Killers of Natan Zada get only 2 years behind bars

Someone had to stop the murdering Jewish terrorist, the Zionazi government refused to protect the people from him.

Are you intentionally saying things without checking first?:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Natan Zada was caught and cuffed by Israeli cops after he killed those people.

What the mob did, those bloodthirsty beasts, was to tear him from the cops hands and then torturing him to death.

which is not any different from his action of terrorism.

All involved, him, and those who killed him, are terrorists.

They should sit 20 years in jail, not only 2~!

I believe it was you who said "terrorists should be shot on sight" or something like that. I'm sure it was.

Is your objection that the cops didn't shoot him?

Correct me if I am wrong, but weren't the families of those shot dead by Natan-Zada denied the normal compensation awarded to Israeli terror victims because Natan-Zada was not a member of any terrorist organization according to the Israeli Defense Ministry, which only considers it an act of terrorism if the attacker is a member of an enemy force against Israel.


Now, let is discuss the practice of law and the dispensation of justice...unless of course you would rather accuse me of being someone else or call me names and insult me, which seems to be the most popular form of argument in these parts.

I don't know about that case, but the law regarding terror victims at many times isn't fair. For Jews and for Arabs.

But what is the point of pointing that out? I don't understand.
Someone had to stop the murdering Jewish terrorist, the Zionazi government refused to protect the people from him.

Are you intentionally saying things without checking first?:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Natan Zada was caught and cuffed by Israeli cops after he killed those people.

What the mob did, those bloodthirsty beasts, was to tear him from the cops hands and then torturing him to death.

which is not any different from his action of terrorism.

All involved, him, and those who killed him, are terrorists.

They should sit 20 years in jail, not only 2~!

That is just the Zionist version of the story.

Is there a Palestinian one?

I'll just sit here, Sherri, and wait for you to make one up:cool:
The only terrorist here I read of is a scumbag Jewish Israeli who opened fire in Israel on a bus in an Arab area killing 4 innocent Arab Israelis.

I read he was a member of the Kach terrorist group.

I also read he was AWOL from the Israeli army.

Jewish extremist kills 4 in bus shooting

Ma'an - "Haaretz reports that four people were killed Thursday afternoon after a Jewish Israeli gunman opened fire on a bus in the Israeli Arab town of Shfaram. The shooter, identified as Eden Natan-Zada, 19, had recently joined the extremist and outlawed religious-nationalist Kach movement and had been listed AWOL from his military unit."

According to the article, Haaretz reports an angry mob attacked the gunman following the shooting, killing him.

Jewish extremist kills 4 in bus shooting | Maan News Agency
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Are you intentionally saying things without checking first?:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Natan Zada was caught and cuffed by Israeli cops after he killed those people.

What the mob did, those bloodthirsty beasts, was to tear him from the cops hands and then torturing him to death.

which is not any different from his action of terrorism.

All involved, him, and those who killed him, are terrorists.

They should sit 20 years in jail, not only 2~!

I believe it was you who said "terrorists should be shot on sight" or something like that. I'm sure it was.

Is your objection that the cops didn't shoot him?

Correct me if I am wrong, but weren't the families of those shot dead by Natan-Zada denied the normal compensation awarded to Israeli terror victims because Natan-Zada was not a member of any terrorist organization according to the Israeli Defense Ministry, which only considers it an act of terrorism if the attacker is a member of an enemy force against Israel.


Now, let is discuss the practice of law and the dispensation of justice...unless of course you would rather accuse me of being someone else or call me names and insult me, which seems to be the most popular form of argument in these parts.

I don't know about that case, but the law regarding terror victims at many times isn't fair. For Jews and for Arabs.

But what is the point of pointing that out? I don't understand.

Your first words of commentary regarding this incident, or more particularly the trial, were "Awful discrimination!"

Perhaps if you do not know about the particulars about this incident, which are very pertinent to the trial and verdict, I am sure. You should read about them.

The whole thing is a tragedy and I feel bad for all involved, even Eden Natan-Zada, who looked like a fine and gentle young man, a teenager. I think, though, that this whole incident is a pretty accurate microcosm of Israeli society and the distrust and animosity people have towards each other, and like it or not, you are a part of that. It didn't have to happen as much as it was inevitable that it would happen.

Terrorist organizations? He did spend a lot of time prior to the shooting at Kfar Tapuach. No. No red flags there, huh?
The only terrorist here I read of is a scumbag Jewish Israeli who opened fire in Israel on a bus in an Arab area killing 4 innocent Arab Israelis.

I read he was a member of the Kach terrorist group.

I also read he was AWOL from the Israeli army.

Jewish extremist kills 4 in bus shooting

Ma'an - "Haaretz reports that four people were killed Thursday afternoon after a Jewish Israeli gunman opened fire on a bus in the Israeli Arab town of Shfaram. The shooter, identified as Eden Natan-Zada, 19, had recently joined the extremist and outlawed religious-nationalist Kach movement and had been listed AWOL from his military unit."

According to the article, Haaretz reports an angry mob attacked the gunman following the shooting, killing him.

Jewish extremist kills 4 in bus shooting | Maan News Agency

He was little more than a child, and I am not excusing him but I am not going to demonize him either. The blame belongs elsewhere. His poor mother practically begged for the IDF and the authorities for help and warned them.
The only terrorist here I read of is a scumbag Jewish Israeli who opened fire in Israel on a bus in an Arab area killing 4 innocent Arab Israelis.

I read he was a member of the Kach terrorist group.

I also read he was AWOL from the Israeli army.

Jewish extremist kills 4 in bus shooting

Ma'an - "Haaretz reports that four people were killed Thursday afternoon after a Jewish Israeli gunman opened fire on a bus in the Israeli Arab town of Shfaram. The shooter, identified as Eden Natan-Zada, 19, had recently joined the extremist and outlawed religious-nationalist Kach movement and had been listed AWOL from his military unit."

According to the article, Haaretz reports an angry mob attacked the gunman following the shooting, killing him.

Jewish extremist kills 4 in bus shooting | Maan News Agency

The Muslim scumbags who are busy murdering innocent people all over the Muslim world in the name of their religion are angels to Mrs. Sherri. The more innocent people they kill, the happier she is. She doesn't want to show how ecstatic she is when her friendly scumbags murder others so she never bothers to report on what they have done. So much is actually going on in the Middle East when it comes to what Mrs. Sherri's scumbag friends are doing, but remember that mum's the word. I wonder if it is possible for Mrs. Sherri to tell us why so many converts to Islam become terrorists. There have been many aricles regarding this, but maybe Mrs. Sherri had her own ideas as to why this is so.
Someone had to stop the murdering Jewish terrorist, the Zionazi government refused to protect the people from him.

When a poster grossly misrepresents the facts as in the words above, it becomes impossible to believe their claims of 'pacifism' and 'not hating anybody'. And of course such a person can have no credibility except among like-deluded bigots.
Someone had to stop the murdering Jewish terrorist, the Zionazi government refused to protect the people from him.

When a poster grossly misrepresents the facts as in the words above, it becomes impossible to believe their claims of 'pacifism' and 'not hating anybody'. And of course such a person can have no credibility except among like-deluded bigots.

Everyone knows that Sherri has no credibility in any of her posts. Even her pro - Palestinian friends here have abandoned her. She makes Palestinians supporters look bad with her lies and distortion of history.
Someone had to stop the murdering Jewish terrorist, the Zionazi government refused to protect the people from him.

When a poster grossly misrepresents the facts as in the words above, it becomes impossible to believe their claims of 'pacifism' and 'not hating anybody'. And of course such a person can have no credibility except among like-deluded bigots.

Everyone knows that Sherri has no credibility in any of her posts. Even her pro - Palestinian friends here have abandoned her. She makes Palestinians supporters look bad with her lies and distortion of history.

True, and very sad. The majority of Palestinians are simply people like other people all over the world, and deserve better than to be 'represented' by such hate-filled rhetoric as the sherrithing is forever spouting.
Someone had to stop the murdering Jewish terrorist, the Zionazi government refused to protect the people from him.

When a poster grossly misrepresents the facts as in the words above, it becomes impossible to believe their claims of 'pacifism' and 'not hating anybody'. And of course such a person can have no credibility except among like-deluded bigots.

Everyone knows that Sherri has no credibility in any of her posts. Even her pro - Palestinian friends here have abandoned her. She makes Palestinians supporters look bad with her lies and distortion of history.

I read somewhere that "When posters make such impossible claims about another poster's emotions or beliefs, they are undercutting their own credibility."

Perhaps you should take heed, or perhaps you are to eager for the crucifixion instead....well, not that you had much credibility to begin with.
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Everyone knows that Sherri has no credibility in any of her posts. Even her pro - Palestinian friends here have abandoned her. She makes Palestinians supporters look bad with her lies and distortion of history.

Sherri is a true ambassador of the Christian faith and a genuine follower of Jesus. ... :thup:

While I haven't been here that long and while I do not agree with everything she says, I certainly haven't abandoned her and I don't think she makes pro-justice supporters look bad.

Toastman, perhaps you should clean up your own house before you worry about others. So far, the only Zionist posters I have read that have said anything of any repute at all are MHunterB, Lipush, and Bloodrock. The rest of you just spew invective, and not even witty invective, just your garden variety gutter talk.

Someone had to stop the murdering Jewish terrorist, the Zionazi government refused to protect the people from him.

Say, Mrs. Sherri, can you tell us how the Muslim governments protect the people in their countries from the murdering Muslim Nazi-like terrorists. After all, your friends are so busy car and suicide bombing on a constant basis, and many innocent people, mainly other Muslims, are being taken out. Doesn't this bother you at all? Gosh, your friends even beheaded some Italian workers in Iraq recently. Perhaps their heads should be sent to you as souvenirs so you could admire their handiwork each day..

LOL...Now I understand why Sherri calls you "Hossfly" and v.v.

And I can certainly see why you have taken a new screen name. Why not amuse us and start becoming different characters as you have done before? Naturally both you and Mrs. Sherri have no problrem on a Middle East forum overlooking all the innocent people being killed. If these people are Sunni, Shia, Christians, Bahai's, you two could care less. You are only here to bash the Jews and Israel, the same way as you have before.
Everyone knows that Sherri has no credibility in any of her posts. Even her pro - Palestinian friends here have abandoned her. She makes Palestinians supporters look bad with her lies and distortion of history.

Sherri is a true ambassador of the Christian faith and a genuine follower of Jesus. ... :thup:

While I haven't been here that long and while I do not agree with everything she says, I certainly haven't abandoned her and I don't think she makes pro-justice supporters look bad.

Toastman, perhaps you should clean up your own house before you worry about others. So far, the only Zionist posters I have read that have said anything of any repute at all are MHunterB, Lipush, and Bloodrock. The rest of you just spew invective, and not even witty invective, just your garden variety gutter talk.


Seal, this is like your fourth fuckin account. We all know it's you, for fucks sake lol !

Do you really have that much free time on your hand that you can make a new account every time your previous one gets banned lol.

Get a life Seal, I mean really.
As for someone new around here, you sure are in a hurry to judge who's right and who's wrong...

I am not judging who is right or wrong. I am observing the general demeanor of some posters. it really isn't that difficult as many of them say the same thing over and over. Roudy and Toastman are excellent eamples.

They are funny. I read your thread and wished Toastman a "Happy Chanukah" and that proved to then I was an imposter because I knew Toastman was Jewish. And of course I am an "anti-Semite" no matter what I do.

Also, I am new here but I am not knew to the situation. I think, perhaps, many of you are a tad bit afraid of me because I am not an anti-Semite but merely anti-Zionism, certainly as it is being practiced.
As for someone new around here, you sure are in a hurry to judge who's right and who's wrong...

It's Seal, again ! He keeps creating new accounts. I guess he is changing his I.P or whatever so he wont get banned, but his MAC Address has always been the same (ya, I'm a nerd with computers ;) )

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