Just made $72,000 on the upswing of the stock market. Plan to increase my holdings past $20 million by end of this year..


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
I bought into my stocks when the market pretty much bottomed out. When it was announced that it would be business as usual, that was when i dumped loose cash i had in reserve for such events like what happened in 1999, 2007 and now. Each time my portfolio goes down, but instead of panicking, i just look for the low points, buy in, increasing my shares and when it rebounds, the profits are so much more. Unfortunately there are those who never took the time or even wants to make the effort to enrich themselves and other investors have, but just sit in their parents basement, pounding on their keyboards, and throwing out insults that anyone can be a keyboard millionaire. I could care less about those pitiful, petulant, little girls, for income inequality isnt racial, it is about intelligence. If you aren't smart, you are going to stay poor, if you do hard work and invest, you also can be rich, like Morgan Freeman.

congrats iv'e contemplated investing in the market but i feel i dont enough about it to take the risk.
Find dividend paying stocks, many are low right now, but payout quarterly are pretty impressive, reinvest those dividends till retirement and then use it as income for a nice easy life. Taxes on dividends are much lower than regular income tax also, so people who work for pensions pay full taxes, dividend retirees pay much less taxes....

The dirty little secret Democrats and Unions dont tell their workers...
congrats iv'e contemplated investing in the market but i feel i dont enough about it to take the risk.
Find dividend paying stocks, many are low right now, but payout quarterly are pretty impressive, reinvest those dividends till retirement and then use it as income for a nice easy life. Taxes on dividends are much lower than regular income tax also, so people who work for pensions pay full taxes, dividend retirees pay much less taxes....

The dirty little secret Democrats and Unions dont tell their workers...
how do you buy them do you need a broker or middle man ?
Congrats dude! I'm certainly not in your league but have done well enough to retire comfortably and put my sons through college largely by dividend reinvestment stock purchases. I still day trade and make moves in my 401K at opportune times.
I bought into my stocks when the market pretty much bottomed out. When it was announced that it would be business as usual, that was when i dumped loose cash i had in reserve for such events like what happened in 1999, 2007 and now. Each time my portfolio goes down, but instead of panicking, i just look for the low points, buy in, increasing my shares and when it rebounds, the profits are so much more. Unfortunately there are those who never took the time or even wants to make the effort to enrich themselves and other investors have, but just sit in their parents basement, pounding on their keyboards, and throwing out insults that anyone can be a keyboard millionaire. I could care less about those pitiful, petulant, little girls, for income inequality isnt racial, it is about intelligence. If you aren't smart, you are going to stay poor, if you do hard work and invest, you also can be rich, like Morgan Freeman.

/——/ I was 50% in cash and at the bottom I bought 4,000 shares of TNA at $10. It’s closed at $30 today. I also bought other 3x ETFs and am riding them up.
Instead of sitting on cash waiting for the bottom, load up on TZA, it’s an inverse ETF that goes up when the market tanks. Check their YTD charts and you’ll see.
congrats iv'e contemplated investing in the market but i feel i dont enough about it to take the risk.
Find dividend paying stocks, many are low right now, but payout quarterly are pretty impressive, reinvest those dividends till retirement and then use it as income for a nice easy life. Taxes on dividends are much lower than regular income tax also, so people who work for pensions pay full taxes, dividend retirees pay much less taxes....

The dirty little secret Democrats and Unions dont tell their workers...
how do you buy them do you need a broker or middle man ?
Charles Schwab, E-Trade, and other discount brokerages are the best bet. Put in $100 and buy stocks like AT&T or Ford, there are quite a few dividend paying stocks. But you need to keep investing that $100 a month until you retire, because every quarter you get those dividends which start small, and the more years of investing the higher the quarterly pay gets, and if you go 20 years or so, you could have $50,000 coming in a year. 30 years $200,000 coming in, once you are that high if you arent using it for income, in 5 years you have more than another million in your portfolio.
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I bought into my stocks when the market pretty much bottomed out. When it was announced that it would be business as usual, that was when i dumped loose cash i had in reserve for such events like what happened in 1999, 2007 and now. Each time my portfolio goes down, but instead of panicking, i just look for the low points, buy in, increasing my shares and when it rebounds, the profits are so much more. Unfortunately there are those who never took the time or even wants to make the effort to enrich themselves and other investors have, but just sit in their parents basement, pounding on their keyboards, and throwing out insults that anyone can be a keyboard millionaire. I could care less about those pitiful, petulant, little girls, for income inequality isnt racial, it is about intelligence. If you aren't smart, you are going to stay poor, if you do hard work and invest, you also can be rich, like Morgan Freeman.

/——/ I was 50% in cash and at the bottom I bought 4,000 shares of TNA at $10. It’s closed at $30 today. I also bought other 3x ETFs and am riding them up.
Instead of sitting on cash waiting for the bottom, load up on TZA, it’s an inverse ETF that goes up when the market tanks. Check their YTD charts and you’ll see.

Congratulations, One of the biggest hurdles that every new investor has to make is, RISK. If you dont panic when the market tanks, and ride it out, it will come back, unless you have a Communist take over then all bets are out the window.

In 1999 when Enron was going bust, MCI/World Com was declaring bankruptcy, the dot com bubble burst. I had invested $8,000 in E-toys as it was selling toys over the internet without having to go to a box store. I thought it was a novel idea, but when the dot come burst so did E-toys. Lost my investment, but look at today, that company was 8 years before its time. If it could of held on a little longer and internet shopping the way it is today, who knows where that stock would be. Dont worry though, i had made plenty of profit on another stock before E-toys so had that 8,000 to play around with...
congrats iv'e contemplated investing in the market but i feel i dont enough about it to take the risk.
Find dividend paying stocks, many are low right now, but payout quarterly are pretty impressive, reinvest those dividends till retirement and then use it as income for a nice easy life. Taxes on dividends are much lower than regular income tax also, so people who work for pensions pay full taxes, dividend retirees pay much less taxes....

The dirty little secret Democrats and Unions dont tell their workers...
how do you buy them do you need a broker or middle man ?
Charles Schwab, E-Trade, and other discount brokerages are the best bet. Put in $100 and buy stocks like AT&T or Ford, there are quite a few dividend paying stocks. But you need to keep investing that $100 a month until you retire, because every quarter you get those dividends which start small, and the more years of investing the higher the quarterly pay gets, and if you go 20 years or so, you could have $50,000 coming in a year. 30 years $200,000 coming in, once you are that high if you arent using it for income, in 5 years you have more than another million in your portfolio.
where do the dividends go do they go back into the stock if you dont cash in or do the go directly into your banking account
I bought into my stocks when the market pretty much bottomed out. When it was announced that it would be business as usual, that was when i dumped loose cash i had in reserve for such events like what happened in 1999, 2007 and now. Each time my portfolio goes down, but instead of panicking, i just look for the low points, buy in, increasing my shares and when it rebounds, the profits are so much more. Unfortunately there are those who never took the time or even wants to make the effort to enrich themselves and other investors have, but just sit in their parents basement, pounding on their keyboards, and throwing out insults that anyone can be a keyboard millionaire. I could care less about those pitiful, petulant, little girls, for income inequality isnt racial, it is about intelligence. If you aren't smart, you are going to stay poor, if you do hard work and invest, you also can be rich, like Morgan Freeman.

OMG Don Lemon has aged 20 years since that interview! All that Trump hate is sucking the life out the poor bugger.
congrats iv'e contemplated investing in the market but i feel i dont enough about it to take the risk.
Find dividend paying stocks, many are low right now, but payout quarterly are pretty impressive, reinvest those dividends till retirement and then use it as income for a nice easy life. Taxes on dividends are much lower than regular income tax also, so people who work for pensions pay full taxes, dividend retirees pay much less taxes....

The dirty little secret Democrats and Unions dont tell their workers...
how do you buy them do you need a broker or middle man ?
Charles Schwab, E-Trade, and other discount brokerages are the best bet. Put in $100 and buy stocks like AT&T or Ford, there are quite a few dividend paying stocks. But you need to keep investing that $100 a month until you retire, because every quarter you get those dividends which start small, and the more years of investing the higher the quarterly pay gets, and if you go 20 years or so, you could have $50,000 coming in a year. 30 years $200,000 coming in, once you are that high if you arent using it for income, in 5 years you have more than another million in your portfolio.
where do the dividends go do they go back into the stock if you dont cash in or do the go directly into your banking account
Unless it's a designated dividend REINVESTMENT account, you get the cash dividend deposited to your brokerage account. It's pretty sweet, passive income for the win!
I bought more while the market was down. Not near what you did but then again I was not looking to make a killing. I retired at sixty traveled the country for five years. Finally settled in one place. Don't have any debt, kids will get what I don't spend.
I bought into my stocks when the market pretty much bottomed out. When it was announced that it would be business as usual, that was when i dumped loose cash i had in reserve for such events like what happened in 1999, 2007 and now. Each time my portfolio goes down, but instead of panicking, i just look for the low points, buy in, increasing my shares and when it rebounds, the profits are so much more. Unfortunately there are those who never took the time or even wants to make the effort to enrich themselves and other investors have, but just sit in their parents basement, pounding on their keyboards, and throwing out insults that anyone can be a keyboard millionaire. I could care less about those pitiful, petulant, little girls, for income inequality isnt racial, it is about intelligence. If you aren't smart, you are going to stay poor, if you do hard work and invest, you also can be rich, like Morgan Freeman.

Yeah, and then you woke up and realized that it was time to go to work at your greeter job at Walmart.
congrats iv'e contemplated investing in the market but i feel i dont enough about it to take the risk.
Find dividend paying stocks, many are low right now, but payout quarterly are pretty impressive, reinvest those dividends till retirement and then use it as income for a nice easy life. Taxes on dividends are much lower than regular income tax also, so people who work for pensions pay full taxes, dividend retirees pay much less taxes....

The dirty little secret Democrats and Unions dont tell their workers...
how do you buy them do you need a broker or middle man ?
Charles Schwab, E-Trade, and other discount brokerages are the best bet. Put in $100 and buy stocks like AT&T or Ford, there are quite a few dividend paying stocks. But you need to keep investing that $100 a month until you retire, because every quarter you get those dividends which start small, and the more years of investing the higher the quarterly pay gets, and if you go 20 years or so, you could have $50,000 coming in a year. 30 years $200,000 coming in, once you are that high if you arent using it for income, in 5 years you have more than another million in your portfolio.
where do the dividends go do they go back into the stock if you dont cash in or do the go directly into your banking account
/——/ Mine are automatically reinvested. It’s called DRIP.
congrats iv'e contemplated investing in the market but i feel i dont enough about it to take the risk.
Find dividend paying stocks, many are low right now, but payout quarterly are pretty impressive, reinvest those dividends till retirement and then use it as income for a nice easy life. Taxes on dividends are much lower than regular income tax also, so people who work for pensions pay full taxes, dividend retirees pay much less taxes....

The dirty little secret Democrats and Unions dont tell their workers...
how do you buy them do you need a broker or middle man ?
Charles Schwab, E-Trade, and other discount brokerages are the best bet. Put in $100 and buy stocks like AT&T or Ford, there are quite a few dividend paying stocks. But you need to keep investing that $100 a month until you retire, because every quarter you get those dividends which start small, and the more years of investing the higher the quarterly pay gets, and if you go 20 years or so, you could have $50,000 coming in a year. 30 years $200,000 coming in, once you are that high if you arent using it for income, in 5 years you have more than another million in your portfolio.
where do the dividends go do they go back into the stock if you dont cash in or do the go directly into your banking account
Yes, you have to make sure that you dividend reinvest, it goes back and buys more stock that paid you the dividend.
I bought into my stocks when the market pretty much bottomed out. When it was announced that it would be business as usual, that was when i dumped loose cash i had in reserve for such events like what happened in 1999, 2007 and now. Each time my portfolio goes down, but instead of panicking, i just look for the low points, buy in, increasing my shares and when it rebounds, the profits are so much more. Unfortunately there are those who never took the time or even wants to make the effort to enrich themselves and other investors have, but just sit in their parents basement, pounding on their keyboards, and throwing out insults that anyone can be a keyboard millionaire. I could care less about those pitiful, petulant, little girls, for income inequality isnt racial, it is about intelligence. If you aren't smart, you are going to stay poor, if you do hard work and invest, you also can be rich, like Morgan Freeman.

Yeah, and then you woke up and realized that it was time to go to work at your greeter job at Walmart.

See what mean, didnt i put in the OP, the attacks? Yes i did, sorry Troy, but i thought about going back to work at Home Depot but my brother in law gave me some advice. So here i am working at Home Depot and some fuckface like you walk in and start giving me shit, since i dont really need the job, i would tell you to fuck off, and walk out. That would make Home Depot look bad, and could cause my stock in that company go down.

I bought into my stocks when the market pretty much bottomed out. When it was announced that it would be business as usual, that was when i dumped loose cash i had in reserve for such events like what happened in 1999, 2007 and now. Each time my portfolio goes down, but instead of panicking, i just look for the low points, buy in, increasing my shares and when it rebounds, the profits are so much more. Unfortunately there are those who never took the time or even wants to make the effort to enrich themselves and other investors have, but just sit in their parents basement, pounding on their keyboards, and throwing out insults that anyone can be a keyboard millionaire. I could care less about those pitiful, petulant, little girls, for income inequality isnt racial, it is about intelligence. If you aren't smart, you are going to stay poor, if you do hard work and invest, you also can be rich, like Morgan Freeman.

Not in your league but do pretty well for an old guy
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