Keeping kids safe around guns...the way that actually works...gun safety in schools...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Anti gunners fight gun safety education in schools.....the one program that would help prevent gun accidents in homes with children, and the anti gunners fight against it tooth and we have a program that will teach gun safety....

Gun safety education should be taught alongside Fire Safety wouldn't take much time to teach kids how to be safe, and it would save lives...but that isn't what anti gunners want. They need dead children in order to push their anti gun agenda......

Iowa schools to include firearm safety in gym classes

GREENE, Iowa (WTHR) - Students in two Iowa school districts will be learning about guns in their gym class starting next year.

Radio Iowa reports 7th and 8th grade students in the North Butler and Clarksville districts will take part in a mandatory hunter safety course starting in the spring. The class will be tought by the Butler County Conservation Board.

High school students have the option of taking a voluntary class, which will not include operable firearms or live ammunition.

North Butler Superintendent Joel Foster said the classes are aimed at teaching the students "how to use weapons responsibly, how to respect them, understand it’s not a video game and those sort of things, that maybe we’ll cut down on our chances of having a severe incident."

He said that while not every student will go hunting, the class will hopefully teach lessons students can keep with them in unexpected situations.
Again, way to keep kids safe around guns.

Don't have guns in the house...

Wrong.....600 million guns in private hands, over 17.25 million people who carry guns for self defense....

Number of accidental gun deaths for children?


Accidental car deaths for kids....?

Total Cars: 1,261

Get rid of your cars......

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC

2016: Kids ( <1 to age 14)

Total guns: ......74

Total Cars: 1,261

Suffocation: 1,215

Drowning: 713

Poisoning: 84

Traffic: 1,261

We need to arm school children. They have a 2nd Amendment right also.
Given the quantity of firearms in the U.S. and given how over evident they are in entertainment (that insidious "media" influence), the general population should know at least the basics of function and safety.
Given the quantity of firearms in the U.S. and given how over evident they are in entertainment (that insidious "media" influence), the general population should know at least the basics of function and safety.

We agree on this. This is why I think we should offer the NRA gun safety education program for kids along the lines of the Fire Safety education they get in schools.

It essentially consists of these 4 points...

If a child finds a gun in their own home or the home of a friend they are taught

1. Stop
2. Don't touch
3. Leave the Room
4. Find an adult.

I have gone farther with the children in our family and explained to them that if they are ever in a home where they find an unattended gun, or have another child ask if they want to see their parents gun, they are to fake an illness and insist on going home.....that way they can tell us what happened and we can contact the parents to let them know what is going on...
By your logic then, all cars must be banned.....thanks for playing.

We'd have a hard time getting by without cars.

We'd be just fine without guns...

Nope...with your logic, 74 kids accidentally killed by guns, ban 600 million guns not used in the accidental death of kids..... so with 1,264 kids accidentally killed in cars......we need to ban all cars, and likely buses as well....
Nope...with your logic, 74 kids accidentally killed by guns, ban 600 million guns not used in the accidental death of kids..... so with 1,264 kids accidentally killed in cars......we need to ban all cars, and likely buses as well....

except our country couldn't function without transportation.

It can do just fine without penis compensation.
Anti gunners fight gun safety education in schools.....the one program that would help prevent gun accidents in homes with children, and the anti gunners fight against it tooth and we have a program that will teach gun safety....

Gun safety education should be taught alongside Fire Safety wouldn't take much time to teach kids how to be safe, and it would save lives...but that isn't what anti gunners want. They need dead children in order to push their anti gun agenda......

Iowa schools to include firearm safety in gym classes

GREENE, Iowa (WTHR) - Students in two Iowa school districts will be learning about guns in their gym class starting next year.

Radio Iowa reports 7th and 8th grade students in the North Butler and Clarksville districts will take part in a mandatory hunter safety course starting in the spring. The class will be tought by the Butler County Conservation Board.

High school students have the option of taking a voluntary class, which will not include operable firearms or live ammunition.

North Butler Superintendent Joel Foster said the classes are aimed at teaching the students "how to use weapons responsibly, how to respect them, understand it’s not a video game and those sort of things, that maybe we’ll cut down on our chances of having a severe incident."

He said that while not every student will go hunting, the class will hopefully teach lessons students can keep with them in unexpected situations.

We have this safety thing in the UK. We dont need to train infants how to shoot and our schools dont get shot up. No guns are involved.
We have this safety thing in the UK. We dont need to train infants how to shoot and our schools dont get shot up. No guns are involved.

You almost had 2 in the last few years...that is an escalation for your country, and your gun control laws didn't stop them, dumb luck did.....your criminals get guns, so which gun control law stops them from walking into a school and murdering children?
The Elite want our kids to FEAR GUNS IRRATIONALLY. They are attempting to breed out the right to defend oneself with a firearm. They successfully did this in the UK, and most of Europe. This is why they won't allow something as benign as a gun safety course to be taught in school. The NRA would do them for FREE. It wouldn't cost the taxpayer a dime.

Yet it is OK for teachers to spend important, and valuable class time by preaching Diversity, Multi Culturalism, and the phony "Inclusiveness" crap.
The Elite want our kids to FEAR GUNS IRRATIONALLY. They are attempting to breed out the right to defend oneself with a firearm. They successfully did this in the UK, and most of Europe. This is why they won't allow something as benign as a gun safety course to be taught in school. The NRA would do them for FREE. It wouldn't cost the taxpayer a dime.

Yet it is OK for teachers to spend important, and valuable class time by preaching Diversity, Multi Culturalism, and the phony "Inclusiveness" crap. you realize how hard it is for a government to fill a mass grave if the victims have guns and are shooting back?

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