Kim Davis inspires NC mayoral candidate to jail gays: ‘What’s wrong with eradicating homosexuals?’

Jailing all gays? This is the Right Wingers reaction

I presume Holmes' first name isn't Sherlock?

If you want to eradicate sodomy you really shouldn't put all the gays in jail next to each other, hasn't he ever watched a movie that involves prisons?

Maybe he should just run for county clerk instead, marry a few times and sue the evil gays for violating his religious freedom.


You may have presumed wrong. LOL.
Here is the link to the actual video of what the 78 year-old confederate flag lovin' kook said:

Mayoral candidate vows to

And here are some fine screenshots:

2016-09-020 Eugene Holmes running for mayor in NC lol.png

There we see "Sherlock" proudly waving his Con-Federate flag, because, well, Jeebus.

And here:

2016-09-020 Eugene Holmes running for mayor in NC lol 002.png

These are the ads that "Sherlock" has taken out in the local newspapers.

Ahhh, Democracy is a wonderful thing...

2016-09-020 Eugene Holmes running for mayor in NC lol 003.png

The really exciting moment at the video is at 1:08!!!


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