Justice Department to drop case against Darren Wilson.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.

The liberals here assured us that this was a clear cut case of police brutality, that the "Justice System was broken" that the evidence and witness testimony is clear that Brown was innocent and Wilson was guilty.

So how can this happen? Is Eric Holder in on it? Is Eric Holder a traitor to his race?

Or...are liberals wrong as they always are?

Justice Department Not Likely To Bring Civil Rights Charges Against Darren Wilson High Skool High
Another kid killed in St. Louis too.

Hell, all he had was a Tech 9.

Cops could have cut him some slack.

Oh, if only the poor child had been white.
Ha ha crickets from the left wing nutters.

Here's a lesson for everyone:

If EVER you find yourself on the same side of an issue as Al Sharpton, understand that you are wrong.

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