Just when I thought Obama couldn't possibly be any more despicable...


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
This man screams about "sharing the wealth" and "being your brother's keeper" while wallowing in wealth (tens of millions) and allowing his aunt and brother to live in complete destitute poverty.

Liberals are the most deplorable hypocrites in the world. How anybody can follow this piece of shit with his lies and his hypocrisy is mind-boggling.

Who bailed out Obama’s brother? HINT: Not Barack*
President Obama often cites the Bible as reason for advocating a big government nanny state. He’ll either refer to verses in Matthew and sometimes uses phrases such as "being our brother’s keeper."*In the ironies of ironies, Barack Obama’s own brother, George, who lives in extreme poverty, recently turned to conservative author, Dinesh D’Souza for help. Why D’Souza? According to George, “he didn’t have anyone else to turn to.” - wow.

Dinesh D‘Souza Says He Paid Hospital Bill for Obama’s Half-Brother George Obama | Video | TheBlaze.com
Ain't life a bitch, then you die

Well, kudos for at least being honest enough to even attempt to defend this piece of dog shit. How can a man with millions preach about marxism while leaving his own family in poverty? He must not want to be taken seriously, or he would at least pretend to care about "sharing the wealth" with his own family while screaming that strangers should share their wealth.
Ain't life a bitch, then you die

Speaking of which; just remember...when you have a bad day as we all have from time to time...just remember that somewhere out there, there is some one having a worse day than you ever could. His name is Mr. Pelosi. I'm down with her politics but has there ever been a more stereotypical liberal than her? She's like nails on a chalkboard to me; I'm sure she's a nice person but UGGH!

I was watching an episode of Portlandia on Netflix one day before going to Yoga and one of their sketches had a couple going to a restuarant...they wanted some chicken so they asked the waitress if it was free-range. The waitress brought out a complete dossier on the chicken they were about to consume; it's feeding schedules, affidavits from psychologists who observed the bird while it was alive, it had pictures of the bird...etc. I can imagine going out on Friday night with Nancy is an exercise not much different than that.

As for the OP, not worth reading...Rott hasn't said anything worthwhile in justabout ever.
George Obama has repeatedly denied that he feels abandoned by Barack Obama (who I don't believe he has ever met or contacted): Corsi in Kenya: Obama's Nation Boots Obama Nation Author - TIME

D'Souza's repeated assertions that Barack Obama is a bad person because he is not financially supporting George is offensive because (among other reasons) he denies George agency. Given that George has repeatedly indicated that he does not want Obama's money, why shouldn't D'Souza respect his wishes?

D'Souza asks "What is the real story here?" I would say: "Conservative propagandist admits paying a man about a year's worth of money in exchange for his interview".
George Obama has repeatedly denied that he feels abandoned by Barack Obama (who I don't believe he has ever met or contacted): Corsi in Kenya: Obama's Nation Boots Obama Nation Author - TIME

D'Souza's repeated assertions that Barack Obama is a bad person because he is not financially supporting George is offensive because (among other reasons) he denies George agency. Given that George has repeatedly indicated that he does not want Obama's money, why shouldn't D'Souza respect his wishes?

D'Souza asks "What is the real story here?" I would say: "Conservative propagandist admits paying a man about a year's worth of money in exchange for his interview".

I would say: Fair shares, fair shots and all the rest are as useless as all Obama's campaign speak from four years ago. But it sure gins up support for relieving "the wealthy" of what they've earned. ;)
George Obama has repeatedly denied that he feels abandoned by Barack Obama (who I don't believe he has ever met or contacted): Corsi in Kenya: Obama's Nation Boots Obama Nation Author - TIME

D'Souza's repeated assertions that Barack Obama is a bad person because he is not financially supporting George is offensive because (among other reasons) he denies George agency. Given that George has repeatedly indicated that he does not want Obama's money, why shouldn't D'Souza respect his wishes?

D'Souza asks "What is the real story here?" I would say: "Conservative propagandist admits paying a man about a year's worth of money in exchange for his interview".

Bullcrap, George's son was sick, your messiah didn't know and didn't give a sh*t. A year's worth of money is $1,000.00. Whop de doo!!

Barack has distanced himself from George because he doesn't support their father's views and being anti-colonialist. George doesn't want anything from Barack and I don't blame him. The move 2016 is coming out, George has been interviewed in the documentary.

You might want to click on the trailer.

2016: Obama's America | Official Movie Site
So, why do some conservatives think this current "hissyfits and butthurt" strategy is suddenly going to start paying dividends?

The loons have been screaming insanely stupid stuff about President Obama for 4 solid years, and essentially all of it has turned out to be BS. The nation has seen all that. The ODS (Obama Derangement Syndrome) crowd has cried "wolf!" too many times. Essentially, all they've done is make President Obama immune to negative campaigning, because most people now instantly assume it's just another lie.

Sure, a few people will believe the negative campaigning, but only the ones who fell for the previous BS. The new BS isn't going to gain any new voters.
Just when I thought Obama couldn't possibly be any more despicable...

Then, you got drunker while listening to Fox News, Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, etc. - and found him more dispicable...?
George Obama has repeatedly denied that he feels abandoned by Barack Obama (who I don't believe he has ever met or contacted): Corsi in Kenya: Obama's Nation Boots Obama Nation Author - TIME

D'Souza's repeated assertions that Barack Obama is a bad person because he is not financially supporting George is offensive because (among other reasons) he denies George agency. Given that George has repeatedly indicated that he does not want Obama's money, why shouldn't D'Souza respect his wishes?

D'Souza asks "What is the real story here?" I would say: "Conservative propagandist admits paying a man about a year's worth of money in exchange for his interview".

they haved met a couple of times, once in 1988 when George was 6, and once in 2006.... Obama is rich, you think he'd help a brotha (and a brother) out. But again, liberal's are exempt
George Obama has repeatedly denied that he feels abandoned by Barack Obama (who I don't believe he has ever met or contacted): Corsi in Kenya: Obama's Nation Boots Obama Nation Author - TIME

D'Souza's repeated assertions that Barack Obama is a bad person because he is not financially supporting George is offensive because (among other reasons) he denies George agency. Given that George has repeatedly indicated that he does not want Obama's money, why shouldn't D'Souza respect his wishes?

D'Souza asks "What is the real story here?" I would say: "Conservative propagandist admits paying a man about a year's worth of money in exchange for his interview".

The issue is not how George Obama "feels". The issue is, how does a piece of shit like Obama - wallowing in tens of millions of dollars while demonizing the wealthy and preaching about marxism - leave his aunt and his brother destitute in poverty?

The fact that you would even attempt to defend such sickening hypocrisy speaks volumes. This is indefensible, and I would be disgusted with any conservative candidate who devoutly preached one thing and then did the exact opposite.
So, why do some conservatives think this current "hissyfits and butthurt" strategy is suddenly going to start paying dividends?

The loons have been screaming insanely stupid stuff about President Obama for 4 solid years, and essentially all of it has turned out to be BS. The nation has seen all that. The ODS (Obama Derangement Syndrome) crowd has cried "wolf!" too many times. Essentially, all they've done is make President Obama immune to negative campaigning, because most people now instantly assume it's just another lie.

Sure, a few people will believe the negative campaigning, but only the ones who fell for the previous BS. The new BS isn't going to gain any new voters.

Well lets be honest here mamooth, this isn't about "strategy". What do you think, I work for Romney's campaign? :lol:

Obama took a legendary ass-kicking in November 2010, and nothing has changed since then. He got his ass beat horribly, and he's been just as radical and just as big a failure as he was then. Obama is going to lose no matter what (he knew that in November 2010 when the GOP took control of the electoral college). This is just about exposing to America what a piece of shit, dirtbag, hypocrite Obama is. He wants to "share the wealth" - unless, of course, it's his wealth. Typical liberal. They only "care" when caring means using someone else's money.
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So, why do some conservatives think this current "hissyfits and butthurt" strategy is suddenly going to start paying dividends?

The loons have been screaming insanely stupid stuff about President Obama for 4 solid years, and essentially all of it has turned out to be BS. The nation has seen all that. The ODS (Obama Derangement Syndrome) crowd has cried "wolf!" too many times. Essentially, all they've done is make President Obama immune to negative campaigning, because most people now instantly assume it's just another lie.

Sure, a few people will believe the negative campaigning, but only the ones who fell for the previous BS. The new BS isn't going to gain any new voters.


You're absolutely correct.
George Obama has repeatedly denied that he feels abandoned by Barack Obama (who I don't believe he has ever met or contacted): Corsi in Kenya: Obama's Nation Boots Obama Nation Author - TIME

D'Souza's repeated assertions that Barack Obama is a bad person because he is not financially supporting George is offensive because (among other reasons) he denies George agency. Given that George has repeatedly indicated that he does not want Obama's money, why shouldn't D'Souza respect his wishes?

D'Souza asks "What is the real story here?" I would say: "Conservative propagandist admits paying a man about a year's worth of money in exchange for his interview".

Barack has met George at least twice. The first time in 1987 when George was just a little boy, and then again in 2006.

I typically don't give a shit about people's domestic squabbles, but damn... that's cold. Barack can't possibly even know the guy well enough to hate him. And while he can't be responsible for his father's choice to engage in bigamy, that's still his brother. Even then... whatever. Some people can't get over the past. But to go around the country, citing "brother's keeper" as his impetus for his socialist policies, and then to treat his ACTUAL brother with indifference... wow. What.A.Hypocrite.
Sounds like you got your daily dose of Slanted Hyper Ideology Transmissions (S.H.I.T.) from Beck.

Funny, you're full of insults for everyone, but I've noticed you're completely incapable of explaining Obama's actions here. I guess you're smart enough not to attempt to defend the indefensible, uh?

But I do find it odd that, rather than denouncing Obama on this despicable actions, you'd rather just spout off insults about Glenn Beck and conservatives on USMB. You have some serious issues to deal with, uh?

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