Kavanaugh Is An Extremist

So, we do not have the right to tend to our own healthcare? Really?

Where the fuck do you assholes get the right to prevent a person from access to healthcare?

Did you think that made sense?

WTF are you talking about?
where the fuck do you assholes get the right to make me pay for the things you want to give away?
It is why they are such proponents of direct democracy. When a mob can be generated to generate enough votes the rights, the good will, the property, the desires of the opposition be damned. It works for both sides.
t is why they are such proponents of direct democracy. When a mob can be generated to generate enough votes the rights, the good will, the property, the desires of the opposition be damned. It works for both sides.

You sound like you're afraid of the pitchforks and torches.

Of course that only happens when the rich have stolen SO much that the poor have nothing to lose
It seems I have a photo of you, and it is telling:

View attachment 215838View attachment 215838 View attachment 215838

Other readers who are curious and wonder about the nomination process on going need to read this LInk:


Dale Evans ... oops, Dale Smith will find this and other supporting evidence funny (? why were you named after Roy Rodgers SO?).



When you get off the floor read this:

As Hearings End, Democrats Accuse Supreme Court Nominee of Dissembling

Of course you won't, anything which might disabuse you of the opinions you hold to be true, will never be explored by someone like you.

The NYT, the mouthpiece of the CFR and in the backpocket of the CIA/Operation Mockingbird for propaganda? You will have to do a better job.......

Sorry I don't compete with conspiracy theorists, especially those who echo the Liar-in-Chief.
you don't compete with conspiracy theorists but yet, you're creating one by making kavanaugh a bad guy and "extremist".

that's some funny shit right there.

On some level you must know you are not very bright. Spend some time on the issues, and try if you can to think how toxic Trumpism is, and how it will impact future generations.

I have two grandchildren under the age of three, and Trumpism is already impacting their future health and well being. For the record, it's not about the economy; it's about justice, domestic tranquility, the common defense, the general welfare, and of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. All of which are under attack by Trump&Co., The GOP and people like you.
t is why they are such proponents of direct democracy. When a mob can be generated to generate enough votes the rights, the good will, the property, the desires of the opposition be damned. It works for both sides.

You sound like you're afraid of the pitchforks and torches.

Of course that only happens when the rich have stolen SO much that the poor have nothing to lose

Oy vey this one has a lot of hatred.
Kavanaugh explained the case this way: "That was a group that was being forced to provide a certain kind of coverage over their religious objection to their employees. And under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the question was first was this a substantial burden on the religious exercise."

"It seemed to me quite clearly it was. It was a technical matter of filling out a form. In that case they said filling out the form would make them complicit in the provision of the abortion-inducing drugs that they were, as a religious matter, objecting to."

That phrase, "abortion-inducing drugs," is one the right-wing glommed onto to intentionally confuse contraception with other drugs.

The man thinks that the pill is an abortion inducing drug.

If he's against birth control you know you can kiss Roe V Wade goodbye.

He's trying to pretend otherwise but the e-mails that the Dems released (over the objection if the GOP creeps) showed he clearly thinks he can and should overturn it

Unfortunately, even if Kavanaugh fails to be confirmed, the Heritage Foundation and other rightwing entities will find another reactionary extremist hostile to settled, accepted precedent and the rule of law.
Birth control and/or various drugs related to family planning/non-planning are not a right. You are a moron.

They are not a right, nor should they be subjected by those who would deny these products to prevent an unwanted, unplanned pregnancy. It is the goal of the GOP, and is a war on women.
t is why they are such proponents of direct democracy. When a mob can be generated to generate enough votes the rights, the good will, the property, the desires of the opposition be damned. It works for both sides.

You sound like you're afraid of the pitchforks and torches.

Of course that only happens when the rich have stolen SO much that the poor have nothing to lose

Could you possibly be more full of shit?

We live in a democracy, that you oppose democracy one must wonder why you remain in the United States (assuming you do, since you are apparently embarrassed to let the reader know where you live).
Good luck with that. They just spout nonsense.

Apparently you didn't watch the confirmation hearings.

E-mails were produced of the Kav saying exactly that Roe was not settled law

But leftards claim that the 2nd amendment isn't "settled law" all the fucking time. Abortion is "settled" law for now much like the ability for citizens to be "legally" armed is "settled law" until this corporate entity declares otherwise. Am I missing something here????

You don't get it.

Only laws that leftists are agreeing with are settled laws.

Remaining laws will be settled only when they're changed in a way that leftist agree with them, and when it happens they cannot be touched anymore.
Kavanaugh explained the case this way: "That was a group that was being forced to provide a certain kind of coverage over their religious objection to their employees. And under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the question was first was this a substantial burden on the religious exercise."

"It seemed to me quite clearly it was. It was a technical matter of filling out a form. In that case they said filling out the form would make them complicit in the provision of the abortion-inducing drugs that they were, as a religious matter, objecting to."

That phrase, "abortion-inducing drugs," is one the right-wing glommed onto to intentionally confuse contraception with other drugs.

The man thinks that the pill is an abortion inducing drug.

If he's against birth control you know you can kiss Roe V Wade goodbye.

He's trying to pretend otherwise but the e-mails that the Dems released (over the objection if the GOP creeps) showed he clearly thinks he can and should overturn it

Unfortunately, even if Kavanaugh fails to be confirmed, the Heritage Foundation and other rightwing entities will find another reactionary extremist hostile to settled, accepted precedent and the rule of law.
Birth control and/or various drugs related to family planning/non-planning are not a right. You are a moron.
So, we do not have the right to tend to our own healthcare? Really?

Where the fuck do you assholes get the right to prevent a person from access to healthcare?
where the fuck do you assholes get the right to make me pay for the things you want to give away?

Who was making you pay? The cases about companies & birth control were about them providing these services in their health care packages as swt by law.

BTW, the Congress passes taxes . That is who has the right to "steal" your money & spend it as they see fit within the law.
Kavanaugh explained the case this way: "That was a group that was being forced to provide a certain kind of coverage over their religious objection to their employees. And under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the question was first was this a substantial burden on the religious exercise."

"It seemed to me quite clearly it was. It was a technical matter of filling out a form. In that case they said filling out the form would make them complicit in the provision of the abortion-inducing drugs that they were, as a religious matter, objecting to."

That phrase, "abortion-inducing drugs," is one the right-wing glommed onto to intentionally confuse contraception with other drugs.

The man thinks that the pill is an abortion inducing drug.

If he's against birth control you know you can kiss Roe V Wade goodbye.

He's trying to pretend otherwise but the e-mails that the Dems released (over the objection if the GOP creeps) showed he clearly thinks he can and should overturn it

Unfortunately, even if Kavanaugh fails to be confirmed, the Heritage Foundation and other rightwing entities will find another reactionary extremist hostile to settled, accepted precedent and the rule of law.
Birth control and/or various drugs related to family planning/non-planning are not a right. You are a moron.
So, we do not have the right to tend to our own healthcare? Really?

Where the fuck do you assholes get the right to prevent a person from access to healthcare?
where the fuck do you assholes get the right to make me pay for the things you want to give away?

Who was making you pay? The cases about companies & birth control were about them providing these services in their health care packages as swt by law.

BTW, the Congress passes taxes . That is who has the right to "steal" your money & spend it as they see fit within the law.
so i'm paying for it.

via a system designed to get input from both sides and create the best possible based on said feedback.

yet you want your way, fuck the rest.

i do have to sit and wonder how we ever got this collectively stupid.
Kavanaugh explained the case this way: "That was a group that was being forced to provide a certain kind of coverage over their religious objection to their employees. And under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the question was first was this a substantial burden on the religious exercise."

"It seemed to me quite clearly it was. It was a technical matter of filling out a form. In that case they said filling out the form would make them complicit in the provision of the abortion-inducing drugs that they were, as a religious matter, objecting to."

That phrase, "abortion-inducing drugs," is one the right-wing glommed onto to intentionally confuse contraception with other drugs.

The man thinks that the pill is an abortion inducing drug.

If he's against birth control you know you can kiss Roe V Wade goodbye.

He's trying to pretend otherwise but the e-mails that the Dems released (over the objection if the GOP creeps) showed he clearly thinks he can and should overturn it
Please explain the Constitutional article which allows the government to force an employer to provide a perk to an employee.

Also, in his brief for the case in question, Kavanaugh referred specifically to abortifacients, not just contraception. It is grossly dishonest of you to omit that.
Kavanaugh explained the case this way: "That was a group that was being forced to provide a certain kind of coverage over their religious objection to their employees. And under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the question was first was this a substantial burden on the religious exercise."

"It seemed to me quite clearly it was. It was a technical matter of filling out a form. In that case they said filling out the form would make them complicit in the provision of the abortion-inducing drugs that they were, as a religious matter, objecting to."

That phrase, "abortion-inducing drugs," is one the right-wing glommed onto to intentionally confuse contraception with other drugs.

The man thinks that the pill is an abortion inducing drug.

If he's against birth control you know you can kiss Roe V Wade goodbye.

He's trying to pretend otherwise but the e-mails that the Dems released (over the objection if the GOP creeps) showed he clearly thinks he can and should overturn it
Of course he is. Anyone who believes in the constitution is to your kind. Also there is no provision in the constitution for killing your unborn child.
So you support overturning Roe v Wade.


So does the Kav. In fact it sounds like he would outlaw the pill as well
No, Kavenaugh would not outlaw the pill and you have nothing to back up that claim.

In short, you are a hysterical liar.
Wow. A judge says religious employers should not be forced to violate their religious beliefs, and some retard dipshit claims that means the judge would outlaw the pill.

We live in a democracy, that you oppose democracy one must wonder why you remain in the United States (assuming you do, since you are apparently embarrassed to let the reader know where you live).


We live in constitutional republic.
Actually it is both

Actually it's not.

In a nutshell.

In a republic, a constitution or charter of rights protects certain inalienable rights that cannot be taken away by the government, even if it has been elected by a majority of voters. In a democracy, the majority is not restrained in this way and can impose its will on the minority.

What you want is a democracy, but you cant simply get it, because of the constitutional republic.
If Roe v. Wade were overturned, the rate of abortion of this country would remain virtually unchanged.

The rate of abortion in the US went up marginally when Roe v. Wade went into effect. There were already nearly one million legal abortions occurring each year in the US before Roe v. Wade.

Now that abortion has become socially acceptable, only one or two states would outlaw abortion outright. A few would outlaw abortion except in cases of rape, incest or "health of the mother". The rest would provide abortion on demand.

Before Roe v. Wade, those states which allowed abortion for "health of the mother" were virtually abortion-on-demand states because doctors can always provide a circumstantial "health of the mother" excuse, and that's what they did.
Overturning Roe v. Wade is not the most efficient means to reduce the murders of the unborn in America. The most efficient means to reduce abortions is education about, and access to, birth control.

Nearly half of all abortions are the result of NO birth control being used by the mother. Another fifth are due to the improper or inconsistent use of birth control.

Contrary to what liberals would have us believe, everyone has access to birth control. The trick is getting people to USE it.

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