Kids Hitting Parents

It isn't a new problem. Just ask Lizzy Borden.

Kids are a product of their environment, so....
I've heard of more and more instances where kids are hitting/kicking etc. their parents.

How do you think a parent should handle this?

Kids will also threaten to call the cops on their parents as well.....
It depends on their age.

When they were younger I could just wire up a doorbell button to the armrest on my Lay-Z-Boy recliner and run it to a solenoid that would knock on the door to the basement.

When they started acting up I would hit the button and the solenoid would bang on the basement door. And I would warn them that their behavior was making the monster in the basement very angry.
Well the problem with that is that parents can go to jail or get their kids taken away.
Kids are smart and know this and it's becoming a problem (I think) or could become a problem....
Kids need to be aware that if they report their parents for being is THEY who get taken away
Kid threatens to call CPS,. dial it for them.
Re: OP, if your 9 or 10 year old is hitting or kicking's too late, and it's probably your fault... (unless the kid has some psychiatric condition beyond his/her and your control)

well it's not my kids! They would not dare! They are 20 and 27 y/o men now. I'm very proud of them ! :)
Well the problem with that is that parents can go to jail or get their kids taken away.
Kids are smart and know this and it's becoming a problem (I think) or could become a problem....
Kids need to be aware that if they report their parents for being is THEY who get taken away
Kid threatens to call CPS,. dial it for them.

I actually know someone that dialed 91 and told their kid all the had to do was dial 1.....
Well the problem with that is that parents can go to jail or get their kids taken away.
Kids are smart and know this and it's becoming a problem (I think) or could become a problem....
Kids need to be aware that if they report their parents for being is THEY who get taken away
Kid threatens to call CPS,. dial it for them.

I actually know someone that dialed 91 and told their kid all the had to do was dial 1.....
When our daughter was a child, I was totally prepared to do that if she ever pulled that crap. Fortunately, we never hit her, a few spanks mostly over safety issues, but that was it. We have some friends tho that had the son from hell.
Well the problem with that is that parents can go to jail or get their kids taken away.
Kids are smart and know this and it's becoming a problem (I think) or could become a problem....
Kids need to be aware that if they report their parents for being is THEY who get taken away
Kid threatens to call CPS,. dial it for them.

I actually know someone that dialed 91 and told their kid all the had to do was dial 1.....
When our daughter was a child, I was totally prepared to do that if she ever pulled that crap. Fortunately, we never hit her, a few spanks mostly over safety issues, but that was it. We have some friends tho that had the son from hell.

You have to mean it. Your kids have to know you are not faking and will follow through.
They can tell. If they know, the will not act out.
Yeah, you are asking the question, about 10 years too late. What can you do about a kid fighting with their parents? That's way too late to ask the question. You need to ask that when they are 2 years old.

The kids that are biting and kicking, are doing that because over the last dozen years of their life, they learned their parents would not fight back.

I remember my watching my father get smacked by a nephew, and that only happened once.... one time...

"well he's two! you can't punish him when he's two! It's cute!"

Bull crap..... TWO is when you need to teach them what they can and can't do. Because if you think you'll wait until he's 13 to tell him kick and slapping parents is not good, it's way way too late.

Again, I've seen this first hand. I had a relative who didn't do that with his DAUGHTER... and she came over while I was there, and she started breaking stuff and screaming and yelling, and abusing his wife, and he just sat there, and she just glared at him, and I could tell instantly that he had never stood up to her, and both she, and him, knew that he wasn't going to stop her at all.

What can you do about that? Crap, there is nothing you can do about that. The deed is done. The bad seed has been planted in wrong fields for a decade or more, and now you are just going to reap the whirl wind (to take a Biblical phrase).

The only solution you have at that point, is to disown your kids. Which is exactly what these parents absolutely won't do, which is why their kids abuse them.

Which, by the way... I would have no problem with.

See the problem is kids know you won't do jack, that's why you have no other options.

I have always known personally.... always knew this.... if I ever was caught by my father abusing my mother, he would disown me, write me out of the will, and cut off all communication with me. I could argue with my father now and then, but I *NEVER* had issue with my mother, because I knew he'd go WW3 on me. That's why I never caused a problem.

It's when you know the other person will fight back with brutal force, that you don't cause problems. It's the kids who know their parents won't do jack squat, that treat their parents like trash.

By the way, this is why women generally make terrible parents. Women want to just "talk it out" and such. My father had a paddle. Wooden paddle. If I acted up horrifically, he caused some horrific pain. That's why I treat him with respect and honor. He taught me right from wrong.

Women don't do that. "now how many times I have I told you Timmy".... yeah... you just told him. That's like nothing. He knows he can do whatever he wants, and all you'll do is "blaw blaw blaw.... blaw blaw!! Blaw.... sigh... blaw blaw blaw".

So what do you do once your kid is already abusing you....?

First, I'd have a paddle, and paddle his butt. Then I'd take away everything.... as in everything. No TV. No computers. No phones. No nothing. If needed, I would shut off the power to his room. Most bedrooms are on separate circuit breakers, and I'd flip his off. He'd be grounded.

If he want's to leave, he can. No 'allowance'. No nothing. No rides to sports. He wants to go to football practice, he can walk his butt there. Or arrange his own ride. I would do nothing for him. Nothing.

When he finds out how hard life is, when he doesn't get any free help from me... he'll either repent, and all will be forgiven... or if he's old enough to demand his own way, he's old enough to GET his own way. And go his own way, and it will be really sad, but I'll let him go.
Well the problem with that is that parents can go to jail or get their kids taken away.
Kids are smart and know this and it's becoming a problem (I think) or could become a problem....
Kids need to be aware that if they report their parents for being is THEY who get taken away
Kid threatens to call CPS,. dial it for them.

I actually know someone that dialed 91 and told their kid all the had to do was dial 1.....
When our daughter was a child, I was totally prepared to do that if she ever pulled that crap. Fortunately, we never hit her, a few spanks mostly over safety issues, but that was it. We have some friends tho that had the son from hell.

But see that's the reason you didn't. You were prepared to do it.... thus you didn't have to.

That's how people like me see international relations by the way.... we want nuclear weapons, and prepared to use them... because that's the best way to ensure we never have to. No one will test it, if they think we're serious.

Your daughter likely knew from your demeanor that she wasn't going to get away with crap... .which is EXACTLY why you never had much of a problem from her.

As for your friends.... out of curiosity, the son wasn't born out of wedlock, or from an ex-spouse or 'partner' was he?
i have a bad temper...really bad temper....when my son was around 10 ish....i went to smack him and he threatened to call social services....bad bad move kid...i went fucking nuts....told him to go ahead and make his damn call cause it would take them at least 20 minutes or more to get here and i was gonna beat the hell outta him till they got here...and then they would take his ass and put him in foster care and i sure the hell wasnt a good enough parent to get his ass back.....he began to cry and said the teachers told him to say that shit....that was the first and last time i heard that hubby was not real happy with how i handled it....but i will be damned if anyone is gonna blackmail me...much less hit grown ass son is now 6 ft 4 inches but knows damn well i will go crazy fucking white women in a heartbeat...and no one wants to see that...
I've heard of more and more instances where kids are hitting/kicking etc. their parents.

How do you think a parent should handle this?

Kids will also threaten to call the cops on their parents as well.....
Kid hits or kicks me, they get what they give. Lightly of course, since I am bigger and stronger.

This is what is wrong with kids today. no more spanking. no more responsibility for bad behavior. they get a time out instead. and in that timeout, they can have their tv, their playstation, their cell phone.

affluencia is not just for rich kids. its for kids whose parents don't believe in teaching their kids "what you dish out, you get dished back".
We're talking about middle/upper middle class kids who are 9,10,11 years old. Not babies or toddlers.

They know their parents can't retaliate, and most parents won't even enforce restrictions etc. either because it's too much of a hassle for THEM (the parents)....

At 9,10 and 11 years old those children love something. They are attached to something. Playing outside, gymnastics, Mine Craft, dolls, toys, television, computers, video games---there is something there that they love. Take it away.
9, 10, 11 years old kicking me or hitting me, they are gonna get punched or kicked back. Period. There are repercussions to actions. They need to learn that.
It sounds like they learned how to solve problems this way from somewhere in that lil' family.
I've heard of more and more instances where kids are hitting/kicking etc. their parents.

How do you think a parent should handle this?

Kids will also threaten to call the cops on their parents as well.....

I know how my father would have handled it.... my funeral would not hsve been an open casket affair.
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I've heard of more and more instances where kids are hitting/kicking etc. their parents.

How do you think a parent should handle this?

Kids will also threaten to call the cops on their parents as well.....
It depends on their age.

When they were younger I could just wire up a doorbell button to the armrest on my Lay-Z-Boy recliner and run it to a solenoid that would knock on the door to the basement.

When they started acting up I would hit the button and the solenoid would bang on the basement door. And I would warn them that their behavior was making the monster in the basement very angry.

That's lovely, just scare them terribly. Muhammad, you're sicker than I already suspected.
We're talking about middle/upper middle class kids who are 9,10,11 years old. Not babies or toddlers.

They know their parents can't retaliate, and most parents won't even enforce restrictions etc. either because it's too much of a hassle for THEM (the parents)....

Parents have to parent, that means gutting up and being parents from the start. If parents are being abused the problem is not going away and they shouldn't have been parents in the first place but alas better late than never.

My children knew they would pay a price for breaking the rules, being disrespectful and getting caught. I'm pretty sure we all did things our parents wouldn't have approved of, it's part of growing up and should be expected but when getting caught a price has to be payed regardless., it's also an important part of life.. No way did I want to end up with kids that have the pathetic morals, disrespect, drug habits and freeloading mindset selfish liberal parents produce.

btw. I recall at 16 being punched through a wooden door for calling my sister a bitch (she was practicing her bitch on me, no doubt .. :lol:) and Dad standing over me saying, "we don't talk like that in this house", I learned valuable lessons from that and I lived...
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We're talking about middle/upper middle class kids who are 9,10,11 years old. Not babies or toddlers.

They know their parents can't retaliate, and most parents won't even enforce restrictions etc. either because it's too much of a hassle for THEM (the parents)....
You might be surprised at what a badass a kid can become by 11 .
I've heard of more and more instances where kids are hitting/kicking etc. their parents.

How do you think a parent should handle this?

Kids will also threaten to call the cops on their parents as well.....
It depends on their age.

When they were younger I could just wire up a doorbell button to the armrest on my Lay-Z-Boy recliner and run it to a solenoid that would knock on the door to the basement.

When they started acting up I would hit the button and the solenoid would bang on the basement door. And I would warn them that their behavior was making the monster in the basement very angry.

That's lovely, just scare them terribly. Muhammad, you're sicker than I already suspected.
I never claimed to be Father of the Year in the first place.
I've heard of more and more instances where kids are hitting/kicking etc. their parents.

How do you think a parent should handle this?

Kids will also threaten to call the cops on their parents as well.....
Leave the cops out of it

If parents can't discipline their children then that's their problem

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