KKK Holds Parade To Celebrate Trump Win

The KKK was historically the political muscle of the democrat party. It might still be used today by the dirty tricks fringe of the democrat party for political purposes.Today the KKK is home to the type of people who burn the Flag, Occupy Wall Street, advocate the assassination of Police Officers and assorted outcasts, druggies, disappointed democrats and nut cases.
Nope. It was the muscle in both parties


The GOP, the party of Lincoln, has never been influenced by the KKK. This is because the GOP has never supported state sponsored DNA discrimination, while the Democratic Party has ALWAYS supported it in one form or another.
Nope. It was the muscle in both parties


The GOP, the party of Lincoln, has never been influenced by the KKK.

Your propaganda organs count on this level of profound ignorance on your part.

It is astonishing to me how uninformed you tards are about American history.

Hooded Americanism

New York. Ohio. Maine. Missouri. Colorado. Kansas. Oklahoma.

Dominated by Klan Republicans.

The Klan dominated the Republican party across the entire nation. The Klan so infected the GOP that some Republicans wanted to start an independent party.

Kind of like those of us who are sick of Trump and his Chumps who have infected the modern GOP.

I guess I should not be surprised Trump's Chumps are so profoundly ignorant of American history. Trump depends on them forgetting shit from five minutes ago, after all. And they happily oblige.

No one disputes the Klan infected the Democratic Party, idiot. What I am PROVING is that is only HALF the picture.

Got it now, retard?
So let that be a lesson to you tards. Your propaganda outlets have lied to you. Again. Stop drinking their piss. Stop getting back in line to be lied to again and again and again.

I realize you won't listen to the truth. I know you are already back in line for a refill.

You pseudocon tards DESERVE to be lied to.
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Since the Klan infected both parties, it is not accurate to use the terms "Democrat" and "KKK" synonymously. After all, the Klan is predominantly a right wing organization, and endorsed the 2016 Republican candidate.

The correct term for the Klan is "Christian terrorists", by the very standards used by the willfully ignorant psuedocons of today.

"The Klan take-over in the Republican party..."

That is the definition of FAKE NEWS.

The KKK always hated the GOP for the Civil War. Only since the 1970s have they even begun to vote for the GOP.
The Ku Klux Klan held a special parade to celebrate the election of Donald Trump in North Carolina on Saturday.

The hate group's "parade" was originally to be held in Pelham but was moved one county over to Roxboro because of protestors.

The Burlington Times-News reports that the KKK rally had a full police escort. State troopers blocked intersections while 30 vehicles drove around the town.
What a switch.....a peaceful parade by a hate group.
As opposed to the usual murder and mayhem of the left's favorite protestors....Blacklivesmatters.
Democrats BLM just shot a firefighter last night....

Gun Control !!!!

Was the firefighter black ?
A Short History of Democrats, Republicans, and Racism
The following are a few basic historical facts that every American should know.

Fact: The Republican Party was founded primarily to oppose slavery, and Republicans eventually abolished slavery. The Democratic Party fought them and tried to maintain and expand slavery. The 13th Amendment, abolishing slavery, passed in 1865 with 100% Republican support but only 23% Democrat support in congress.

Why is this indisputable fact so rarely mentioned? PBS documentaries about slavery and the Civil War barely mention it, for example. One can certainly argue that the parties have changed in 150 years (more about that below), but that does not change the historical fact that it was the Democrats who supported slavery and the Republicans who opposed it. And that indisputable fact should not be airbrushed out for fear that it will tarnish the modern Democratic Party.

Had the positions of the parties been the opposite, and the Democrats had fought the Republicans to end slavery, the historical party roles would no doubt be repeated incessantly in these documentaries. Funny how that works.

Fact: During the Civil War era, the "Radical Republicans" were given that name because they wanted to not only end slavery but also to endow the freed slaves with full citizenship, equality, and rights.

Yes, that was indeed a radical idea at the time!

Fact: Lincoln's Vice President, Andrew Johnson, was a strongly pro-Union (but also pro-slavery) Democrat who had been chosen by Lincoln as a compromise running mate to attract Democrats. After Lincoln was assassinated, Johnson thwarted Republican efforts in Congress to recognize the civil rights of the freed slaves, and Southern Democrats continued to thwart any such efforts for close to a century.

Fact: The 14th Amendment, giving full citizenship to freed slaves, passed in 1868 with 94% Republican support and 0% Democrat support in congress. The 15th Amendment, giving freed slaves the right to vote, passed in 1870 with 100% Republican support and 0% Democrat support in congress.

Regardless of what has happened since then, shouldn't we be grateful to the Republicans for these Amendments to the Constitution? And shouldn't we remember which party stood for freedom and which party fiercely opposed it?

Fact: The Ku Klux Klan was originally and primarily an arm of the Southern Democratic Party. Its mission was to terrorize freed slaves and "ni**er-loving" (their words) Republicans who sympathized with them.

Why is this fact conveniently omitted in so many popular histories and depictions of the KKK, including PBS documentaries? Had the KKK been founded by Republicans, that fact would no doubt be repeated constantly on those shows.

A Short History of Democrats, Republicans, and Racism
A great part of the ignorance on the part of the tards is they don't know those old time racist Democrats were CONSERVATIVES. Right wing.

Conflating the modern day liberal Democrat with the old time conservative Democrat is the favorite tactic of their propaganda mills, and the willfully stupid tards gobble that shit right down.

You tards like pictures, eh? Okay.

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