'Keep violent people in jail': Washington DC police chief says

Cut off schmutt off. You can prance all about with your silly deflections all you like. I've got time.

Manson tried that fucked up psychobabble on anyone dumb enough to listen for decades and convinced more than a few because he was an excellent ambassador for evil, Whaaa I'm a product of society! Boooowhooo ima mirror of yer souls...wha.

I have an idea so fucking simple, it might just work!

Don't be a criminal. And if you fuck up and become a criminal, don't fuck up 10 more times. Take the lessen, buckle up and move on. Maybe if you play your cards responsibly and live a little better you won't have to whine and dribble about having 11 priors on a job app. I've seen it work.

Extra free advice that makes sense: Stop fucking tattooing stupid shit on your stupid fuckin face. If you ask me for a job with "suck my dick" on your eyelid- I ain't hiring you either.
Okay you do not know what the cutoff is then. Everyone even if a certifiable nut, has the right to a defense. IF you believe that a right to defense to be un-American then that is your belief.
I miss when america treated criminals like criminals.
The Washington, D.C. city council wants to make it easier and safer for black criminals to commit crimes --- to lower the penalties against crime. Violent crime is surging even without lower penalties. They want more of it because that's what their constituents want.
Simple logic based on political rhetoric is not the answer. The fact remains homicides are done by people with no prior record. Extending jail time because they have prior convictions and they might commit a murder is the simple solution. Sounds like the right just wants to put them away forever and due process does not matter. Sounds un-American to me.
Works for me -----
In short order we'd run out of violent criminals and nobody would commit crimes.
Exactly my thinking. This problem of career criminals would quickly be solved. The smarter blacks might be deterred and learn to live better lives. It would be genetically positive, since criminals are known to tend toward the lower end of the IQ range.

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