*Just Say Something Napolitano: Proven Idiot!*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. This idiot says theres no good reason to take a second look at Muslims boarding airplanes, unless there is Intel on them, or some alert has been broadcast on them.
2. But everyday, they look hard and long at old Grannys, 3 year old kids, middle aged white men, who are just business men, young teenage girls, and everything in between.
3. Fucking Arabs get a pass.
4. Fuck her and fuck anyone who disagrees with me on this.
5. Link:Napolitano | Profiling | Muslim | RealClearPolitics

""You're not using good logic there. You've got to use actual intelligence that you received. And, so, you might -- all you've given me is a kind of status. You have not given me a technique for tactic or behavior. Something that would suggest somebody is not Muslim, but Islamic, that has actually moved into the category of violent extremists," Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said at a forum on U.S. security and preventing terrorist attacks."

6. You have to be a fucking Muslim or a fucking Arab Muslim to disagree with *CWN* on this one.
7. I think I'm getting this Gunny way of posting down to an art form!

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