Justice Thomas… Madly In Love


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
…with the US Constitution.

1.CNN regular Jeffrey Toobin describes Justice Thomas, succinctly:

“In several of the most important areas of constitutional law, Thomas has emerged as an intellectual leader of the Supreme Court. Since the arrival of Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., in 2005, and Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr., in 2006, the Court has moved to the right when it comes to the free-speech rights of corporations, the rights of gun owners, and, potentially, the powers of the federal government; in each of these areas, the majority has followed where Thomas has been leading for a decade or more. Rarely has a Supreme Court Justice enjoyed such broad or significant vindication.” http://blogs.the-american-interest....omas-and-the-amendment-of-doom/#ixzz1WXKBUI2I

And Partners

2. A perennial mistake that folks make is awarding an undeserved objectivity, trustworthiness and/or ability to make decisions for the entire public. Nowhere is this more evident that that awarded to politicians, economists, bureaucrats, weathermen…..and the Supreme Court Justices.

Nowhere in the Constitution, the ‘law of the land,’ is there a requirement to do any more than listen to the meanderings of nine unelected lawyers. The Congress, and the President, and, yes, any literate citizen, are all assumed to have the same ability to judge constitutionality.

Exhibiting the brilliance that the knowledgeable have recognized in Justice Thomas, he puts the Court, the Justices, and the Constitution in perspective.

3. “…Clarence Thomas’s eloquent summary of the core precept of his judicial philosophy: that stare decisis—the venerable doctrine that courts should respect precedentdeserves but a minor place in Supreme Court jurisprudence. [He] emphasizes that, in America’s system of government, the “Constitution, federal statutes, and treaties are the law.” That’s why justices and other governmental officers take an oath to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States”—not to safeguard judicial precedents.

That the Constitution outranks other sources of law is inherent in its nature,” he writes. The job of a Supreme Court justice, therefore, “is modest: We interpret and apply written law to the facts of particular cases.”
Justice Thomas’s Credo

4. Everything changed when Progressives took over law schools. They taught law students a) that there was no natural law, nor unalienable rights, and b) that the Constitution is altered by case law. This meant American lawyers interpreting the Constitution via caselaw rather than through studying the Constitution itself.

The fact that Progressive villains…if that is not redundant…. Roscoe Pound and Christopher Columbus Langdell were able to subsume the Founders’ ideas and replace them with their own is bad enough.

But the myriad of law school grads who swallowed the idea that the Constitution bows to judge’s opinions documents their gullibility and fatuousness.

It is important that everyone know who Pound and Langdell were, and what they did to US jurisprudence....and I can reveal that.....

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Thomas who probably harass Anita Hill, that Thomas, and made his confirmation about attacking a black man? That Thomas?

Thomas's second wife remained active in conservative politics, serving as a consultant to the Heritage Foundation, and as founder and president of Liberty Central.[204] In 2011, she stepped down from Liberty Central to open a conservative lobbying firm, touting her "experience and connections", meeting with newly elected Republican congressmen and describing herself as an "ambassador to the tea party".[205][206] Also in 2011, 74 Democratic members of the House of Representatives wrote that Thomas should recuse himself on cases regarding the Affordable Care Act, due to "appearance of a conflict of interest" based on the work of his wife.[207]
he needs to step down and he should of in 2011. He is bias and had numerous conflicts of interest.

1. The thread is in "Law' for a reason.....it is about the progressive assault on the Constitution.

2. Nothing you wrote pertains to this.

3. But...I never mind educating you:

"...major events from the 1990s: The false sexual harassment charges against Judge Clarence Thomas in 1991 and the true sexual assault charges against President Bill Clinton in 1998.

The whole country knew Anita Hill was not telling the truth when she claimed Thomas had sexually harassed her at the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Perry Mason-style, her charges were produced decades after the alleged dirty talk, but right before the U.S. Senate voted on Thomas' nomination to the Supreme Court.

Hill didn't want to go public with her story (for good reason). But she was assured by feminists that she just had to whisper vague allegations to the Senate Judiciary Committee and Thomas would quietly withdraw.

Even the accusations are hard to take seriously in the Age of Weinstein. Hill said Thomas talked about pornography and bragged about his sexual prowess. No touching, no propositioning, no quid pro quo, no grabbing a woman's breasts and taking a photo.

The media did all they could to support Hill, featuring her defenders on all the Sunday shows, but -- and this was the key -- Americans saw the hearings.

Poll after poll showed that the public believed Thomas by staggering margins. Not one person who knew both Hill and Thomas believed Hill. Even wacko feminists and eunuch "feminist" males didn't really believe Hill. As mentioned, they just wanted to block Thomas' nomination in order to save "choice."

you may pin the tail on yourself
Everything changed when Progressives took over law schools. They taught law students
a) that there was no natural law, nor unalienable rights, and
b) that the Constitution is altered by case law.

This meant American lawyers interpreting the Constitution via caselaw rather than through studying the Constitution itself.

5. Roscoe Pound.

a. Roscoe Pound (1870-1964), Dean of Harvard Law School, instituted the "taught legal tradition." Pound firmly believed that the implementation of the principles of the taught legal tradition by wise common-law judges resulted in substantive change, which reflected changes in society. As the interpreters of the common law, judges had a special duty to consider the practical effects of their decisions and to strive to ensure that judging facilitated rather than hindered societal growth.” Roscoe Pound - definition of Roscoe Pound by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.
What was evident in his first published book in law, common with Progressives, was his deep indebtedness to German modes of thinking.

b. Pound sought to adjust principles and doctrines of law to the realities of the human condition…. wanted to extract wisdom from German social science to apply to American law.: law must leave "conceptions" and open itself up to social realities of the modern world.”… the backwardness of law in meeting social ends,…”
roscoe pound and jurisprudence and 1903 and nebraska and harvard law school

A true social-justice warrior.....but far from a constitutionalist.

c. He was perhaps the chief U.S. advocate of sociological jurisprudence, which holds that statutes and court decisions are affected by social conditions; his ideas apparently influenced the New Deal programs of Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Roscoe Pound: Biography from Answers.com

This is the sort of jurist that need be extirpated from the system.
Thomas who probably harass Anita Hill, that Thomas, and made his confirmation about attacking a black man? That Thomas?

Thomas's second wife remained active in conservative politics, serving as a consultant to the Heritage Foundation, and as founder and president of Liberty Central.[204] In 2011, she stepped down from Liberty Central to open a conservative lobbying firm, touting her "experience and connections", meeting with newly elected Republican congressmen and describing herself as an "ambassador to the tea party".[205][206] Also in 2011, 74 Democratic members of the House of Representatives wrote that Thomas should recuse himself on cases regarding the Affordable Care Act, due to "appearance of a conflict of interest" based on the work of his wife.[207]
he needs to step down and he should of in 2011. He is bias and had numerous conflicts of interest.

1. The thread is in "Law' for a reason.....it is about the progressive assault on the Constitution.

2. Nothing you wrote pertains to this.

3. But...I never mind educating you:

"...major events from the 1990s: The false sexual harassment charges against Judge Clarence Thomas in 1991 and the true sexual assault charges against President Bill Clinton in 1998.

The whole country knew Anita Hill was not telling the truth when she claimed Thomas had sexually harassed her at the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Perry Mason-style, her charges were produced decades after the alleged dirty talk, but right before the U.S. Senate voted on Thomas' nomination to the Supreme Court.

Hill didn't want to go public with her story (for good reason). But she was assured by feminists that she just had to whisper vague allegations to the Senate Judiciary Committee and Thomas would quietly withdraw.

Even the accusations are hard to take seriously in the Age of Weinstein. Hill said Thomas talked about pornography and bragged about his sexual prowess. No touching, no propositioning, no quid pro quo, no grabbing a woman's breasts and taking a photo.

The media did all they could to support Hill, featuring her defenders on all the Sunday shows, but -- and this was the key -- Americans saw the hearings.

Poll after poll showed that the public believed Thomas by staggering margins. Not one person who knew both Hill and Thomas believed Hill. Even wacko feminists and eunuch "feminist" males didn't really believe Hill. As mentioned, they just wanted to block Thomas' nomination in order to save "choice."

you may pin the tail on yourself
I never saw in the Constitution where it is okay to pee test applicants for a job..Nor did I find the law requiring drivers to have liability insurance by mandate.
Thomas who probably harass Anita Hill, that Thomas, and made his confirmation about attacking a black man? That Thomas?

Thomas's second wife remained active in conservative politics, serving as a consultant to the Heritage Foundation, and as founder and president of Liberty Central.[204] In 2011, she stepped down from Liberty Central to open a conservative lobbying firm, touting her "experience and connections", meeting with newly elected Republican congressmen and describing herself as an "ambassador to the tea party".[205][206] Also in 2011, 74 Democratic members of the House of Representatives wrote that Thomas should recuse himself on cases regarding the Affordable Care Act, due to "appearance of a conflict of interest" based on the work of his wife.[207]
he needs to step down and he should of in 2011. He is bias and had numerous conflicts of interest.

I don't want to be unnecessarily harsh so let me ask first, is English your second or third language?

Justice Thomas' wife remained active in conservative politics.

So what? What difference does that make? Should the spouse of any official resign from life?
I never saw in the Constitution where it is okay to pee test applicants for a job..Nor did I find the law requiring drivers to have liability insurance by mandate.

Have you ever READ the Constitution and its amendments? Obviously not, try it sometime, you'll HATE IT!
Thomas who probably harass Anita Hill, that Thomas, and made his confirmation about attacking a black man? That Thomas?

Thomas's second wife remained active in conservative politics, serving as a consultant to the Heritage Foundation, and as founder and president of Liberty Central.[204] In 2011, she stepped down from Liberty Central to open a conservative lobbying firm, touting her "experience and connections", meeting with newly elected Republican congressmen and describing herself as an "ambassador to the tea party".[205][206] Also in 2011, 74 Democratic members of the House of Representatives wrote that Thomas should recuse himself on cases regarding the Affordable Care Act, due to "appearance of a conflict of interest" based on the work of his wife.[207]
he needs to step down and he should of in 2011. He is bias and had numerous conflicts of interest.

I don't want to be unnecessarily harsh so let me ask first, is English your second or third language?

Justice Thomas' wife remained active in conservative politics.

So what? What difference does that make? Should the spouse of any official resign from life?

No its my first language. Thomas's second wife was a lobbyist and involved in bias non profits, he should of recused himself, and probably never confirmed, same as Kavanaugh.
I never saw in the Constitution where it is okay to pee test applicants for a job..Nor did I find the law requiring drivers to have liability insurance by mandate.

Those are state's rights issues, silly!!

Since those villains....er, Progressives have taken over the school system, few of their grads are, as you are, familiar with federalism, of the Constitution.

As you know....and they don't....Article 1, section 8, lists exactly what the central government is authorized to do.
Thomas who probably harass Anita Hill, that Thomas, and made his confirmation about attacking a black man? That Thomas?

Thomas's second wife remained active in conservative politics, serving as a consultant to the Heritage Foundation, and as founder and president of Liberty Central.[204] In 2011, she stepped down from Liberty Central to open a conservative lobbying firm, touting her "experience and connections", meeting with newly elected Republican congressmen and describing herself as an "ambassador to the tea party".[205][206] Also in 2011, 74 Democratic members of the House of Representatives wrote that Thomas should recuse himself on cases regarding the Affordable Care Act, due to "appearance of a conflict of interest" based on the work of his wife.[207]
he needs to step down and he should of in 2011. He is bias and had numerous conflicts of interest.

I don't want to be unnecessarily harsh so let me ask first, is English your second or third language?

Justice Thomas' wife remained active in conservative politics.

So what? What difference does that make? Should the spouse of any official resign from life?

PLEASE go right ahead and be unnecessarily harsh.....

Government school grads need that sort of tough love.
Thomas who probably harass Anita Hill, that Thomas, and made his confirmation about attacking a black man? That Thomas?

Thomas's second wife remained active in conservative politics, serving as a consultant to the Heritage Foundation, and as founder and president of Liberty Central.[204] In 2011, she stepped down from Liberty Central to open a conservative lobbying firm, touting her "experience and connections", meeting with newly elected Republican congressmen and describing herself as an "ambassador to the tea party".[205][206] Also in 2011, 74 Democratic members of the House of Representatives wrote that Thomas should recuse himself on cases regarding the Affordable Care Act, due to "appearance of a conflict of interest" based on the work of his wife.[207]
he needs to step down and he should of in 2011. He is bias and had numerous conflicts of interest.

I don't want to be unnecessarily harsh so let me ask first, is English your second or third language?

Justice Thomas' wife remained active in conservative politics.

So what? What difference does that make? Should the spouse of any official resign from life?

No its my first language. Thomas's second wife was a lobbyist and involved in bias non profits, he should of recused himself, and probably never confirmed, same as Kavanaugh.

Try to get your ....mind....and I use the term loosely.....around this.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a paid apparatchik for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

Everything changed when Progressives took over law schools. They taught law students
a) that there was no natural law, nor unalienable rights, and
b) that the Constitution is altered by case law.

This meant American lawyers interpreting the Constitution via caselaw rather than through studying the Constitution itself.

6. Even before Roscoe Pound, Christopher Columbus Langdell , 1826-1906, reduced the importance of the Constitution in the law profession. In 1875 he became dean of Harvard law school. Together with J. B. Ames , who succeeded him as dean in 1895, he revised the curriculum of the school. Langdell is especially famed for the introduction of the "case method" in the study of law.

a. Langdell's theory was first adopted at Harvard, then at Columbia law school, and in time gained almost universal acceptance. Langdell prepared casebooks in the fields of contracts, equity, and sales. http://www.encyclopedia.com/topic/Ch..._Langdell.aspx

b. Before Langdell's tenure the study of law was a technical pursuit. Students were told what the law is. However, at Harvard Langdell applied the principles of pragmatism to the study of law. Now, as a result of this innovation, lawyers are taught the law through a dialectical process of inference called the case method. The case method has been the primary method of pedagogy at American law schools ever since. Students such as Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. would ensure that Langdell's innovation would not go unnoticed. Christopher Columbus Langdell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The very same Democrats/Progressives/Liberals who brought you slavery, eugenics, infanticide, the Iranian nuclear agenda, are also responsible for this vicious attack on the Constitution, and on America.
7. As Justice Thomas states, precedent means nothing, the Constitution means everything.

Either that, or we have no America.

“…U.S. law does not “evolve” by the slow accumulation of judicial precedents. What the law schools teach as “constitutional law” is merely a collection of opinions valid only insofar as they correctly construe the written texts of the Constitution and statutes.

English jurist William Blackstone had put it even more strongly in his standard Founding-era law text, Thomas observes. “When a ‘former decision is manifestly absurd or unjust’ or fails to conform to reason,” Blackstone pronounced, “it is not simply ‘bad law,’ but ‘not law’ at all.”

… why would American Supreme Court justices, for whom precedent is only a guide, not a command, be any less ready to do the same? After all, they don’t hesitate, when they deem unconstitutional a law passed by the people’s elected representatives and signed by the president, to overturn it.

“In my view,” Thomas declares in Gamble, “if the Court encounters a decision that is demonstrably erroneous—i.e., one that is not a permissible interpretation of the text—the Court should correct the error. . . . When faced with a demonstrably erroneous precedent, my rule is simple: We should not follow it.”
Justice Thomas’s Credo

8. “At the top of Thomas’s list of deplorables is the doctrine of “substantive due process”—the assertion that the due-process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment makes some individual rights so fundamental that no state government can invade them.

… “this fiction is a particularly dangerous one” because it “lack a guiding principle to distinguish ‘fundamental’ rights that warrant protection from nonfundamental rights that do not,” allowing judges to make up imaginary rights out of the Constitution’s supposed “emanations, formed by penumbras”—gas and shadows, in plain English.

The end result of such so-called reasoning is the standard set forth in a case like Planned Parenthood v. Casey, for example, which “is the product of its authors’ own philosophical views about abortion,” Thomas writes, with “no origins in or relationship to the Constitution.” Justice Thomas’s Credo

Clarence Thomas…..my man!
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9. “Five years ago and more, such legal commentators as Philip Howard or Mark Levin saw no other way to restore our original Constitution—the one framed in 1787, improved by the Bill of Rights, and perfected by the Reconstruction Amendments and the Nineteenth Amendment giving women the vote—than to call a new convention, as authorized by Article V of the Constitution.

Such a conclave would sweep away the many judicial distortions and subversions and bring back our revolutionary, still avant-garde Constitution that doesn’t rule citizens but merely protects their right to govern themselves and to pursue their own happiness in their own way, in their families and local communities.

Clarence Thomas has proposed another, more incremental way to achieve that end. In his 28 years on the Court, he has marked out an array of erroneous precedents that he thinks the Court should overturn in order to get back to the Framers’ Constitution.

With some new originalist jurists now joining Thomas on the high bench, the Court might just follow the trail back to liberty that he has blazed—and marked out with especially vivid clarity in Gamble.”
Justice Thomas’s Credo

Can I get an “Amen!”
Thomas who probably harass Anita Hill, that Thomas, and made his confirmation about attacking a black man? That Thomas?

Thomas's second wife remained active in conservative politics, serving as a consultant to the Heritage Foundation, and as founder and president of Liberty Central.[204] In 2011, she stepped down from Liberty Central to open a conservative lobbying firm, touting her "experience and connections", meeting with newly elected Republican congressmen and describing herself as an "ambassador to the tea party".[205][206] Also in 2011, 74 Democratic members of the House of Representatives wrote that Thomas should recuse himself on cases regarding the Affordable Care Act, due to "appearance of a conflict of interest" based on the work of his wife.[207]
he needs to step down and he should of in 2011. He is bias and had numerous conflicts of interest.

I don't want to be unnecessarily harsh so let me ask first, is English your second or third language?

Justice Thomas' wife remained active in conservative politics.

So what? What difference does that make? Should the spouse of any official resign from life?

No its my first language. Thomas's second wife was a lobbyist and involved in bias non profits, he should of recused himself, and probably never confirmed, same as Kavanaugh.

Try to get your ....mind....and I use the term loosely.....around this.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a paid apparatchik for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

Was she a lobbyist as well. we all know they go to the bench with different thoughts on the constitution, but not when your partner belongs to a lobbying group and bias non profit.

What a champion of civil rights she is:
In the words of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Supreme Court Justice and co-founder of the Women's Rights Project at the ACLU, "Women's rights are an essential part of the overall human rights agenda, trained on the equal dignity and ability to live in freedom all people should enjoy."

also Mitch McConnell or his wife must resign. I'm deadly serious.

and tramp should kick his dtr and sil to the curb.
Thomas who probably harass Anita Hill, that Thomas, and made his confirmation about attacking a black man? That Thomas?

Thomas's second wife remained active in conservative politics, serving as a consultant to the Heritage Foundation, and as founder and president of Liberty Central.[204] In 2011, she stepped down from Liberty Central to open a conservative lobbying firm, touting her "experience and connections", meeting with newly elected Republican congressmen and describing herself as an "ambassador to the tea party".[205][206] Also in 2011, 74 Democratic members of the House of Representatives wrote that Thomas should recuse himself on cases regarding the Affordable Care Act, due to "appearance of a conflict of interest" based on the work of his wife.[207]
he needs to step down and he should of in 2011. He is bias and had numerous conflicts of interest.

I don't want to be unnecessarily harsh so let me ask first, is English your second or third language?

Justice Thomas' wife remained active in conservative politics.

So what? What difference does that make? Should the spouse of any official resign from life?

No its my first language. Thomas's second wife was a lobbyist and involved in bias non profits, he should of recused himself, and probably never confirmed, same as Kavanaugh.

Try to get your ....mind....and I use the term loosely.....around this.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a paid apparatchik for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

Was she a lobbyist as well. we all know they go to the bench with different thoughts on the constitution, but not when your partner belongs to a lobbying group and bias non profit.

What a champion of civil rights she is:
In the words of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Supreme Court Justice and co-founder of the Women's Rights Project at the ACLU, "Women's rights are an essential part of the overall human rights agenda, trained on the equal dignity and ability to live in freedom all people should enjoy."

also Mitch McConnell or his wife must resign. I'm deadly serious.

and tramp should kick his dtr and sil to the curb.

A lobbyist gets paid to influence the politics of government.....ACLU drones are by nature communist-affiliated, and do their dirty work out of ideology.

She, like you, is a mind-numbed robot drone of the Left.

She, like you, an enemy of this once great nation.
Thomas who probably harass Anita Hill, that Thomas, and made his confirmation about attacking a black man? That Thomas?

Thomas's second wife remained active in conservative politics, serving as a consultant to the Heritage Foundation, and as founder and president of Liberty Central.[204] In 2011, she stepped down from Liberty Central to open a conservative lobbying firm, touting her "experience and connections", meeting with newly elected Republican congressmen and describing herself as an "ambassador to the tea party".[205][206] Also in 2011, 74 Democratic members of the House of Representatives wrote that Thomas should recuse himself on cases regarding the Affordable Care Act, due to "appearance of a conflict of interest" based on the work of his wife.[207]
he needs to step down and he should of in 2011. He is bias and had numerous conflicts of interest.

I don't want to be unnecessarily harsh so let me ask first, is English your second or third language?

Justice Thomas' wife remained active in conservative politics.

So what? What difference does that make? Should the spouse of any official resign from life?

No its my first language. Thomas's second wife was a lobbyist and involved in bias non profits, he should of recused himself, and probably never confirmed, same as Kavanaugh.

Try to get your ....mind....and I use the term loosely.....around this.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a paid apparatchik for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

Was she a lobbyist as well. we all know they go to the bench with different thoughts on the constitution, but not when your partner belongs to a lobbying group and bias non profit.

What a champion of civil rights she is:
In the words of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Supreme Court Justice and co-founder of the Women's Rights Project at the ACLU, "Women's rights are an essential part of the overall human rights agenda, trained on the equal dignity and ability to live in freedom all people should enjoy."

also Mitch McConnell or his wife must resign. I'm deadly serious.

and tramp should kick his dtr and sil to the curb.

January 19, 1920 ACLU was founded. It grew out of a predecessor group, The National Civil Liberties Bureau, which had grown out of the American Union Against Militarism. The founding director of the ACLU, Roger Nash Baldwin, was deeply involved with the communist movement. As late as 1935 he gave a speech stating that his political vision was communist.

And the Democrats put this ideolog on the Supreme Court....just as they put an anti-free speech advocate on some years later.

Why do you folks hate America???

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