Killer Beto won't support law to protect babies that survive abortion


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
KILLER: Beto won't support law to protect babies that survive abortion - The American Mirror
Democrat presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke told crowd in New Hampshire Wednesday that he believes a woman’s so-called “reproductive rights” are more important than a baby’s life, even if the child survives a botched abortion.

Leftist love putting satanic cults love taking out the defenseless and voiceless it's what cowards do best.
#infowars thanks for making this information possible. When the leftist can't stand truth they ban it or censor it. Fear of others waking up is their biggest threat.
O'Rourke is on record supporting the State's right to commit infanticide. Let everyone judge him according to his own statements. I don't think he should be in charge of a stolen supermarket
cart filled with empty beer cans.
KILLER: Beto won't support law to protect babies that survive abortion - The American Mirror
Democrat presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke told crowd in New Hampshire Wednesday that he believes a woman’s so-called “reproductive rights” are more important than a baby’s life, even if the child survives a botched abortion.

Leftist love putting satanic cults love taking out the defenseless and voiceless it's what cowards do best.
#infowars thanks for making this information possible. When the leftist can't stand truth they ban it or censor it. Fear of others waking up is their biggest threat.
This is the problem with your kind. Instead of trying to prove a point by linking to some actual facts, you link to a propaganda site.
When you do that it means you’ve lost. You don’t even believe your own BS.
This is the problem with your kind. Instead of trying to prove a point by linking to some actual facts, you link to a propaganda site.
When you do that it means you’ve lost. You don’t even believe your own BS.
Point out the misstatement of actual facts put out by this propaganda site.

That should be easy for a sharp guy like you. Failing that maybe you should just go away.
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KILLER: Beto won't support law to protect babies that survive abortion - The American Mirror
Democrat presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke told crowd in New Hampshire Wednesday that he believes a woman’s so-called “reproductive rights” are more important than a baby’s life, even if the child survives a botched abortion.

Leftist love putting satanic cults love taking out the defenseless and voiceless it's what cowards do best.
#infowars thanks for making this information possible. When the leftist can't stand truth they ban it or censor it. Fear of others waking up is their biggest threat.
This is the problem with your kind. Instead of trying to prove a point by linking to some actual facts, you link to a propaganda site.
When you do that it means you’ve lost. You don’t even believe your own BS.

Your kind lmfao.
This is the problem with your kind. Instead of trying to prove a point by linking to some actual facts, you link to a propaganda site.
When you do that it means you’ve lost. You don’t even believe your own BS.
Point out the misstatement of actual facts put out by this propaganda site.

That should be easy for a sharp guy like you. Failing that maybe you should just go away.
Here's a FACT for you,


A federal law was passed in 2002 under the Bush 2 administration making it illegal to kill any baby born alive, after an abortion.

Your right wing politicians are trying to fool all of you, to get you riled to come out and vote... after all, we are in election season again... :rolleyes:

The Born Alive Act 2002

H.R.2175 - 107th Congress (2001-2002): Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of 2002
KILLER: Beto won't support law to protect babies that survive abortion - The American Mirror
Democrat presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke told crowd in New Hampshire Wednesday that he believes a woman’s so-called “reproductive rights” are more important than a baby’s life, even if the child survives a botched abortion.

Leftist love putting satanic cults love taking out the defenseless and voiceless it's what cowards do best.
#infowars thanks for making this information possible. When the leftist can't stand truth they ban it or censor it. Fear of others waking up is their biggest threat.

One more effort by our resident agent provocateur to assassinate the character of another Democrat. This shameless poster whose claim to morality is tarnished by his constant attacks on others violates the meaning of at least on of the 10 commandments, that being one should not lie.

Consider every thread he(?) has posted attacks Democrats and their candidates using lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos, and singular out of the mainstream sources to, “... bear false witness against thy neighbor.”!
Here's a FACT for you,


A federal law was passed in 2002 under the Bush 2 administration making it illegal to kill any baby born alive, after an abortion.

Your right wing politicians are trying to fool all of you, to get you riled to come out and vote... after all, we are in election season again... :rolleyes:

The Born Alive Act 2002
Why is New York saying otherwise then? And why does O'Rourke not know this?
Here's a FACT for you,


A federal law was passed in 2002 under the Bush 2 administration making it illegal to kill any baby born alive, after an abortion.

Your right wing politicians are trying to fool all of you, to get you riled to come out and vote... after all, we are in election season again... :rolleyes:

The Born Alive Act 2002
Why is New York saying otherwise then?
I do not understand what you are trying to say?

Are you trying to imply that it is LEGAL to kill a baby that is born alive?

Show the actual legislation and bill, where NY is going against the Federal Law ALREADY in place. Your right wing fake news is probably lying to you again, and giving you some distorted opinion?
This is the problem with your kind. Instead of trying to prove a point by linking to some actual facts, you link to a propaganda site.
When you do that it means you’ve lost. You don’t even believe your own BS.
Point out the misstatement of actual facts put out by this propaganda site.

That should be easy for a sharp guy like you. Failing that maybe you should just go away.
Here's a FACT for you,


A federal law was passed in 2002 under the Bush 2 administration making it illegal to kill any baby born alive, after an abortion.

Your right wing politicians are trying to fool all of you, to get you riled to come out and vote... after all, we are in election season again... :rolleyes:

The Born Alive Act 2002

H.R.2175 - 107th Congress (2001-2002): Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of 2002

Yeah, but the fake Mexican position is not being misrepresented. He is in favor of killing babies outside of the womb
Here's a FACT for you,


A federal law was passed in 2002 under the Bush 2 administration making it illegal to kill any baby born alive, after an abortion.

Your right wing politicians are trying to fool all of you, to get you riled to come out and vote... after all, we are in election season again... :rolleyes:

The Born Alive Act 2002
Why is New York saying otherwise then? And why does O'Rourke not know this?

Why don't you? Maybe instead of passing on rumors or lies or innuendos you might try to fact check anything and every thing you might want to comment upon (when it suits your bias).

Fact check the MSM, and especially Fox News and it's contributors (link below to why Fox especially),

and you will discovery the MSM may have a bias but rarely if ever try to mislead the public by rewriting history.
I do not understand what you are trying to say?

Are you trying to imply that it is LEGAL to kill a baby that is born alive?

Show the actual legislation and bill, where NY is going against the Federal Law ALREADY in place. Your right wing fake news is probably lying to you again, and giving you some distorted opinion?
NY governor Andrew Cuomo signed a bill into law that lifts a restriction on abortion after 24 weeks of pregnancy.
Under their new law a child can be aborted for any reason (as long as the mother's "well being and health", which could be rationalized in almost any way, is considered) up until the moment of actual birth. That is infanticide...the killing of infants.

I am sure you love and believe Snopes. Even they cannot deny what the new law says. FACT CHECK: Did New York Pass a Bill Legalizing Abortions Up to Birth?
Why don't you? Maybe instead of passing on rumors or lies or innuendos you might try to fact check anything and every thing you might want to comment upon (when it suits your bias).
Is this supposed to mean something? It isn't at all clear.
I do not understand what you are trying to say?

Are you trying to imply that it is LEGAL to kill a baby that is born alive?

Show the actual legislation and bill, where NY is going against the Federal Law ALREADY in place. Your right wing fake news is probably lying to you again, and giving you some distorted opinion?
NY governor Andrew Cuomo signed a bill into law that lifts a restriction on abortion after 24 weeks of pregnancy.
Under their new law a child can be aborted for any reason (as long as the mother's "well being and health", which could be rationalized in almost any way, is considered) up until the moment of actual birth. That is infanticide...the killing of infants.

I am sure you love and believe Snopes. Even they cannot deny what the new law says. FACT CHECK: Did New York Pass a Bill Legalizing Abortions Up to Birth?
Thank you,

BUT this has nothing to do with Beto's support or non support for this Born Alive Act of 2019, which is what this thread is suppose to be about....?
Thank you,

BUT this has nothing to do with Beto's support or non support for this Born Alive Act of 2019, which is what this thread is suppose to be about....?
The thread is explicitly about O'Rourke's comments made in New Hampshire regarding his views on what is to be done with children that happen to survive an attempted abortion.

Maybe you could actually point out the part where he assures the audience of Beto fans that he supports the rights of that child to the life he or she clings on to. I didn't see any such remark. Maybe I missed it.

Or maybe it was never made.
O'Rourke is on record supporting the State's right to commit infanticide. Let everyone judge him according to his own statements. I don't think he should be in charge of a stolen supermarket
cart filled with empty beer cans.
Dems will judge him to be a very good candidate for the Socialist Party
Dems will judge him to be a very good candidate for the Socialist Party
If you have seen recent reports about Beto eating dirt or saving his child's turd in a bowl, presumably because he said it looked like an avocado (no report on it's consumption or not) he does seem to be a very good Socialist Party candidate although he is running as a Democrat, i.e. he doesn't seem to have a firm grasp on sanity.

Aside from the party branding there doesn't seem to be much difference for the new crop of presidential candidates on the left. A forty or fifty year campaign of denial about their socialism finally has crumbled and for the new breed democrat socialists they seem happy and relieved to finally be honest about something...their socialist ways.
Those babies are terribly sick and won’t survive. There are already laws that healthy babies are saved.
Those babies are terribly sick and won’t survive. There are already laws that healthy babies are saved.

Even the babies that are not healthy, but born alive are kept alive, until they die on their own.... they are NOT killed at the hands of the doctor.

Not healthy, in general for these late term abortions, is the baby is born with their organs, OUTSIDE of their bodies...they do not survive, when born alive.... but they are not killed either.... they simply die.
Those babies are terribly sick and won’t survive. There are already laws that healthy babies are saved.

Even the babies that are not healthy, but born alive are kept alive, until they die on their own.... they are NOT killed at the hands of the doctor.

Not healthy, in general for these late term abortions, is the baby is born with their organs, OUTSIDE of their bodies...they do not survive, when born alive.... but they are not killed either.... they simply die.
Their suffering isn’t extended as the repubs demand.

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