Kamala Harris calls President a Racist

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Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Yea, no one is shocked.
Kamala Harris Calls Trump Racist

Harris “When you talk about him calling African countries sh**hole countries. When you talk about him referring to immigrants as rapists and murderers, I don’t think you can reach any other conclusion,” the California senator told The Root.

President Trump is not a polished politician; he tends to just tell it like it is.
But, he is correct about third world countries being undesirable places to live. Trump is correct about illegal alien criminals. The Democratic Party is very proud of their sanctuary cities and states that protect illegal alien criminals from being deported. The Democrats who do not care about victims of illegal alien crimes are the real racist.

American Citizens have a 100% legitimate concern about filling our country with uneducated third world moochers.
She is a dumbass. Africa is a shithole. If its so great why dont she move there and give up her iPhone for ebola?
She also beat around the bush and said segregation still exists.
I hope she doesnt get the nom
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Would Kamala Harris want to live in Haiti?
So fuckstains Elijah Cummings tells Republicans they cannot ask about Russia but he allows his fellow fuckstains democrats to do so! And we are supposed to believe this is legit?
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