Kavanaugh/Ford Opinon threads from Saturday, Sept 23, 2018

Will Ford Actually Make The Hearing On Thursday?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 30.8%
  • No

    Votes: 36 69.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
But only if you're a Conservative, of course. I mean, of course.

This is your daily reminder that if you're a Democrat, you can beat up your girlfriend on Domestic Violence charges and the Left won't whisper a peep. Heck, you can engage in shenanigans in the Oval Office with an intern and be impeached and STILL be lauded as a great statesman decades later.

But if your record is spotless save for one woman who says, 36 years later, that you once did things with her she didn't like, when you were both drunk and you were 17--your ship is sunk. But again: only if you're Conservative. This would be laughed off if you were a Democrat, because of COURSE you did those things.

They'd call you Uncle Brett for it. Maybe they'd wonder why you didn't drive her into a lake.

'Drunken fumbling'?

Ford alleges that Kavanaugh pulled her into a room against her will, turned up the music so no one could hear her, held her down and covered her mouth when she tried to scream to the extent that she was afraid that he would inadvertantly kill her. This while trying to take off her swimsuit.

That's attempted forcible rape.

If you think that's even close to normal.....I'm sincerely sorry at what you must have had to endure to hold that perspective.
But only if you're a Conservative, of course. I mean, of course.

This is your daily reminder that if you're a Democrat, you can beat up your girlfriend on Domestic Violence charges and the Left won't whisper a peep. Heck, you can engage in shenanigans in the Oval Office with an intern and be impeached and STILL be lauded as a great statesman decades later.

But if your record is spotless save for one woman who says, 36 years later, that you once did things with her she didn't like, when you were both drunk and you were 17--your ship is sunk. But again: only if you're Conservative. This would be laughed off if you were a Democrat, because of COURSE you did those things.

They'd call you Uncle Brett for it. Maybe they'd wonder why you didn't drive her into a lake.

'Drunken fumbling'?

Ford alleges that Kavanaugh pulled her into a room against her will, turned up the music so no one could hear her, held her down and covered her mouth when she tried to scream to the extent that she was afraid that he would inadvertantly kill her. This while trying to take off her swimsuit.

That's attempted forcible rape.

If you think that's even close to normal.....I'm sincerely sorry at what you must have had to endure to hold that perspective.

Too bad she can't prove any of it and people she said could are saying it never happened....she and her BS story are going down the toilet
But only if you're a Conservative, of course. I mean, of course.

This is your daily reminder that if you're a Democrat, you can beat up your girlfriend on Domestic Violence charges and the Left won't whisper a peep. Heck, you can engage in shenanigans in the Oval Office with an intern and be impeached and STILL be lauded as a great statesman decades later.

But if your record is spotless save for one woman who says, 36 years later, that you once did things with her she didn't like, when you were both drunk and you were 17--your ship is sunk. But again: only if you're Conservative. This would be laughed off if you were a Democrat, because of COURSE you did those things.

They'd call you Uncle Brett for it. Maybe they'd wonder why you didn't drive her into a lake.

'Drunken fumbling'?

Ford alleges that Kavanaugh pulled her into a room against her will, turned up the music so no one could hear her, held her down and covered her mouth when she tried to scream to the extent that she was afraid that he would inadvertantly kill her. This while trying to take off her swimsuit.

That's attempted forcible rape.

If you think that's even close to normal.....I'm sincerely sorry at what you must have had to endure to hold that perspective.

Too bad she can't prove any of it and people she said could are saying it never happened....she and her BS story are going down the toilet

A 'BS story'....with a passed polygraph test?
But only if you're a Conservative, of course. I mean, of course.

This is your daily reminder that if you're a Democrat, you can beat up your girlfriend on Domestic Violence charges and the Left won't whisper a peep. Heck, you can engage in shenanigans in the Oval Office with an intern and be impeached and STILL be lauded as a great statesman decades later.

But if your record is spotless save for one woman who says, 36 years later, that you once did things with her she didn't like, when you were both drunk and you were 17--your ship is sunk. But again: only if you're Conservative. This would be laughed off if you were a Democrat, because of COURSE you did those things.

They'd call you Uncle Brett for it. Maybe they'd wonder why you didn't drive her into a lake.

'Drunken fumbling'?

Ford alleges that Kavanaugh pulled her into a room against her will, turned up the music so no one could hear her, held her down and covered her mouth when she tried to scream to the extent that she was afraid that he would inadvertantly kill her. This while trying to take off her swimsuit.

That's attempted forcible rape.

If you think that's even close to normal.....I'm sincerely sorry at what you must have had to endure to hold that perspective.

Too bad she can't prove any of it and people she said could are saying it never happened....she and her BS story are going down the toilet

A 'BS story'....with a passed polygraph test?

So if Kavanaugh takes a poly and passes you'll declare him innocent?

Polygraphs are useless, toad. It's why they are not allowed as evidence in a court of law
uh-huh. i pity any so called 'conservatives' on this this thread. hopefully none of you have daughters.

i wonder if any of that ilk also believe that a 'man' shouldn't be charged with raping his wife after she refuses him.... that rape doesn't exist in a 'marriage'.
Are you bringing family into this discussion?
He is commenting on Donald Trump raping his wife maybe.

i'm a 'she'. but had ivana followed thru with charges, then perhaps president pussy grabber would have been punished.
How long have you been a "she"?
Still no luck on the dating sites?

ya, that's clever, jr.

i've been married to a Marine for 33 years.
But only if you're a Conservative, of course. I mean, of course.

This is your daily reminder that if you're a Democrat, you can beat up your girlfriend on Domestic Violence charges and the Left won't whisper a peep. Heck, you can engage in shenanigans in the Oval Office with an intern and be impeached and STILL be lauded as a great statesman decades later.

But if your record is spotless save for one woman who says, 36 years later, that you once did things with her she didn't like, when you were both drunk and you were 17--your ship is sunk. But again: only if you're Conservative. This would be laughed off if you were a Democrat, because of COURSE you did those things.

They'd call you Uncle Brett for it. Maybe they'd wonder why you didn't drive her into a lake.

'Drunken fumbling'?

Ford alleges that Kavanaugh pulled her into a room against her will, turned up the music so no one could hear her, held her down and covered her mouth when she tried to scream to the extent that she was afraid that he would inadvertantly kill her. This while trying to take off her swimsuit.

That's attempted forcible rape.

If you think that's even close to normal.....I'm sincerely sorry at what you must have had to endure to hold that perspective.

Too bad she can't prove any of it and people she said could are saying it never happened....she and her BS story are going down the toilet

A 'BS story'....with a passed polygraph test?

So if Kavanaugh takes a poly and passes you'll declare him innocent?

I'll agree that the polygraph test isn't particulary useful in this instance.

If he takes a poly test and fails while Ford passed.....would you acknowledge that she's being honest?

Polygraphs are useless, toad. It's why they are not allowed as evidence in a court of law

Yeah, that's why the FBI routinely gives them as part of security clearances. Because they're 'useless'.

uh-huh. i pity any so called 'conservatives' on this this thread. hopefully none of you have daughters.

i wonder if any of that ilk also believe that a 'man' shouldn't be charged with raping his wife after she refuses him.... that rape doesn't exist in a 'marriage'.
Are you bringing family into this discussion?

adjective: rhetorical
  1. relating to or concerned with the art of rhetoric.
    "repetition is a common rhetorical device"
    synonyms: stylistic, oratorical, linguistic, verbal
    "rhetorical devices"
    • expressed in terms intended to persuade or impress.
      "the rhetorical commitment of the government to give priority to primary education"
      synonyms: extravagant, grandiloquent, magniloquent, high-flown, orotund, bombastic, grandiose, pompous, pretentious, overblown, oratorical, turgid, flowery, florid; More
      "rhetorical hyperbole"
    • (of a question) asked in order to produce an effect or to make a statement rather than to elicit information.
Really? IT was a backhanded insult.

I do have daughters and they both think that Ford is full of shit.

sorry if you were, snowflake. i wonder if maybe dr. ford has daughters...
Ford has a couple of 'twenty something' 'onesie pyjama boys' still living at home.
You don't do 'too good' at using the keyboard do you.

lol... still trying to be clever huh?

uh-huh. i pity any so called 'conservatives' on this this thread. hopefully none of you have daughters.

i wonder if any of that ilk also believe that a 'man' shouldn't be charged with raping his wife after she refuses him.... that rape doesn't exist in a 'marriage'.
You hope none have daughters? Why? Many have sons, fathers, brothers who could be as falsely accused as Kavanaugh is.

Women should not lie about sexual assault for political or social gain.

Men should NOT abuse women. How about that?

Those women that are abused certainly should speak up even when there are no witnesses.
Which is why there should be serious penalties when they lie. Start putting a few of these women in prison, give men millions in settlements, perhaps it would give women pause to think about consequences.
Denial is not proof of shit.
This woman's entire story is suspect and would never hold up in a court of law.

Nope not ever. You can't go into count with zero evidence and a story full of holes. Even a first year law student will tell you that

Happens all the time. Her story is not full of holes. She is not looking at criminal charges. Se is telling you what a POS Kavanaufh really is. Obviously, anyone who voted for the amoral POS Trump doesn't care how many girls Kavanaugh assaulted.

Oh BS you retarded jackass her story is full of holes, missing points and she made it up.

One can only hope some loon accuses you of something like this. You'd howl like a bitch

she wants witness' to testify under oath & is being refused. it's the senate (R)s that are screaming like little bitches & you are right there cheerleading for them.
Which witnesses?
There are none you idiot!
The other 'boy' said he wasn't even at the party.
The bitch claims there were four boys in the bedroom. Then she claims there were two.
Right now there are PIs turning over every rock.
They will find some George Soros money under one of them.

This woman's entire story is suspect and would never hold up in a court of law.

Nope not ever. You can't go into count with zero evidence and a story full of holes. Even a first year law student will tell you that

Happens all the time. Her story is not full of holes. She is not looking at criminal charges. Se is telling you what a POS Kavanaufh really is. Obviously, anyone who voted for the amoral POS Trump doesn't care how many girls Kavanaugh assaulted.

Oh BS you retarded jackass her story is full of holes, missing points and she made it up.

One can only hope some loon accuses you of something like this. You'd howl like a bitch

she wants witness' to testify under oath & is being refused. it's the senate (R)s that are screaming like little bitches & you are right there cheerleading for them.
Which witnesses?
There are none you idiot!
The other 'boy' said he wasn't even at the party.
The bitch claims there were four boys in the bedroom. Then she claims there were two.
Right now there are PIs turning over every rock.
They will find some George Soros money under one of them.

The other 'boy' was Judge & he said he had no memory of it. He did not say it did not happen.

then there should be no problem with him testifying under oath that he doesn't remember.... oh he doesn't wanna? huh... why not? perhaps he does remember.
A person who testifies on someone's behalf is considered a witness.

LOL even if they were not anywhere near the alleged incident?

Perhaps a character witness, nothing else and yeah this cray lady is a real character

They could testify that she had heard about the incident at school. Maybe Ford talked to her. Maybe someone who knows Kavanaugh is a POS?

I'm thinkiong that I will go with the college professor over a fucking drunk like Kavanaugh

That would be hearsay....I'd avoid legal topics if I were you

This is not a court of law. If the event was being discussed all over the school, it would be included.

Itr will be treated as a court of law and your moonbat will be crucified with no witnesses and a story full of holes.

Good lawyers know how to do that..I know, I'm married to one. He said she's in waaaaay over her head and will crash and burn upon any examination by even a first year law student.

Her best advice would be to go quietly away and try to forget she ever pulled such a stunt
PUL-LEEZE! Do have the old male members of the Senate committee "crucify" Ford for us all to see. PUL-LEEZE go there! TIA.
she wants witness' to testify under oath & is being refused. it's the senate (R)s that are screaming like little bitches & you are right there cheerleading for them.
Which witnesses?
There are none you idiot!
The other 'boy' said he wasn't even at the party.
The bitch claims there were four boys in the bedroom. Then she claims there were two.
Right now there are PIs turning over every rock.
They will find some George Soros money under one of them.

A person who testifies on someone's behalf is considered a witness.

LOL even if they were not anywhere near the alleged incident?

Perhaps a character witness, nothing else and yeah this cray lady is a real character

They could testify that she had heard about the incident at school. Maybe Ford talked to her. Maybe someone who knows Kavanaugh is a POS?

I'm thinkiong that I will go with the college professor over a fucking drunk like Kavanaugh

That would be hearsay....I'd avoid legal topics if I were you

& this isn't a criminal case... too bad you think you know the difference.
But only if you're a Conservative, of course. I mean, of course.

This is your daily reminder that if you're a Democrat, you can beat up your girlfriend on Domestic Violence charges and the Left won't whisper a peep. Heck, you can engage in shenanigans in the Oval Office with an intern and be impeached and STILL be lauded as a great statesman decades later.

But if your record is spotless save for one woman who says, 36 years later, that you once did things with her she didn't like, when you were both drunk and you were 17--your ship is sunk. But again: only if you're Conservative. This would be laughed off if you were a Democrat, because of COURSE you did those things.

They'd call you Uncle Brett for it. Maybe they'd wonder why you didn't drive her into a lake.

Indeed. The Dems beatified an stumbling fumbling drunk senator who left a woman to drown after he drove a car off of a bridge.

And still honor a man who is accused of at least 3 actual rapes, and about a dozen sexual assaults....and another sitting democrat Senator accused of raping underage girls.......

And why are they still supporting Keith Ellison who is accused by his former partner and who has corroborating, contemporaneous evidence?
I am not supporting him in any way shape or form.
A person who testifies on someone's behalf is considered a witness.

LOL even if they were not anywhere near the alleged incident?

Perhaps a character witness, nothing else and yeah this cray lady is a real character

They could testify that she had heard about the incident at school. Maybe Ford talked to her. Maybe someone who knows Kavanaugh is a POS?

I'm thinkiong that I will go with the college professor over a fucking drunk like Kavanaugh

That would be hearsay....I'd avoid legal topics if I were you

This is not a court of law. If the event was being discussed all over the school, it would be included.

Itr will be treated as a court of law and your moonbat will be crucified with no witnesses and a story full of holes.

Good lawyers know how to do that..I know, I'm married to one. He said she's in waaaaay over her head and will crash and burn upon any examination by even a first year law student.

Her best advice would be to go quietly away and try to forget she ever pulled such a stunt

lol... give it up.
But only if you're a Conservative, of course. I mean, of course.

This is your daily reminder that if you're a Democrat, you can beat up your girlfriend on Domestic Violence charges and the Left won't whisper a peep. Heck, you can engage in shenanigans in the Oval Office with an intern and be impeached and STILL be lauded as a great statesman decades later.

But if your record is spotless save for one woman who says, 36 years later, that you once did things with her she didn't like, when you were both drunk and you were 17--your ship is sunk. But again: only if you're Conservative. This would be laughed off if you were a Democrat, because of COURSE you did those things.

They'd call you Uncle Brett for it. Maybe they'd wonder why you didn't drive her into a lake.

Indeed. The Dems beatified an stumbling fumbling drunk senator who left a woman to drown after he drove a car off of a bridge.

And still honor a man who is accused of at least 3 actual rapes, and about a dozen sexual assaults....and another sitting democrat Senator accused of raping underage girls.......

And why are they still supporting Keith Ellison who is accused by his former partner and who has corroborating, contemporaneous evidence?
I am not supporting him in any way shape or form.

Good for you. It's too bad so many of your comrades, including the Dem Elite, do support him.
They could testify that she had heard about the incident at school. Maybe Ford talked to her. Maybe someone who knows Kavanaugh is a POS?

I'm thinkiong that I will go with the college professor over a fucking drunk like Kavanaugh

That would be hearsay....I'd avoid legal topics if I were you

This is not a court of law. If the event was being discussed all over the school, it would be included.

Itr will be treated as a court of law and your moonbat will be crucified with no witnesses and a story full of holes.

Good lawyers know how to do that..I know, I'm married to one. He said she's in waaaaay over her head and will crash and burn upon any examination by even a first year law student.

Her best advice would be to go quietly away and try to forget she ever pulled such a stunt

lol... give it up.

Give what up, troll? You're one of the dumbest bitches on this forum

Refute what I said or stop your goddamn trolling. Understand?

Married to a Marine my ass....see how the game is played you leftist hag?

i don't troll. & listen to you... getting all huffy. try a little self control if you can.... LOL.....
It isn’t about alleged sexual assault, it’s about stopping conservatives by any means necessary.

True. If they genuinely cared one whit about that alleged behavior, they would not have overwhelmingly supported Clinton, who had truckloads of sexual harassment/ assault victims, and a few actual rape victims. Whole books have been written about Clinton, including on how he would abuse his power to first procure women and later either offer them a job to keep quiet or intimidate/threaten them into silence. Or worse. But they loved him, because hey! He’s got a D by his name! SMH
Which witnesses?
There are none you idiot!
The other 'boy' said he wasn't even at the party.
The bitch claims there were four boys in the bedroom. Then she claims there were two.
Right now there are PIs turning over every rock.
They will find some George Soros money under one of them.

A person who testifies on someone's behalf is considered a witness.

LOL even if they were not anywhere near the alleged incident?

Perhaps a character witness, nothing else and yeah this cray lady is a real character

They could testify that she had heard about the incident at school. Maybe Ford talked to her. Maybe someone who knows Kavanaugh is a POS?

I'm thinkiong that I will go with the college professor over a fucking drunk like Kavanaugh

That would be hearsay....I'd avoid legal topics if I were you

& this isn't a criminal case... too bad you think you know the difference.
But only if you're a Conservative, of course. I mean, of course.

This is your daily reminder that if you're a Democrat, you can beat up your girlfriend on Domestic Violence charges and the Left won't whisper a peep. Heck, you can engage in shenanigans in the Oval Office with an intern and be impeached and STILL be lauded as a great statesman decades later.

But if your record is spotless save for one woman who says, 36 years later, that you once did things with her she didn't like, when you were both drunk and you were 17--your ship is sunk. But again: only if you're Conservative. This would be laughed off if you were a Democrat, because of COURSE you did those things.

They'd call you Uncle Brett for it. Maybe they'd wonder why you didn't drive her into a lake.

Indeed. The Dems beatified an stumbling fumbling drunk senator who left a woman to drown after he drove a car off of a bridge.

And still honor a man who is accused of at least 3 actual rapes, and about a dozen sexual assaults....and another sitting democrat Senator accused of raping underage girls.......

Teddy Kennedy was likely too drunk to drive when he drove off that bridge. He never denied it. He admitted his guilt & was charged with cause injury & leaving the scene. Never cared much for Ted buy he did do good things as a Senator.

Bill Clinton was accused of sexual misconduct by 4 women. Only one claimed she was raped even though she had testified under oath that she was not raped. You lied about the number of rape accusations & misconduct accusations. Which Senator wa accused of child rape?

This from a Trumpette
It isn’t about alleged sexual assault, it’s about stopping conservatives by any means necessary.

True. If they genuinely cared one whit about that alleged behavior, they would not have overwhelmingly supported Clinton, who had truckloads of sexual harassment/ assault victims, and a few actual rape victims. Whole books have been written about Clinton, including on how he would abuse his power to first procure women and later either offer them a job to keep quiet or intimidate/threaten them into silence. Or worse. But they loved him, because hey! He’s got a D by his name! SMH
"A few actual rape victims".....Rape is a crime, where are the indictments/convictions for rape?

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