Kamala Harris & Elizabeth Warren Have Ethics Complaint Filed Against Them In Senate

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
It sounds like the Hildebeast is serious about a 2020 run and has just started her campaign to clear out ANYONE who might stand in her way....Great campaign ads to be made of these ETHIC COMPLAINTS!....a WATCHDOG GROUP did this.....and who is financing this so called watchdog group?

The faces of the criminal Democrat Party, at least two of them, have now had an ethics complaint filed against them in the US Senate, and rightly so. Senators Kamala Harris, who basically said that Judge Brett Kavanaugh was guilty because she believed Christine Blasey Ford’s unsubstantiated and uncorroborated accusations against him, and Elizabeth Warren, also known as “Fauxahontas,” are the two members of the Senate who will be investigated.

Looks like when you are so gung ho to go after someone based on 36-year-old allegations in which there are no witnesses and no evidence, it will eventually come back to bite you.

Both Harris and Warren stand accused of breaking fundraising rules by sending out fundraising emails asking for donations to support their votes against Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh.

The Washington Times reports:

A watchdog group filed a Senate ethics complaint Monday against Sens. Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren for sending out fundraising emails asking for donations to support their votes against Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh — even before they cast their votes against him.

Read more at dcclothesline.com ...
The real ethics complaint should focus on their utter contempt for human life and their felonious theft of oxygen.

It sounds like the Hildebeast is serious about a 2020 run and has just started her campaign to clear out ANYONE who might stand in her way....Great campaign ads to be made of these ETHIC COMPLAINTS!....a WATCHDOG GROUP did this.....and who is financing this so called watchdog group?

The faces of the criminal Democrat Party, at least two of them, have now had an ethics complaint filed against them in the US Senate, and rightly so. Senators Kamala Harris, who basically said that Judge Brett Kavanaugh was guilty because she believed Christine Blasey Ford’s unsubstantiated and uncorroborated accusations against him, and Elizabeth Warren, also known as “Fauxahontas,” are the two members of the Senate who will be investigated.

Looks like when you are so gung ho to go after someone based on 36-year-old allegations in which there are no witnesses and no evidence, it will eventually come back to bite you.

Both Harris and Warren stand accused of breaking fundraising rules by sending out fundraising emails asking for donations to support their votes against Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh.

The Washington Times reports:

A watchdog group filed a Senate ethics complaint Monday against Sens. Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren for sending out fundraising emails asking for donations to support their votes against Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh — even before they cast their votes against him.

Read more at dcclothesline.com ...

OH how hard up the GOP is. Scared as the weasels they are. LOL.
It sounds like the Hildebeast is serious about a 2020 run and has just started her campaign to clear out ANYONE who might stand in her way....Great campaign ads to be made of these ETHIC COMPLAINTS!....a WATCHDOG GROUP did this.....and who is financing this so called watchdog group?

The faces of the criminal Democrat Party, at least two of them, have now had an ethics complaint filed against them in the US Senate, and rightly so. Senators Kamala Harris, who basically said that Judge Brett Kavanaugh was guilty because she believed Christine Blasey Ford’s unsubstantiated and uncorroborated accusations against him, and Elizabeth Warren, also known as “Fauxahontas,” are the two members of the Senate who will be investigated.

Looks like when you are so gung ho to go after someone based on 36-year-old allegations in which there are no witnesses and no evidence, it will eventually come back to bite you.

Both Harris and Warren stand accused of breaking fundraising rules by sending out fundraising emails asking for donations to support their votes against Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh.

The Washington Times reports:

A watchdog group filed a Senate ethics complaint Monday against Sens. Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren for sending out fundraising emails asking for donations to support their votes against Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh — even before they cast their votes against him.

Read more at dcclothesline.com ...

OH how hard up the GOP is. Scared as the weasels they are. LOL.

Neither Harris nor Warren are in any danger of losing their seat. Therefore the ethics complaint is not a political move it's a legal one. Both Senators made it clear that their vote on Kavanaugh was for sale. That is strictly illegal.

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It sounds like the Hildebeast is serious about a 2020 run and has just started her campaign to clear out ANYONE who might stand in her way....Great campaign ads to be made of these ETHIC COMPLAINTS!....a WATCHDOG GROUP did this.....and who is financing this so called watchdog group?

The faces of the criminal Democrat Party, at least two of them, have now had an ethics complaint filed against them in the US Senate, and rightly so. Senators Kamala Harris, who basically said that Judge Brett Kavanaugh was guilty because she believed Christine Blasey Ford’s unsubstantiated and uncorroborated accusations against him, and Elizabeth Warren, also known as “Fauxahontas,” are the two members of the Senate who will be investigated.

Looks like when you are so gung ho to go after someone based on 36-year-old allegations in which there are no witnesses and no evidence, it will eventually come back to bite you.

Both Harris and Warren stand accused of breaking fundraising rules by sending out fundraising emails asking for donations to support their votes against Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh.

The Washington Times reports:

A watchdog group filed a Senate ethics complaint Monday against Sens. Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren for sending out fundraising emails asking for donations to support their votes against Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh — even before they cast their votes against him.

Read more at dcclothesline.com ...

I wonder when the pedophilia charges will fly against Biden? You know the old letch has done it.

It sounds like the Hildebeast is serious about a 2020 run and has just started her campaign to clear out ANYONE who might stand in her way....Great campaign ads to be made of these ETHIC COMPLAINTS!....a WATCHDOG GROUP did this.....and who is financing this so called watchdog group?

The faces of the criminal Democrat Party, at least two of them, have now had an ethics complaint filed against them in the US Senate, and rightly so. Senators Kamala Harris, who basically said that Judge Brett Kavanaugh was guilty because she believed Christine Blasey Ford’s unsubstantiated and uncorroborated accusations against him, and Elizabeth Warren, also known as “Fauxahontas,” are the two members of the Senate who will be investigated.

Looks like when you are so gung ho to go after someone based on 36-year-old allegations in which there are no witnesses and no evidence, it will eventually come back to bite you.

Both Harris and Warren stand accused of breaking fundraising rules by sending out fundraising emails asking for donations to support their votes against Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh.

The Washington Times reports:

A watchdog group filed a Senate ethics complaint Monday against Sens. Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren for sending out fundraising emails asking for donations to support their votes against Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh — even before they cast their votes against him.

Read more at dcclothesline.com ...

I wonder when the pedophilia charges will fly against Biden? You know the old letch has done it.


Well he certainly has a thing for putting his hands on young girls.

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