Kim Jong-un Is Cracking Me Up


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
The world's youngest head of state just issued a new round of threats this morning. :lol:

Hey, you ever notice how everyone on the highway slows down when they see a police car has someone pulled over for a traffic violation? How stupid is that? The cop is busy! It's a get out of jail free card for speeding.

Kim is 29 or 30 years old. How fucked up is that we don't even know which YEAR he was born? That says a lot about the DPRK all by itself, no?

He's a punk. He's a spoiled brat party boy who had the leadership of the most fucked up country on Earth gifted to him by his fat, self-aggrandizing dad. His dad claimed he had hit eleven holes in one the very first time he played 18 holes of golf! :lol:

This is what we are dealing with, okay? A punk who has to fill daddy's shoes. So how is he going to do that?

He's going to speed by the cop who already has his hands full from pulling over Iran, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

He's showing off to the kids in the back seat. Look at me! I'm not afraid of the pigs!

This is all show. These threats toward us are for internal consumption. This is a fat little spoiled fuck trying to get some street cred around Pyongyang.

So sit back. Relax. Enjoy the show. The kid is AWESOME for invoking belly laughs. :lol:
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Sorry, just can't seem to get tickled about this one. He a stupid kid that has too many resources of war at his finger tips. I'll keep watching, but I doubt there will be many laughs.
I dunno. W clearly screwed the pooch by wasting the military on Iraq, which AT THE TIME he invaded, posed no risk as Blix and El Baradi were pretty much investigating anything they wanted to investigate.

However, this guy is cash starved, and there are customers for military hardware. Is he crazy enough to level Seoul ... probably not, because the result would be him losing power and probably life. But, is China prepared to not allow him to sell wepaons to "evil doers?"
North Korea is so cash-strapped, it actually tried to settle some of its international debts with ginseng.

Come on! Don't tell me that isn't funny!

I bet they don't have enough gas money to drive ten feet into South Korea. I bet all these demonstrations and tough guys shows are tripling their national debt. :lol:
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On top of all that in the OP, he is a mouth-breathing, dung-headed nerd and likely the least educated leader of a nuclear capable nation. He is amusing, but a bit concerning due to his finger having access to the buttons to start atomic warfare.

Yowza. Bring it, baby.
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If he does the worst he can do - we might get cut, but we won't bleed to death. I'm not gonna wring my hands and fret over this pu.nk.

He is a walking absurdity ...
he has earned our laughter
The world's youngest head of state just issued a new round of threats this morning. :lol:

Hey, you ever notice how everyone on the highway slows down when they see a police car has someone pulled over for a traffic violation? How stupid is that? The cop is busy! It's a get out of jail free card for speeding.

Kim is 29 or 30 years old. How fucked up is that we don't even know which YEAR he was born? That says a lot about the DPRK all by itself, no?

He's a punk. He's a spoiled brat party boy who had the leadership of the most fucked up country on Earth gifted to him by his fat, self-aggrandizing dad. His dad claimed he had hit eleven holes in one the very first time he played 18 holes of golf! :lol:

This is what we are dealing with, okay? A punk who has to fill daddy's shoes. So how is he going to do that?

He's going to speed by the cop who already has his hands full from pulling over Iran, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

He's showing off to the kids in the back seat. Look at me! I'm not afraid of the pigs!

This is all show. These threats toward us are for internal consumption. This is a fat little spoiled fuck trying to get some street cred around Pyongyang.

So sit back. Relax. Enjoy the show. The kid is AWESOME for invoking belly laughs. :lol:

All you got to do is look at motherfucker's hair to know he's fucked! Bomb? Retarded looking fag probably couldn't light off a cheery bomb without blowing off half of his face. Probably what happened to his hair...............

don't worry, we'll bail him out because thats all this is about.

His next move might be to have a live fire artillery exercise ( the 'live" being the poor bastards underneath it) on the same island dear old dad pummeled a few years ago.

then he'll make nice, promise to stop, and promise some other inane shit and china will ask us to talk again about it and we'll give him some free shit.

rinse, repeat.
The world's youngest head of state just issued a new round of threats this morning. :lol:

Hey, you ever notice how everyone on the highway slows down when they see a police car has someone pulled over for a traffic violation? How stupid is that? The cop is busy! It's a get out of jail free card for speeding.

Kim is 29 or 30 years old. How fucked up is that we don't even know which YEAR he was born? That says a lot about the DPRK all by itself, no?

He's a punk. He's a spoiled brat party boy who had the leadership of the most fucked up country on Earth gifted to him by his fat, self-aggrandizing dad. His dad claimed he had hit eleven holes in one the very first time he played 18 holes of golf! :lol:

This is what we are dealing with, okay? A punk who has to fill daddy's shoes. So how is he going to do that?

He's going to speed by the cop who already has his hands full from pulling over Iran, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

He's showing off to the kids in the back seat. Look at me! I'm not afraid of the pigs!

This is all show. These threats toward us are for internal consumption. This is a fat little spoiled fuck trying to get some street cred around Pyongyang.

So sit back. Relax. Enjoy the show. The kid is AWESOME for invoking belly laughs. :lol:

yup this turd ball, if he is not careful like his dad was, will get shock and awe by Obama. as much as I dont like Obama he will do the right thing and put the punk in his place
The world's youngest head of state just issued a new round of threats this morning. :lol:

Hey, you ever notice how everyone on the highway slows down when they see a police car has someone pulled over for a traffic violation? How stupid is that? The cop is busy! It's a get out of jail free card for speeding.

Kim is 29 or 30 years old. How fucked up is that we don't even know which YEAR he was born? That says a lot about the DPRK all by itself, no?

He's a punk. He's a spoiled brat party boy who had the leadership of the most fucked up country on Earth gifted to him by his fat, self-aggrandizing dad. His dad claimed he had hit eleven holes in one the very first time he played 18 holes of golf! :lol:

This is what we are dealing with, okay? A punk who has to fill daddy's shoes. So how is he going to do that?

He's going to speed by the cop who already has his hands full from pulling over Iran, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

He's showing off to the kids in the back seat. Look at me! I'm not afraid of the pigs!

This is all show. These threats toward us are for internal consumption. This is a fat little spoiled fuck trying to get some street cred around Pyongyang.

So sit back. Relax. Enjoy the show. The kid is AWESOME for invoking belly laughs. :lol:
How do you know for sure he is the one calling the shots in North Korea? He might well be but I would not be surprised if he is just a figure head and some military hard ass behind the scenes is the one pulling the strings.
Granny says, "Dat's right - lil' Kim just a yappy lil' fella...
N. Korean threat may be more bark than bite
March 29, 2013 -- Across North Korea, soldiers are gearing up for battle and shrouding their jeeps and vans with camouflage netting. Newly painted signboards and posters call for "death to the U.S. imperialists" and urge the people to fight with "arms, not words."
But even as North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is issuing midnight battle cries to his generals to ready their rockets, he and his million-man army know full well that a successful missile strike on U.S. targets would be suicide for the outnumbered, out-powered North Korean regime. Despite the hastening drumbeat of warfare, none of the key players in the region wants or expects another Korean War - not even the North Koreans. But by seemingly bringing the region to the very brink of conflict with threats and provocations, Pyongyang is aiming to draw attention to the tenuousness of the armistice designed to maintain peace on the Korean Peninsula, a truce North Korea recently announced it would no longer honor as it warned that war could break out at any time.

It's all part of a plan to force Washington to the negotiating table, pressure the new president in Seoul to change policy on North Korea, and build unity at home - without triggering a full-blown war if all goes well. In July, it will be 60 years since North Korea and China signed an armistice with the U.S. and the United Nations to bring an end to three years of fighting that cost millions of lives. The designated Demilitarized Zone has evolved into the most heavily guarded border in the world. It was never intended to be a permanent border. But six decades later, North and South remain divided, with Pyongyang feeling abandoned by the South Koreans in the quest for reunification and threatened by the Americans.

In that time, South Korea has blossomed from a poor, agrarian nation of peasants into the world's 15th largest economy while North Korea is struggling to find a way out of a Cold War chasm that has left it with a per capita income on par with sub-Saharan Africa. The Chinese troops who fought alongside the North Koreans have long since left. But 28,500 American troops are still stationed in South Korea and 50,000 more are in nearby Japan. For weeks, the U.S. and South Korea have been showing off their military might with a series of joint exercises that Pyongyang sees a rehearsal for invasion.

On Thursday, the U.S. military confirmed that those drills included two nuclear-capable B-2 stealth bombers that can unload the U.S. Air Force's largest conventional bomb - a 30,000-pound super bunker buster - powerful enough to destroy North Korea's web of underground military tunnels. It was a flexing of military muscle by Washington, perhaps aimed not only at Pyongyang but at Beijing as well. In Pyongyang, Kim Jong Un reacted swiftly, calling an emergency meeting of army generals and ordering them to be prepared to strike if the U.S. actions continue. A photo distributed by North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency showed Kim in a military operations room with maps detailing a "strike plan" behind him in a very public show of supposedly sensitive military strategy.

The world's youngest head of state just issued a new round of threats this morning. :lol:

Hey, you ever notice how everyone on the highway slows down when they see a police car has someone pulled over for a traffic violation? How stupid is that? The cop is busy! It's a get out of jail free card for speeding.

Kim is 29 or 30 years old. How fucked up is that we don't even know which YEAR he was born? That says a lot about the DPRK all by itself, no?

He's a punk. He's a spoiled brat party boy who had the leadership of the most fucked up country on Earth gifted to him by his fat, self-aggrandizing dad. His dad claimed he had hit eleven holes in one the very first time he played 18 holes of golf! :lol:

This is what we are dealing with, okay? A punk who has to fill daddy's shoes. So how is he going to do that?

He's going to speed by the cop who already has his hands full from pulling over Iran, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

He's showing off to the kids in the back seat. Look at me! I'm not afraid of the pigs!

This is all show. These threats toward us are for internal consumption. This is a fat little spoiled fuck trying to get some street cred around Pyongyang.

So sit back. Relax. Enjoy the show. The kid is AWESOME for invoking belly laughs. :lol:

Well, I certainly hope you are correct. But if he is a meglomaniacal punk, then things might get interesting. After all, look at the number of people we have in this nation that are incapable of comprehending reality.

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