Just how many WH staffers can FOX possibly hire???

LOL! How many former Obama staffers hold positions at liberal networks/publications and "think tanks"? How many Clinton staffers do so? Pot, meet very black Kettle.
LOL! How many former Obama staffers hold positions at liberal networks/publications and "think tanks"? How many Clinton staffers do so? Pot, meet very black Kettle.

Do you REALLY want to compare the exodus from Trump's WH to Obama's???

Do you really want to go there......???

Here's a now outdated chart......

Of course, the departure of dozens of WH staffers has been well-reported. From firings, resignation and indictment, the Trump administration has proven to be an abject disaster.

The problem, as Buzzfeed, reports, is that these folks (except those indicted or who have pled guilty) is that few organizations seem to want to hire anyone whose resume includes their short stint as a Trump acolyte.

Sure, some will find a temporary position at either FOX or Breitbart (or even Daily Caller,) but the many who are spending loads of cash in hiring legal representation are finding it hard to land another job........The broad brush of ineptitude and corruption that has perpetuated trump's business "empire" has now tainted virtually anyone who has had the misfortune of linking up with the Trumpster.

Many Trump Staffers Are Trying To Leave His Out-Of-Control White House

Well, because that's all they have left after being shills and liars for DA..TRUMP!!.

Spicer, The Mooch, and soon to be Sarah (My Dad was a JZUS Gov!!).
Doing your best to resurrect your career after you've lied for a con man,
and then finding out that it isn't that easy. Should have thought about that
while you were shooting your good name all over Trump..Eww...
well, who else is going to keep spouting the party line for the orange loon?

We can safely count, Melania out of that dwindling cult......lol
What do you think....will Melania get the Mar a Lago estate or the Trump Tower estate, when all is said and done with the divorce???

Florida !

shes not an idiot .. let he old man freeze his fat ass off in NYC- she would be a short 30 minute flight from the Bahamas.
Fox employs about the only people with standards low enough to work in the Trump Cartel .. they've already been vetted as hard core liars and would fit right in.
It's like asking how many Grand Wizards the Ku Klux Klan can have. They all want the red pointy sheet-hat but they all can't have it. Of course Fake Fox News has had some recent departures with O'reilly the accused sexual predator and Roger the accused sexual predator Ailes, so they probably still have a little room for another batshit-crazy somewhere. Maybe they need another fake judge to vomit on air how much they hate 'the other' over and over.
well, who else is going to keep spouting the party line for the orange loon?

We can safely count, Melania out of that dwindling cult......lol
Saw of video of them getting out of the plane today. Twice he tried to grab her hand. Twice she batted it away. Then she laid her forearm across her waist away from from him so he couldn't try again.
Saw of video of them getting out of the plane today. Twice he tried to grab her hand. Twice she batted it away. Then she laid her forearm across her waist away from from him so he couldn't try again.

Just a case of abject repulsion.......and who could blame her.
wait for him to explain the new russian whore story to his wifie - she could give a shit either way at this point. If hes not too damn old to get it up he might as well get laid somewhere else, he damn sure aint gettin any from home .


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