Kiss Butt Obama

Curious how some can read these things!

Nixon left Nam. And you recall the Chinese.
Reagan ran from Beirut.
Bush Sr. stopped too early?
Bush invaded the wrong nation and then screwed up Afghanistan as well as much more.

And Bush's Axis of evil was about as helpful as everything else he did - while Korea built nuclear weapons.

So really who is the appeaser historically? Nixon? Reagan? Bush Sr? or Junior?

Curious that a new president in just a few months gets such enormous credit from all the wingnuts who slept and sleep through history.

Yup, it's amazing how some oversimplify events just to support their own political paradgm. BTW, how's that kindergarten dissertation on international relations coming along?
He was actually following public opinion at the time. WWI was still relatively fresh in the Brit's minds. They (the public) did not see the storm clouds on the horizen and did not want another war.

That's an interesting point. I don't suppose anyone really wants a war and no, I'm not trying to exploit the expression you used, I took your point as you meant it. I'm not sure if the Brits (govt) were thick or just ignorant at that time or if it was wilful blindness. They certainly weren't prepared for war and Germany was tooling up for years. The sad part is that so many influential Brits, in the political establishment and in particular the aristocracy (anyone got a spittoon I could use? :D) were admirers and supporters of Hitler. It's a wonder they got around to declaring war at all.

Which infuential Brits and who in the aristocracy?

Ah okay. Lord Moseley. The Mitford Sisters and their circle. The Duke of Windsor (allegedly). There are more of course but I won't list them. Suffice to say that the Nazis were admired by some very influential people.
That's an interesting point. I don't suppose anyone really wants a war and no, I'm not trying to exploit the expression you used, I took your point as you meant it. I'm not sure if the Brits (govt) were thick or just ignorant at that time or if it was wilful blindness. They certainly weren't prepared for war and Germany was tooling up for years. The sad part is that so many influential Brits, in the political establishment and in particular the aristocracy (anyone got a spittoon I could use? :D) were admirers and supporters of Hitler. It's a wonder they got around to declaring war at all.

Which infuential Brits and who in the aristocracy?

Ah okay. Lord Moseley. The Mitford Sisters and their circle. The Duke of Windsor (allegedly). There are more of course but I won't list them. Suffice to say that the Nazis were admired by some very influential people.

Nazi Sympathisers
Inside The Elite British
Establishment Revealed
Exclusive By Paul Lashmar

A list of leading Nazi sympathisers in the British establishment at the outbreak of the Second World War has at last been put on public view.

The infamous Red Book, which reveals the membership of the upper-class Right Club, was written more than 60 years ago. It offers a chilling insight into the virulence of the anti-Semitism which was rife among peers, MPs, knights of the realm and other leading society figures at that time. Those listed include the 5th Duke of Westminster, the second Baron Redesdale (the father of the Mitford sisters) and the famous aviator Lord Sempill who was later suspected of spying for the Japanese. Others named are The Earl of Galloway, Lord Carnegie, Lord Ronald Graham and William Joyce, who later achieved notoriety as Lord Haw-Haw, broadcasting propaganda from Germany .

The Right Club was set up by Captain Archibald Ramsay MP, an outspoken anti-Semite, a few months before the war in May 1939 "to oppose and expose the activities of Organised Jewry". In meetings chaired by the Duke of Wellington it sought to influence government policy to stop war with Germany.
Curious how some can read these things!

Nixon left Nam. And you recall the Chinese.
Reagan ran from Beirut.
Bush Sr. stopped too early?
Bush invaded the wrong nation and then screwed up Afghanistan as well as much more.

And Bush's Axis of evil was about as helpful as everything else he did - while Korea built nuclear weapons.

So really who is the appeaser historically? Nixon? Reagan? Bush Sr? or Junior?

Curious that a new president in just a few months gets such enormous credit from all the wingnuts who slept and sleep through history.

Nixon left Nam, actually Nixon ended the Kennedy/Johnson war in Nam
Reagan ran from Beirut, which Carter started
Bush Sr. stopped early, left for Clinton, Clinton fumbles creating the 9/11 attack
Bush invades the nation Clinton attacked, wins in Afghanistan only to turn it over to Europe under Democratic political pressure only to have Europe screw it up leaving it to Obama

Obama, so far, is losing, but Obama has some time so as long as the CNN doesnt report the lost of American lives.
as predicted his foreign policy is now run by foreigners. national security has again been turned over to the UN. just like clinton did. and Biden job is to hand out lollipops in front of grade schools. Osama is clueless what to do in afghan. except kill more kids. :cuckoo:
Maybe Obama should have followed the Bush strategy on Iran: hope and pray they don't get them. Wait, that policy was completely ineffective.

For the Sake of Silliness, I will Concede your Accusation...

What was your Solution about Iran?...



I think the Obama administration is making the smart move: Go for negotiations, which either arrives at a solution or (more likely) shows that Iran is operating in bad faith, which builds an international consensus for sanctions and, if necessary, military action.
You mean not going ahead with the missile shield proposal? Yes, that probably irked them. But alienation?

Irked the current leadership, at least. The Polish people were opposed to the missile shield.

The poll is from October 2008, which is the time the question was surveyed.

46% oppose the shield, 41% support.
47% say the shield will make Poland less safe, 40% say it will make Poland safer.
65% say that the shield will expose Poland to attack, 22% say it will not.
Irked the current leadership, at least. The Polish people were opposed to the missile shield.

The poll is from October 2008, which is the time the question was surveyed.

46% oppose the shield, 41% support.
47% say the shield will make Poland less safe, 40% say it will make Poland safer.
65% say that the shield will expose Poland to attack, 22% say it will not.
Looks like a toss up.

In August 2008, 27% in favor, 56% opposed. One month later, 41% in favor, 46% opposed with this quote, "Although the opposition still prevails, the support has grown considerably (to 41%)". A lot can happen in one year on public opinion.

Your poll likely has little to do with Polish public opinion a year later.
Except that the increase in approval was a momentary reaction to the Russian invasion of Georgia.

Turns out that if I could read Polish, I would have been able to get you something more recent.

48% say Obama's decision was good for Poland, 31% say it was not.
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Except that the increase in approval was a momentary reaction to the Russian invasion of Georgia.

Turns out that if I could read Polish, I would have been able to get you something more recent.

Brak tarczy cieszy Polaków - Rzeczpospolita

48% say Obama's decision was good for Poland, 31% say it was not.
A lot can change with respect to public opinion in an entire year. Are you arguing that it cannot?
Except that the increase in approval was a momentary reaction to the Russian invasion of Georgia.

Turns out that if I could read Polish, I would have been able to get you something more recent.

Brak tarczy cieszy Polaków - Rzeczpospolita

48% say Obama's decision was good for Poland, 31% say it was not.

A lot can change with respect to public opinion in an entire year. Are you arguing that it cannot?

The second poll is from two weeks ago. Yes, public opinion can change a lot in a year. However, it typically doesn't change at random.
Except that the increase in approval was a momentary reaction to the Russian invasion of Georgia.

Turns out that if I could read Polish, I would have been able to get you something more recent.

Brak tarczy cieszy Polaków - Rzeczpospolita

48% say Obama's decision was good for Poland, 31% say it was not.

A lot can change with respect to public opinion in an entire year. Are you arguing that it cannot?

The second poll is from two weeks ago. Yes, public opinion can change a lot in a year. However, it typically doesn't change at random.
As I can't read Polish either, that means nothing to me. And, a year old poll means nothing either.
A lot can change with respect to public opinion in an entire year. Are you arguing that it cannot?

The second poll is from two weeks ago. Yes, public opinion can change a lot in a year. However, it typically doesn't change at random.
As I can't read Polish either, that means nothing to me. And, a year old poll means nothing either.

Pop it in a translator.
The second poll is from two weeks ago. Yes, public opinion can change a lot in a year. However, it typically doesn't change at random.
As I can't read Polish either, that means nothing to me. And, a year old poll means nothing either.

Pop it in a translator.
I realize logic is foreign to you, but logically it is not my burden. Your 'point', is thus irrelevant.
Besides being the embarrassment to the nation as our head apologist and foreign butt kisser I think we can almost guarantee Obama will be a complete failure on foreign policy.

Give up the European missile shield just so he can kiss Putins butt and maybe get some help with wimpy sanctions on Iran.

You can mark these words, Iran will have nuclear weapons by the end of Obama's !st term, No Balls Obama hasn't got the nerve to stop it.

North Korea will certainly enlarge their nuclear stockpile, Obama will probably offer to help because America did something wrong.

Finally on Afghanistan, Obama delays making a decision, WHAT !!!!! we have soldiers putting their lives on the line over there and this gutless wonder can't make a decision?

I wonder, is Obama our first kiss butt, pacifist President?

I thought you were boycotting Obama. :eusa_whistle:
Pop it in a translator.
I realize logic is foreign to you, but logically it is not my burden. Your 'point', is thus irrelevant.

You've already been provided the numbers. That you're too lazy to read them isn't really my issue.
Logic escapes you - you typed numbers. Support your claims and until you do, they stand as bullshit, thus irrelevant. Your resistance to integrity and laziness is fully on you.
Brak tarczy cieszy Polaków
Piotr Gociek , Wojciech Wybranowski 18-09-2009, ostatnia aktualizacja 19-09-2009 12:43
48 proc. badanych jest zadowolonych, że tarcza nie powstanie. 40 proc. sądzi, że to triumf Rosji nad USA

źródło: Rzeczpospolita
Według 23 proc. badanych decyzja USA o rezygnacji z tarczy w Polsce to lekceważenie sojusznika. Sondaż telefoniczny GfK Polonia dla „Rz” przeprowadzono 18 września na próbie 500 osób
+zobacz więcejRosja: porzucenie tarczy to za mało
Gillert: Triumf rosyjskiej szkoły dyplomacji
Minister, który porzucił watahę
Teraz piłka jest po stronie Rosjan
Z sondażu GfK Polonia dla „Rz” wynika, że choć Polacy są podzieleni w sprawie tarczy, to jej przeciwnicy mają znaczną przewagę. Rezygnację USA z budowy elementów systemu antyrakietowego w naszym kraju dobrze ocenia 48 proc. badanych.

31 proc. uważa tę decyzję za złą.

Aż 58 proc. ankietowanych sądzi, że brak amerykańskiej tarczy nie wpłynie na stopień bezpieczeństwa Polski.

– Zaskakuje mnie mądrość tych odpowiedzi. Z punktu widzenia bezpieczeństwa decyzja o instalacji tarczy antyrakietowej w Polsce rzeczywiście była bez znaczenia – mówi „Rz” Jarosław Gowin, poseł PO. – Była natomiast potwierdzeniem naszego ścisłego sojuszu z USA.

– Dziwi mnie, że większość respondentów uważa, że nasze bezpieczeństwo się nie zmniejszyło, a zarazem podkreśla, że to ustępstwo Amerykanów wobec Rosji – komentuje Joachim Brudziński, szef Zarządu Głównego PiS. – Przecież Rosja nie jest dziś gwarantem ładu i bezpieczeństwa światowego.

Z sondażu wynika, że choć Polacy są zadowoleni z decyzji prezydenta Obamy o rezygnacji z tarczy, to jednocześnie surowo oceniają inne jej aspekty. Zdaniem 40 proc. badanych było to ustępstwo USA wobec Rosji, a 23 proc. – wyraz lekceważenia wypróbowanego sojusznika, jakim jest Polska.

– To bardzo realistyczna ocena – twierdzi dr Artur Wołek, politolog z Wyższej Szkoły Biznesu w Nowym Sączu. I zauważa: – Większość ludzi młodych bagatelizuje sprawę. Dla nich zimna wojna to czasy już tak odległe jak Bolesław Chrobry.

Triumfuje lewica, która od początku protestowała przeciw tarczy w Polsce. – Okazuje się, że Polacy są mądrzejsi niż premier, rząd czy prezydent – cieszy się Wojciech Olejniczak, europoseł SLD. A prof. Kazimierz Kik, politolog, który kandydował do europarlamentu z list Centrolewicy, dodaje: – Już wcześniejsze badania pokazywały, że większość Polaków nie chce tarczy.

– Strzeż nas Panie Boże przed premierem, który w takich sprawach kieruje się badaniami opinii publicznej – ripostuje Joachim Brudziński (PiS). – Polityka bezpieczeństwa zawsze wiąże się z pewnymi wyrzeczeniami, również utratą części popularności, i mąż stanu powinien brać to pod uwagę.

– Dostaliśmy od Amerykanów policzek – przyznaje poseł PSL Eugeniusz Kłopotek. – Ale wyborcy z mojego okręgu, czyli Koszalina, się cieszą.

– Respondenci wskazali, że zacieśnianie przez Stany Zjednoczone współpracy z Rosją powinno nas niepokoić – zauważa Jarosław Gowin. – Oznacza to bowiem, że jako strategiczny partner dla amerykańskiej administracji Baracka Obamy spadliśmy do trzeciej ligi.

Premier Donald Tusk, któremu opozycja zarzucała, że opóźniał powrót z Brukseli, by nie tłumaczyć się z fiaska rozmów z USA, zapowiedział współpracę z prezydentem Lechem Kaczyńskim w sprawach bezpieczeństwa Polski.
(your link)
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I typed the numbers because you can't read Polish. I provided a link to the source though and in doing so supported my statement.

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