Kids Hitting Parents

I've heard of more and more instances where kids are hitting/kicking etc. their parents.

How do you think a parent should handle this?

Kids will also threaten to call the cops on their parents as well.....

I know how my father would have handled it.... my funeral would not hsve been an open casket affair.

Yep...two psychopathic peas in a pod!
some parents cant handle their kid saying 'i hate you' got to handle that....if they realize it hurts just joins their arsenal of are not their are not there to win their love....hating you is good to far as i am concerned....i am a mother not a pal...

I work with someone whose daughter has not said a word to him in two years, except "I hate you," and "I hope you die." She has already proven she is ready and willing to scuttle her own future just to hurt her father.
I didn't love my dad but he was never there but never said I hate you etc
Our teachers just paddled your ass or made you do something humiliating...

One tried that on my wife. First time, my wife got a scar she still has...the teacher's "paddle" was a broken-off piece of a draftsman's square, honed to a razor's edge with a whetstone. Second time, the teacher ended up with eight missing teeth, a busted jaw, and a concussion...courtesy of an uppercut to the chin with a doll of dimes in her fist.

Her father found out about the shiv and went absolutely ballistic.
Our teachers just paddled your ass or made you do something humiliating...

One tried that on my wife. First time, my wife got a scar she still has...the teacher's "paddle" was a broken-off piece of a draftsman's square, honed to a razor's edge with a whetstone. Second time, the teacher ended up with eight missing teeth, a busted jaw, and a concussion...courtesy of an uppercut to the chin with a doll of dimes in her fist.

Her father found out about the shiv and went absolutely ballistic.

I'm not buying this. No way. It is illegal for teachers to beat or hit or harm students. :rolleyes-41: There would not have been a "second" time.
I've heard of more and more instances where kids are hitting/kicking etc. their parents.

How do you think a parent should handle this?

Kids will also threaten to call the cops on their parents as well.....

Most parents handle it appropriately and I give broad latittude towards parents on how handling it appropriately is. Also very age dependent- a 3 year old having a melt down is quite something different from a 12 year old boy lashing out.

However if the kid is 18 or over, cops should be called on the kids.
Can not spank them anymore the far left PC police will no longer allow it as it considered abuse..

Can't beat them to death any more- much to the chagrin of the far right who consider it just doing "God's will"
I have three children. I can count on the fingers of one hand how many times I have spanked them. But I kept it as a last resort.

My daughter was 2-years-old when she thought it might be fun to hide in a clothes rack while we were in a department store. There were dozens of clothes racks and I frantically looked for her, fearing that she had been kidnapped. When I found her, I turned her smile upside down when I gave her a spanking.
Our teachers just paddled your ass or made you do something humiliating...

One tried that on my wife. First time, my wife got a scar she still has...the teacher's "paddle" was a broken-off piece of a draftsman's square, honed to a razor's edge with a whetstone. Second time, the teacher ended up with eight missing teeth, a busted jaw, and a concussion...courtesy of an uppercut to the chin with a doll of dimes in her fist.

Her father found out about the shiv and went absolutely ballistic.

That is why I won't sign off on a school being allowed to use corporal punishment on my own kid. That and the bias of the adult. Depending on the district and state you have to sign a paper that allows them to paddle.
I don't know why a kid would hit their parent. But I'd probably go to family counseling to resolve and work through the issue.

Wow. Half the kids I know these days would rule your house with an iron fist. Counseling is a tool for remedying the issue in the long term. Punishment is the IMMEDIATE corrective action.
Spare the rod, spoil the child...or use the rod, beat the mischief in? Child Protective Services in Maine has no objection to spankings. It discourages using implements because, like some of you have testified, they can lead to injury. But unless a "spanking" leads to weals or serious bruising, it's not considered abuse. Even then, CPS would try to work with the parent to learn different ways to discipline the child rather than haul anyone away. The fear of using appropriate physical discipline seems way out of kilter. Or are things really that different elsewhere?
We're talking about middle/upper middle class kids who are 9,10,11 years old. Not babies or toddlers.

They know their parents can't retaliate, and most parents won't even enforce restrictions etc. either because it's too much of a hassle for THEM (the parents)....
if your 9, 10, or 11 year old is hitting or kicking you you are a failure as a parent
Spare the rod, spoil the child...or use the rod, beat the mischief in? Child Protective Services in Maine has no objection to spankings. It discourages using implements because, like some of you have testified, they can lead to injury. But unless a "spanking" leads to weals or serious bruising, it's not considered abuse. Even then, CPS would try to work with the parent to learn different ways to discipline the child rather than haul anyone away. The fear of using appropriate physical discipline seems way out of kilter. Or are things really that different elsewhere?
Being a child that was beat depending on which way the wind blew, I know from experience that beating a child is non-productive....There are so many other ways of disciplining a child without violence...

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