Just wondering how many of you leftists could endure a significant real estate tax increase?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Just wondering how many of you in the middle class, voting for socialism and endorsing and supporting wholesale changes for the GREEN NEW DEAL and paying REPARATIONS for the blacks along with medicare for all and the endless line of programs that I have not listed, will be able afford say a $20k dollar real estate annual tax bill?

For those thinking they own property, I can assure you it doesn't matter if you are free and clear from the bank. Try not paying your property tax, you will see who actually owns it.

So, how many of you will be able to endure it? I am obviously not asking the trust fund losers who don't know what it is to pay bills. I am also not talking to the left wing women who know nothing about how the economy actually works.

How many of you will be able to endure it? Cause if you cannot, the government will take your house.

You ok with that?


Why do I even bother asking the left anything? They will giggle at the notion that could ever happen.
Just wondering how many of you in the middle class, voting for socialism and endorsing and supporting wholesale changes for the GREEN NEW DEAL and paying REPARATIONS for the blacks along with medicare for all and the endless line of programs that I have not listed, will be able afford say a $20k dollar real estate annual tax bill?

For those thinking they own property, I can assure you it doesn't matter if you are free and clear from the bank. Try not paying your property tax, you will see who actually owns it.

So, how many of you will be able to endure it? I am obviously not asking the trust fund losers who don't know what it is to pay bills. I am also not talking to the left wing women who know nothing about how the economy actually works.

How many of you will be able to endure it? Cause if you cannot, the government will take your house.

You ok with that?


Why do I even bother asking the left anything? They will giggle at the notion that could ever happen.
hate to break it to you but both dems and repubes are guilty of high property taxs,,, and property taxs are state and local not fed,,,

you might want to pick a different subject to slam dems for,,,
Beware of Democrats, in my state in addition to the property taxes the state steals 2% of the sales price if you sell and tried to increase this to 8%. You have to pay that 2% even if you don't have 2% equity in the home, sucks to be you take a loss homeowner. That's Democrats for you.
Just wondering how many of you in the middle class, voting for socialism and endorsing and supporting wholesale changes for the GREEN NEW DEAL and paying REPARATIONS for the blacks along with medicare for all and the endless line of programs that I have not listed, will be able afford say a $20k dollar real estate annual tax bill?

For those thinking they own property, I can assure you it doesn't matter if you are free and clear from the bank. Try not paying your property tax, you will see who actually owns it.

So, how many of you will be able to endure it? I am obviously not asking the trust fund losers who don't know what it is to pay bills. I am also not talking to the left wing women who know nothing about how the economy actually works.

How many of you will be able to endure it? Cause if you cannot, the government will take your house.

You ok with that?


Why do I even bother asking the left anything? They will giggle at the notion that could ever happen.
hate to break it to you but both dems and repubes are guilty of high property taxs,,, and property taxs are state and local not fed,,,

you might want to pick a different subject to slam dems for,,,
True, but I think you underestimate the wholesale changes the left are targeting.

We are for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself... we seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.

Roger Nash Baldwin

This is what they are aiming for and that is their agenda. They are becoming more and more radicalized in our beloved institutions of lower living called Universities, which are marxist brainwashing centers.

They producing aoc types and they are getting into places of power.

Don't underestimate the power of group think or ignore what their stated goals are.
Just wondering how many of you in the middle class, voting for socialism and endorsing and supporting wholesale changes for the GREEN NEW DEAL and paying REPARATIONS for the blacks along with medicare for all and the endless line of programs that I have not listed, will be able afford say a $20k dollar real estate annual tax bill?

For those thinking they own property, I can assure you it doesn't matter if you are free and clear from the bank. Try not paying your property tax, you will see who actually owns it.

So, how many of you will be able to endure it? I am obviously not asking the trust fund losers who don't know what it is to pay bills. I am also not talking to the left wing women who know nothing about how the economy actually works.

How many of you will be able to endure it? Cause if you cannot, the government will take your house.

You ok with that?


Why do I even bother asking the left anything? They will giggle at the notion that could ever happen.
hate to break it to you but both dems and repubes are guilty of high property taxs,,, and property taxs are state and local not fed,,,

you might want to pick a different subject to slam dems for,,,
True, but I think you underestimate the wholesale changes the left are targeting.

We are for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself... we seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.

Roger Nash Baldwin

This is what they are aiming for and that is their agenda. They are becoming more and more radicalized in our beloved institutions of lower living called Universities, which are marxist brainwashing centers.

They producing aoc types and they are getting into places of power.

Don't underestimate the power of group think or ignore what their stated goals are.
they always say clean your own house before you complain about others,,,

I live in a republican ran state and they are doing all the same things the dems are doing,, the only difference is the numbers are lower,,,
Just wondering how many of you in the middle class, voting for socialism and endorsing and supporting wholesale changes for the GREEN NEW DEAL and paying REPARATIONS for the blacks along with medicare for all and the endless line of programs that I have not listed, will be able afford say a $20k dollar real estate annual tax bill?

For those thinking they own property, I can assure you it doesn't matter if you are free and clear from the bank. Try not paying your property tax, you will see who actually owns it.

So, how many of you will be able to endure it? I am obviously not asking the trust fund losers who don't know what it is to pay bills. I am also not talking to the left wing women who know nothing about how the economy actually works.

How many of you will be able to endure it? Cause if you cannot, the government will take your house.

You ok with that?


Why do I even bother asking the left anything? They will giggle at the notion that could ever happen.
Trump haters are unwittingly voting for their own decrease in standard of living.
Just wondering how many of you in the middle class, voting for socialism and endorsing and supporting wholesale changes for the GREEN NEW DEAL and paying REPARATIONS for the blacks along with medicare for all and the endless line of programs that I have not listed, will be able afford say a $20k dollar real estate annual tax bill?

For those thinking they own property, I can assure you it doesn't matter if you are free and clear from the bank. Try not paying your property tax, you will see who actually owns it.

So, how many of you will be able to endure it? I am obviously not asking the trust fund losers who don't know what it is to pay bills. I am also not talking to the left wing women who know nothing about how the economy actually works.

How many of you will be able to endure it? Cause if you cannot, the government will take your house.

You ok with that?


Why do I even bother asking the left anything? They will giggle at the notion that could ever happen.
hate to break it to you but both dems and repubes are guilty of high property taxs,,, and property taxs are state and local not fed,,,

you might want to pick a different subject to slam dems for,,,
True, but I think you underestimate the wholesale changes the left are targeting.

We are for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself... we seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.

Roger Nash Baldwin

This is what they are aiming for and that is their agenda. They are becoming more and more radicalized in our beloved institutions of lower living called Universities, which are marxist brainwashing centers.

They producing aoc types and they are getting into places of power.

Don't underestimate the power of group think or ignore what their stated goals are.
they always say clean your own house before you complain about others,,,

I live in a republican ran state and they are doing all the same things the dems are doing,, the only difference is the numbers are lower,,,
Hence why I asked leftists. Didn't mention parties. You mentioned parties. You see me mention parties? Not one party or the other party. We all know there are rinos and we also know who are the committed SOCIALISTS. However, if we think they will stop as socialism, then we are naive.

We see their stated goals. We see what they are calling for. We see the leftists backing the GREEN NEW DEAL and the 93 trillion dollar price tag and the call for reparations with the 14 trillion dollar price tag.

Which party is backing those candidates and which group are defending those demands?
Just wondering how many of you in the middle class, voting for socialism and endorsing and supporting wholesale changes for the GREEN NEW DEAL and paying REPARATIONS for the blacks along with medicare for all and the endless line of programs that I have not listed, will be able afford say a $20k dollar real estate annual tax bill?

For those thinking they own property, I can assure you it doesn't matter if you are free and clear from the bank. Try not paying your property tax, you will see who actually owns it.

So, how many of you will be able to endure it? I am obviously not asking the trust fund losers who don't know what it is to pay bills. I am also not talking to the left wing women who know nothing about how the economy actually works.

How many of you will be able to endure it? Cause if you cannot, the government will take your house.

You ok with that?


Why do I even bother asking the left anything? They will giggle at the notion that could ever happen.
hate to break it to you but both dems and repubes are guilty of high property taxs,,, and property taxs are state and local not fed,,,

you might want to pick a different subject to slam dems for,,,
True, but I think you underestimate the wholesale changes the left are targeting.

We are for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself... we seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.

Roger Nash Baldwin

This is what they are aiming for and that is their agenda. They are becoming more and more radicalized in our beloved institutions of lower living called Universities, which are marxist brainwashing centers.

They producing aoc types and they are getting into places of power.

Don't underestimate the power of group think or ignore what their stated goals are.
they always say clean your own house before you complain about others,,,

I live in a republican ran state and they are doing all the same things the dems are doing,, the only difference is the numbers are lower,,,
Hence why I asked leftists. Didn't mention parties. You mentioned parties. You see me mention parties? Not one party or the other party. We all know there are rinos and we also know who are the committed SOCIALISTS. However, if we think they will stop as socialism, then we are naive.

We see their stated goals. We see what they are calling for. We see the leftists backing the GREEN NEW DEAL and the 93 trillion dollar price tag and the call for reparations with the 14 trillion dollar price tag.

Which party is backing those candidates and which group are defending those demands?
well both dems and repubes are left wing in this country,,,

sorry for my confusion,,,
Just wondering how many of you in the middle class, voting for socialism and endorsing and supporting wholesale changes for the GREEN NEW DEAL and paying REPARATIONS for the blacks along with medicare for all and the endless line of programs that I have not listed, will be able afford say a $20k dollar real estate annual tax bill?

For those thinking they own property, I can assure you it doesn't matter if you are free and clear from the bank. Try not paying your property tax, you will see who actually owns it.

So, how many of you will be able to endure it? I am obviously not asking the trust fund losers who don't know what it is to pay bills. I am also not talking to the left wing women who know nothing about how the economy actually works.

How many of you will be able to endure it? Cause if you cannot, the government will take your house.

You ok with that?


Why do I even bother asking the left anything? They will giggle at the notion that could ever happen.
hate to break it to you but both dems and repubes are guilty of high property taxs,,, and property taxs are state and local not fed,,,

you might want to pick a different subject to slam dems for,,,
True, but I think you underestimate the wholesale changes the left are targeting.

We are for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself... we seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.

Roger Nash Baldwin

This is what they are aiming for and that is their agenda. They are becoming more and more radicalized in our beloved institutions of lower living called Universities, which are marxist brainwashing centers.

They producing aoc types and they are getting into places of power.

Don't underestimate the power of group think or ignore what their stated goals are.
they always say clean your own house before you complain about others,,,

I live in a republican ran state and they are doing all the same things the dems are doing,, the only difference is the numbers are lower,,,
Hence why I asked leftists. Didn't mention parties. You mentioned parties. You see me mention parties? Not one party or the other party. We all know there are rinos and we also know who are the committed SOCIALISTS. However, if we think they will stop as socialism, then we are naive.

We see their stated goals. We see what they are calling for. We see the leftists backing the GREEN NEW DEAL and the 93 trillion dollar price tag and the call for reparations with the 14 trillion dollar price tag.

Which party is backing those candidates and which group are defending those demands?
This is painful. Once we learned we can pay ourselves through government and with government political class helping us, the game changed to this. Most people are not going to give up any benefits, pensions, medical they receive or can receive or will receive. Every republic turns eventually into a nation of tyranny or civil discourse at some point. We are not at the Republic point anymore even though people believe it.
Just wondering how many of you in the middle class, voting for socialism and endorsing and supporting wholesale changes for the GREEN NEW DEAL and paying REPARATIONS for the blacks along with medicare for all and the endless line of programs that I have not listed, will be able afford say a $20k dollar real estate annual tax bill?

For those thinking they own property, I can assure you it doesn't matter if you are free and clear from the bank. Try not paying your property tax, you will see who actually owns it.

So, how many of you will be able to endure it? I am obviously not asking the trust fund losers who don't know what it is to pay bills. I am also not talking to the left wing women who know nothing about how the economy actually works.

How many of you will be able to endure it? Cause if you cannot, the government will take your house.

You ok with that?


Why do I even bother asking the left anything? They will giggle at the notion that could ever happen.
I would downsize. Got my County tax bill Friday. Check went out Saturday. Waiting on the smaller city tax bill. Together, they are no where near $20,000, though did go up this year. if you are being abused like that on an average home, you are just letting yourself be being abused by your city and county government and need to move. It is not like that everywhere. It just isn't.

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