Katrina's death toll was much bigger than Puerto Rico's 450

Trump MAGA

Oct 13, 2017
Although an analysis shows that as many as 450 people died as a result of Hurricane Maria (despite the official count being 45), there is no reason to freak out. Twitter Moments on Twitter

What Trump haters won't tell you is that 450 is still not nearly half as many people as the 2000 that died in Katrina.
Yes, it is sad, but what happened in Puerto Rico does not qualify as a catastrophe, it doesn't matter how hard you want to spin it.
Although an analysis shows that as many as 450 people died as a result of Hurricane Maria (despite the official count being 45), there is no reason to freak out. Twitter Moments on Twitter

What Trump haters won't tell you is that 450 is still not nearly half as many people as the 2000 that died in Katrina.
Yes, it is sad, but what happened in Puerto Rico does not qualify as a catastrophe, it doesn't matter how hard you want to spin it.

So, what, people should just be like "okay, only 450 died, no big deal, who cares?" because more people died in New Orleans? That's ridiculous.
Although an analysis shows that as many as 450 people died as a result of Hurricane Maria (despite the official count being 45), there is no reason to freak out. Twitter Moments on Twitter

What Trump haters won't tell you is that 450 is still not nearly half as many people as the 2000 that died in Katrina.
Yes, it is sad, but what happened in Puerto Rico does not qualify as a catastrophe, it doesn't matter how hard you want to spin it.

This one's a special kind of Stoopid. Climbing over the bodies of still-going-on rescue operations just to play the part of Fluff Girl for Rump. :gay:

Apparently there's also a death-toll threshold now to qualify as "catastrophe". I'm guessing it's 451, unless two more bodies are found in which case it goes up to 453.
Aside from whatever Puerto Rico's fatality numbers end up to be, Maria also caused some 42 deaths elsewhere from Dominica to New Jersey, and another 53 remain missing. Pretending the storm somehow sprang up right next to Puerto Rico and then just quit and went home, is just bizarro.
Although an analysis shows that as many as 450 people died as a result of Hurricane Maria (despite the official count being 45), there is no reason to freak out. Twitter Moments on Twitter

What Trump haters won't tell you is that 450 is still not nearly half as many people as the 2000 that died in Katrina.
Yes, it is sad, but what happened in Puerto Rico does not qualify as a catastrophe, it doesn't matter how hard you want to spin it.
Ah...so you are the determiner on what is a catastrophe, eh? An entire island is shut down.....and island with several million people....but meh?
Although an analysis shows that as many as 450 people died as a result of Hurricane Maria (despite the official count being 45), there is no reason to freak out. Twitter Moments on Twitter

What Trump haters won't tell you is that 450 is still not nearly half as many people as the 2000 that died in Katrina.
Yes, it is sad, but what happened in Puerto Rico does not qualify as a catastrophe, it doesn't matter how hard you want to spin it.

First post here. You have to be a satire account. I love it!
Although an analysis shows that as many as 450 people died as a result of Hurricane Maria (despite the official count being 45), there is no reason to freak out. Twitter Moments on Twitter

What Trump haters won't tell you is that 450 is still not nearly half as many people as the 2000 that died in Katrina.
Yes, it is sad, but what happened in Puerto Rico does not qualify as a catastrophe, it doesn't matter how hard you want to spin it.

Good point.

I would classify the Las Vegas shooting as an inconvenience. It doesn't come anywhere near the level of catastrophe as in Katrina.
One might argue that some of the death toll in Katrina was due to stupidity...people that had the opportunity to evacuate but chose not to. The did not heed Robert Plant's warning and ended up drowning when the levee broke.

In Puerto Rico, there was no opportunity to evacuate. And there were not as many immediate deaths because there was more wind damage than water damage. But I believe the death tolls in PR is going to slowly continue to climb as people die of dehydration and disease.
Trump controls the weather.

he sent Irma and maria to fuck up PR.

It was all part of the plan with Putin to take over the planet.

Trump must have everyone in Puerto Rico die...then he has won.

One might argue that some of the death toll in Katrina was due to stupidity...people that had the opportunity to evacuate but chose not to. The did not heed Robert Plant's warning and ended up drowning when the levee broke.

In Puerto Rico, there was no opportunity to evacuate. And there were not as many immediate deaths because there was more wind damage than water damage. But I believe the death tolls in PR is going to slowly continue to climb as people die of dehydration and disease.

Robber Plant? :uhh:

That was Kansas Joe McCoy and Memphis Minnie.

1927. Famous and disastrous flooding of the Mississippi River. Changed a lot of people's lives. Hell, my mother told me about it. Fucked up the whole lower Mississippi valley. See also Randy Newman's "Louisiana 1927" (which unlike Robber Plant he actually did write).

There wasn't much opportunity to evacuate for Katrina. There was, but the time window was a matter of hours. And in the event the storm itself didn't cause those deaths --- the flooding did. And that's the fault of the Army Corps of Engineers who put those faulty levees up.
Although an analysis shows that as many as 450 people died as a result of Hurricane Maria (despite the official count being 45), there is no reason to freak out. Twitter Moments on Twitter

What Trump haters won't tell you is that 450 is still not nearly half as many people as the 2000 that died in Katrina.
Yes, it is sad, but what happened in Puerto Rico does not qualify as a catastrophe, it doesn't matter how hard you want to spin it.

Jesus Christ. What if NOBODY died but the extent of the destruction was the same?

Not a catastrophe?
Although an analysis shows that as many as 450 people died as a result of Hurricane Maria (despite the official count being 45), there is no reason to freak out. Twitter Moments on Twitter

What Trump haters won't tell you is that 450 is still not nearly half as many people as the 2000 that died in Katrina.
Yes, it is sad, but what happened in Puerto Rico does not qualify as a catastrophe, it doesn't matter how hard you want to spin it.

Jesus Christ. What if NOBODY died but the extent of the destruction was the same?

Not a catastrophe?

It would be a catastrophe.

Just not a REAL catastrophe.
Although an analysis shows that as many as 450 people died as a result of Hurricane Maria (despite the official count being 45), there is no reason to freak out. Twitter Moments on Twitter

What Trump haters won't tell you is that 450 is still not nearly half as many people as the 2000 that died in Katrina.
Yes, it is sad, but what happened in Puerto Rico does not qualify as a catastrophe, it doesn't matter how hard you want to spin it.

Jesus Christ. What if NOBODY died but the extent of the destruction was the same?

Not a catastrophe?

But nothing is as big a catastrophe as 11/8/16.
Although an analysis shows that as many as 450 people died as a result of Hurricane Maria (despite the official count being 45), there is no reason to freak out. Twitter Moments on Twitter

What Trump haters won't tell you is that 450 is still not nearly half as many people as the 2000 that died in Katrina.
Yes, it is sad, but what happened in Puerto Rico does not qualify as a catastrophe, it doesn't matter how hard you want to spin it.

Jesus Christ. What if NOBODY died but the extent of the destruction was the same?

Not a catastrophe?

It would be a catastrophe.

Just not a REAL catastrophe.

Well, at least we now know that GW Bush's insane invasion of Iraq can rightly be called a catastrophe, based on the death toll.
What a sickening and truly inhuman thing this is -

Counting bodies. If this storm doesn't leave a higher pile of dead people, then somehow, they're worth less.

Its like the gun nutters saying that not enough children have died from guns.

Only Republicans, RWNJs, christians could come up with this shit.
Although an analysis shows that as many as 450 people died as a result of Hurricane Maria (despite the official count being 45), there is no reason to freak out. Twitter Moments on Twitter

What Trump haters won't tell you is that 450 is still not nearly half as many people as the 2000 that died in Katrina.
Yes, it is sad, but what happened in Puerto Rico does not qualify as a catastrophe, it doesn't matter how hard you want to spin it.

Trump MAGA

Have you looked at the footage from PR? It is a catastrophe beyond your imagination. My bet is you are going by the very cleaned up scene where the orange moron did his every so charming throwing of useless paper towels. Did he think the island could soak up the flooding with them or what?

Fact is, he chose the wealthiest part of the big island which, as it happens is also at the opposite side of where the worst of the storm hit.

We know people on both the big island and on Vieques. We sent emails to both - So far, one has answered.

The wife was already in NY visiting family. As of today, she still has not heard from or about her husband. They ran a wonderful resort where we have stayed at numerous times. They also rescue animals on Vieques where hundreds of horses run free. Look up the history of Vieques. The US Navy left hundreds and hundred of unexplored ordinance which kills and horribly maims horses and people. The Dept of the Military has said they would clean it up but the years pass and nothing happens. The resort is likely gone, meaning they have no home and no way to make a living. And, their animals?

We still have not heard from our friends on the main island. They have family on the mainland (Illinois) and we suspect they'll have to move there because, of course, their business is gone.

An art gallery in Old San Juan has carried our artwork for years. They're probably gone as well.

Anyone remember where the PIna Colada was "invented"? Its likely gone too.

No homes, no water, no food, no cars, no jobs, no businesses - all gone.
the Trump administration is slow-walking the reporting of the death toll in Puerto Rico

I think they’re really holding back on this to try to keep the news out of the media

We’ve heard stories of people having to bury their loved ones in the backyard and not being reported, people dying in hospitals of all sorts of diseases. People are drinking from streams. They’re not getting their dialysis treatment. They’re not getting their cancer treatment. There’s all these sorts of things that happen. Remember, Katrina had a few hundred people that were killed, but it was ultimately 1,800 people at the end. And so, I think they’re really holding back on this to try to keep the news out of the media

Well, we saw them scrub their website from the number of people who had power, the number of people who had telephone service back. ( FEMA removes — then restores — statistics about drinking water access and electricity in Puerto Rico from website )

there is either a slow go in reporting by Trump, or worse. OR WORSE...
Although an analysis shows that as many as 450 people died as a result of Hurricane Maria (despite the official count being 45), there is no reason to freak out. Twitter Moments on Twitter

What Trump haters won't tell you is that 450 is still not nearly half as many people as the 2000 that died in Katrina.
Yes, it is sad, but what happened in Puerto Rico does not qualify as a catastrophe, it doesn't matter how hard you want to spin it.
So does that mean Trump does not have to help Puerto Rico?

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