis, or Dylann Storm Roof?

Read their stories and those they murdered, here:
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The one on the left wishes to defend herself while the one on the right wishes to kill all who oppose her would be my guess. At least the one on the left doesn't sport banners that proclaim "DEATH TO INFIDELS!"

Interesting point
Thanks for posting

Your passive/aggressive response aside, how about commenting on my point.
I did

It was interesting
I think it's a shame that no one in the prayer group was carrying or better yet that multiple people in the prayer group weren't carrying a firearm.

Things might have ended up much differently.
What a sick country where churchgoers are expected to be armed to the teeth

300 million guns will do that
The OP is complete and utter nonsense.

The Sandy Hook and Charleston shooters are examples of mentally ill people run amok.

No, the Charleston terrorist is a textbook example of domestic rightwing racist terrorism.

No, you are a textbook example of a brain-damaged Progressive Loon.

Then why don't you tell us what is an example of a domestic rightwing racist terrorist,

and then tell us why this guy is different.

It's not TERRORISM. It was an isolated act by an evil and disturbed person. There is no Terrorist Network behind it.

There are Evil People in the world who do harm to others. Some are organized and conduct broad ranging terrorism (ISIS and their beheadings, burnings, and rapes), others are individuals acting in isolation.

Roof was the latter. It does a huge disservice to the issue to conflate both groups.

It was an act of domestic terrorism by someone who belonged to the racist white supremacists movement.

I think it's a shame that no one in the prayer group was carrying or better yet that multiple people in the prayer group weren't carrying a firearm.

Things might have ended up much differently.
What a sick country where churchgoers are expected to be armed to the teeth

300 million guns will do that

I guess as Wayne LaPierre would put it as,

what stops a bad white conservative racist terrorist with a gun is a good black guy with a gun.
No, the Charleston terrorist is a textbook example of domestic rightwing racist terrorism.

No, you are a textbook example of a brain-damaged Progressive Loon.

Then why don't you tell us what is an example of a domestic rightwing racist terrorist,

and then tell us why this guy is different.

It's not TERRORISM. It was an isolated act by an evil and disturbed person. There is no Terrorist Network behind it.

There are Evil People in the world who do harm to others. Some are organized and conduct broad ranging terrorism (ISIS and their beheadings, burnings, and rapes), others are individuals acting in isolation.

Roof was the latter. It does a huge disservice to the issue to conflate both groups.

It was an act of domestic terrorism by someone who belonged to the racist white supremacists movement.


It's obvious he was part of that rightwing movement. It's not like you have to be registered and card carrying.
No, the Charleston terrorist is a textbook example of domestic rightwing racist terrorism.

No, you are a textbook example of a brain-damaged Progressive Loon.

Then why don't you tell us what is an example of a domestic rightwing racist terrorist,

and then tell us why this guy is different.

It's not TERRORISM. It was an isolated act by an evil and disturbed person. There is no Terrorist Network behind it.

There are Evil People in the world who do harm to others. Some are organized and conduct broad ranging terrorism (ISIS and their beheadings, burnings, and rapes), others are individuals acting in isolation.

Roof was the latter. It does a huge disservice to the issue to conflate both groups.

It was an act of domestic terrorism by someone who belonged to the racist white supremacists movement.


Derideo Te US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
No, you are a textbook example of a brain-damaged Progressive Loon.

Then why don't you tell us what is an example of a domestic rightwing racist terrorist,

and then tell us why this guy is different.

It's not TERRORISM. It was an isolated act by an evil and disturbed person. There is no Terrorist Network behind it.

There are Evil People in the world who do harm to others. Some are organized and conduct broad ranging terrorism (ISIS and their beheadings, burnings, and rapes), others are individuals acting in isolation.

Roof was the latter. It does a huge disservice to the issue to conflate both groups.

It was an act of domestic terrorism by someone who belonged to the racist white supremacists movement.


It's obvious he was part of that rightwing movement. It's not like you have to be registered and card carrying.

So which group did he specifically belong to?
I'll admit that closing down the mental hospitals was a really stupid move. What did we expect? We allow our truly fucked in the head to run around without any help.

that isn't the problem. it's not keeping guns away from crazies, loons, and criminals.

it's harder to get a drivers license in some places than a gun license.

but we can pretend it's about mental institutions.

Why do I need gun license anyways?

To keep guns out of the hands of violent criminals, child abuser, gangsters, paranoid schizophrenics, and others who the legislature of the State within which you reside decide should not own, possess or have in their custody or control a gun.

Then, as a responsible gun owner you can sell a gun knowing that the person you have sold the weapon to is less likely to pull off a mass murder or kill someone over an argument. It's all about Personal responsibility.

you do realize that all the mass shooters passed background checks or avoided the ones who passed background checks would also have been able to get a gun license...right? And they would still have committed the mass shooting....

Therefore the license was pointless...

And the ones who didn't pass the background checks....the columbine teenagers who couldn't legally but he weapons they used, would also by pass the licensing process as well...right...and would still have committed their mass shootings....

Again...the license would be pointless...

I have shown that gun licensing law abiding people will not keep guns out of the hands of criminals....if a criminal is caught with a gun, your violent criminal, child abuser (convicted right?) gangsters, all will be arrested if they are caught with a gun and no license is needed to do it...

The nuts....if we could trust you guys not to abuse the system you would have more support...we don't trust would turn any mental health check into a way to keep guns out of the hands of anyone who ever saw a mental health the soldier denied his gun rights because he had insomnia.....

I've pointed out several times you're not very bright, and that a parrot can contribute more to any discussion if given a cracker than you have ever done.

Guns kill people! People like you are complicit (that means morally culpable) every time an innocent human being is murdered by a gun in America. I'm an agnostic, but I hope I'm wrong and hell exists, for that is where a POS like you belongs.
Then why don't you tell us what is an example of a domestic rightwing racist terrorist,

and then tell us why this guy is different.

It's not TERRORISM. It was an isolated act by an evil and disturbed person. There is no Terrorist Network behind it.

There are Evil People in the world who do harm to others. Some are organized and conduct broad ranging terrorism (ISIS and their beheadings, burnings, and rapes), others are individuals acting in isolation.

Roof was the latter. It does a huge disservice to the issue to conflate both groups.

It was an act of domestic terrorism by someone who belonged to the racist white supremacists movement.


It's obvious he was part of that rightwing movement. It's not like you have to be registered and card carrying.

So which group did he specifically belong to?

The Crazy Right Wing, of course.
It's not TERRORISM. It was an isolated act by an evil and disturbed person. There is no Terrorist Network behind it.

There are Evil People in the world who do harm to others. Some are organized and conduct broad ranging terrorism (ISIS and their beheadings, burnings, and rapes), others are individuals acting in isolation.

Roof was the latter. It does a huge disservice to the issue to conflate both groups.

It was an act of domestic terrorism by someone who belonged to the racist white supremacists movement.


It's obvious he was part of that rightwing movement. It's not like you have to be registered and card carrying.

So which group did he specifically belong to?

The Crazy Right Wing, of course.

Really, all the racist I know are lefties. Tons of them around here.
It was an act of domestic terrorism by someone who belonged to the racist white supremacists movement.


It's obvious he was part of that rightwing movement. It's not like you have to be registered and card carrying.

So which group did he specifically belong to?

The Crazy Right Wing, of course.

Really, all the racist I know are lefties. Tons of them around here.

The worst racists I know are Lefties from Marin, San Francisco, and Berkeley.

Knee-deep in blood: We are all being held hostage by Wayne LaPierre’s children

Brilliant piece on the continuing blood bath caused by the NRA.

Let us state for the record that there is critical mass of Americans in this country whose very existence is based upon ignorance, paranoia, racism, seething hatred, bitterness, and bigotry. They can’t get up in the morning unless they have someone to hate or look down upon, because that is what lifts them up and makes their world seem not so shitty.

And occasionally this animating animus bubbles up to the surface and racist all-cap rants on Facebook won’t make the pain go away — and there is the NRA is standing by with, as they say at the hardware stores: “the right tool for the right job.”

Because Wayne LaPierre’s terrorist-enabling organization does their damndest to make sure weapons are unregulated, cheap, and plentiful, practically any U.S. citizen can settle any trifling argument with as little as three pounds of pressure on a trigger.

  • The mother of Adam Lanza — who had severe emotional problems — kept her home stocked with multiple weapons and thought it would be a good idea to bring her son out of his shell by teaching him how to shoot. How did that work out? 26 people dead at Sandy Hook — 20 of whom we’re children 7-years-old or younger. Also: Nancy Lanza. Adam Lanza brought a shotgun, an AR15 assault weapon, and two handguns with him to the elementary school.
  • Elliot Rodgers of Santa Barbara couldn’t get laid and hated women. His solution: he killed 6 people and wounded fourteen others. His weapons of choice: 3 handguns, all purchased legally under the benevolent gaze of Wayne LaPierre.
  • Craig Stephen Hicks had a parking dispute with some Muslim students near the campus of University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He executed all three of them with a shot to the head. He liked to carry his .38 on his hip, because he was an open-carry enthusiast.
  • Another open-carry enthusiast –Alex Kozak — sexually harassed a woman at the mall where he worked. After losing his job, he returned to the mall with his 9mm and shot 20-year-old Andrea Farrington 3-times. In the back.
  • And now Dylann Storm Roof sat in a predominately black church in Charleston, South Carolina, before opening fire and killing nine African-Americans, explaining, “You rape our women and you’re taking over our country — and you have to go.” Dylann had a history of brushes with the law, was arrested in February on drug charges in addition to being kicked out of a mall for acting “weird,” and was described by his uncle as a “loner” who stayed cooped up in his room. He was given a .45 handgun in April for his birthday. By his father.
The NRA is not solely to blame here, although they certainly believe they are 100 percent in the clear because, hey, who can possibly know what people are going to do with a fine piece of machinery designed to kill? You also have idiot parents who think weapons can be therapeutic or might make swell gifts for their oddball kids.

But the NRA, under LaPierre, has its blood-soaked hands smudging-up every attempt at passing laws that might slow down our national genocide, including recently stopping a law that would have kept guns out of the hands of domestic abusers in Louisiana.

I’ll say it again, and I’ll never stop saying it: It’s Wayne LaPierre’s world — and we’re just dying in it.

Put this on t-shirts and sell them at gun shows.



It's the gangs in cities that cause most of the bloodshed and I bet the majority are not NRA members or even have the guns legally.

I am so sick of the left pouncing on these tragedies and trying to hang them on the NRA and gun owners. It's not a gun problem, it's a problem with people's mentality. The non-NRA members are far more dangerous.

As long as we have these lunatics out there, I want to own a gun to protect myself from them. If you liberals would rather wait for police, even though you guys don't trust them, that is your business. Stay the hell away from my rights.


Yes, one. When has Barack Obama ever taken the position that citizens in America should not have the right to own guns?

He said that very thing to John Lott when Lott tried to discuss the issue when they were both at the University of Chicago..
50 million babies aborted and this genius thinks the NRA is the problem?

Off topic - reported.

you reported him....for that....what an asshole.....I used to be very polite with assholes like you on these sites....I thought that even when you assholes were rude, attacked me personally simply for having a different opinion on an issue, and would not let me post my opinions in peace...that being polite was the right thing to do.......

and I was wrong...Charles Krauthammer stated this truth at the Republican leadership convention this week.....

he stated the fact that Conservatives think leftists are basically dumb...and leftists think conservatives are basically evil......and that is why you treat us the way you do...we try to be think it is open season on us.......I gave up on that this assholes deserve no are statist thugs and your policies will lead us to really bad fuck you....moron...
It was an act of domestic terrorism by someone who belonged to the racist white supremacists movement.


It's obvious he was part of that rightwing movement. It's not like you have to be registered and card carrying.

So which group did he specifically belong to?

The Crazy Right Wing, of course.

Really, all the racist I know are lefties. Tons of them around here.

Tons huh, that's enlightening (lol).
I'll admit that closing down the mental hospitals was a really stupid move. What did we expect? We allow our truly fucked in the head to run around without any help.

that isn't the problem. it's not keeping guns away from crazies, loons, and criminals.

it's harder to get a drivers license in some places than a gun license.

but we can pretend it's about mental institutions.

Why do I need gun license anyways?

To keep guns out of the hands of violent criminals, child abuser, gangsters, paranoid schizophrenics, and others who the legislature of the State within which you reside decide should not own, possess or have in their custody or control a gun.

Then, as a responsible gun owner you can sell a gun knowing that the person you have sold the weapon to is less likely to pull off a mass murder or kill someone over an argument. It's all about Personal responsibility.

you do realize that all the mass shooters passed background checks or avoided the ones who passed background checks would also have been able to get a gun license...right? And they would still have committed the mass shooting....

Therefore the license was pointless...

And the ones who didn't pass the background checks....the columbine teenagers who couldn't legally but he weapons they used, would also by pass the licensing process as well...right...and would still have committed their mass shootings....

Again...the license would be pointless...

I have shown that gun licensing law abiding people will not keep guns out of the hands of criminals....if a criminal is caught with a gun, your violent criminal, child abuser (convicted right?) gangsters, all will be arrested if they are caught with a gun and no license is needed to do it...

The nuts....if we could trust you guys not to abuse the system you would have more support...we don't trust would turn any mental health check into a way to keep guns out of the hands of anyone who ever saw a mental health the soldier denied his gun rights because he had insomnia.....

I've pointed out several times you're not very bright, and that a parrot can contribute more to any discussion if given a cracker than you have ever done.

Guns kill people! People like you are complicit (that means morally culpable) every time an innocent human being is murdered by a gun in America. I'm an agnostic, but I hope I'm wrong and hell exists, for that is where a POS like you belongs.

See asshole...I pointed out that your statist idea to license law abiding gun owners would do nothing to stop evil people from getting guns...I showed you exactly why your idea is dumb.......anyone can read what I posted above and see how your idea is dumb........and you can't respond to it because it is right...licensing law abiding gun owners does nothing to stop criminals from getting all.....and so it is pointless, useless paperwork......and you have no response...and lash out because you were shown to be wrong and are an asshole on top of that.....

It's obvious he was part of that rightwing movement. It's not like you have to be registered and card carrying.

So which group did he specifically belong to?

The Crazy Right Wing, of course.

Really, all the racist I know are lefties. Tons of them around here.

The worst racists I know are Lefties from Marin, San Francisco, and Berkeley.


Really, name them, if you know them. Oh, and BTW, where do you live. I posted my residence, the SF Bay Area, I notice you haven't, Why?

I too know some racists, but here in the Bay Area only a fool broadcasts their hate. Not out of fear of violence, but being outed as a racist makes them as welcome as a turd in a punch bowl. Kinda of how I view you.
I'll admit that closing down the mental hospitals was a really stupid move. What did we expect? We allow our truly fucked in the head to run around without any help.

that isn't the problem. it's not keeping guns away from crazies, loons, and criminals.

it's harder to get a drivers license in some places than a gun license.

but we can pretend it's about mental institutions.

Why do I need gun license anyways?

To keep guns out of the hands of violent criminals, child abuser, gangsters, paranoid schizophrenics, and others who the legislature of the State within which you reside decide should not own, possess or have in their custody or control a gun.

Then, as a responsible gun owner you can sell a gun knowing that the person you have sold the weapon to is less likely to pull off a mass murder or kill someone over an argument. It's all about Personal responsibility.

you do realize that all the mass shooters passed background checks or avoided the ones who passed background checks would also have been able to get a gun license...right? And they would still have committed the mass shooting....

Therefore the license was pointless...

And the ones who didn't pass the background checks....the columbine teenagers who couldn't legally but he weapons they used, would also by pass the licensing process as well...right...and would still have committed their mass shootings....

Again...the license would be pointless...

I have shown that gun licensing law abiding people will not keep guns out of the hands of criminals....if a criminal is caught with a gun, your violent criminal, child abuser (convicted right?) gangsters, all will be arrested if they are caught with a gun and no license is needed to do it...

The nuts....if we could trust you guys not to abuse the system you would have more support...we don't trust would turn any mental health check into a way to keep guns out of the hands of anyone who ever saw a mental health the soldier denied his gun rights because he had insomnia.....

I've pointed out several times you're not very bright, and that a parrot can contribute more to any discussion if given a cracker than you have ever done.

Guns kill people! People like you are complicit (that means morally culpable) every time an innocent human being is murdered by a gun in America. I'm an agnostic, but I hope I'm wrong and hell exists, for that is where a POS like you belongs.
It's obvious he was part of that rightwing movement. It's not like you have to be registered and card carrying.

So which group did he specifically belong to?

The Crazy Right Wing, of course.

Really, all the racist I know are lefties. Tons of them around here.

The worst racists I know are Lefties from Marin, San Francisco, and Berkeley.


Really, name them, if you know them. Oh, and BTW, where do you live. I posted my residence, the SF Bay Area, I notice you haven't, Why?

I too know some racists, but here in the Bay Area only a fool broadcasts their hate. Not out of fear of violence, but being outed as a racist makes them as welcome as a turd in a punch bowl. Kinda of how I view you.

I notice you don't post what city you live in, you silly hag.

If you actually read for comprehension and retention, you'd recall the numerous times I've mentioned living in Oakland. I've also lived in San Francisco and Berkeley - and in the Bay Area for nearly my entire life. I've witnessed Leftwing racism quite frequently, perhaps even as practiced by you yourself.

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