Just how inept is Boehner?

So where were they to be in May or June? In Obama's pocket?

Clearing the decks of the debt battle to focus on jobs. Thats where they should have been; not digging in for a scenario which presents a no-win situation for the Country.

Of course that is contingent if you feel that the GOP ever wanted to get the economy moving while President Obama was in office. So now we are going to have this catastrophe so the GOP supposedly gets a political football.

They attempted repeal of obamascare.

That discredits any notion of not wanting to get jobs moving, they voted down cap and trade so now that is being implemented through regulation.

Such dishonesty oh my.

Not sure what you're talking about. Why not use data instead of anecdotes?

The Congress has been focused on this debt battle for a month. Every sane member of the body knows the debt ceiling has to be raised. The Democratic Congressmen and the President wanted to do it in a way that means we don't have to worry bout it again until 2013 (at the earliest) so the Congress and the executive can focus on job creation. The GOP is now demanding both houses pass a constitutional amendment before it gets done. It may be unprecedented in the history of the body.
Sorry, I'm not trying to bait anyone.

I'm just telling it like it is and you're calling me a liar.

That's your opinion, nothing more.

uhmmmm . . . . . . . I didn't call you anything.

I stated my honest opinion and you accused me of baiting. That means you think my intentions were malicious.

That's pretty much the same thing.
Clearing the decks of the debt battle to focus on jobs. Thats where they should have been; not digging in for a scenario which presents a no-win situation for the Country.

Of course that is contingent if you feel that the GOP ever wanted to get the economy moving while President Obama was in office. So now we are going to have this catastrophe so the GOP supposedly gets a political football.

They attempted repeal of obamascare.

That discredits any notion of not wanting to get jobs moving, they voted down cap and trade so now that is being implemented through regulation.

Such dishonesty oh my.

Not sure what you're talking about. Why not use data instead of anecdotes?

The Congress has been focused on this debt battle for a month. Every sane member of the body knows the debt ceiling has to be raised. The Democratic Congressmen and the President wanted to do it in a way that means we don't have to worry bout it again until 2013 (at the earliest) so the Congress and the executive can focus on job creation. The GOP is now demanding both houses pass a constitutional amendment before it gets done. It may be unprecedented in the history of the body.

If you can not follow current events perhaps you should remain in the background, silent.
Clearing the decks of the debt battle to focus on jobs. Thats where they should have been; not digging in for a scenario which presents a no-win situation for the Country.

Of course that is contingent if you feel that the GOP ever wanted to get the economy moving while President Obama was in office. So now we are going to have this catastrophe so the GOP supposedly gets a political football.

They attempted repeal of obamascare.

That discredits any notion of not wanting to get jobs moving, they voted down cap and trade so now that is being implemented through regulation.

Such dishonesty oh my.

Not sure what you're talking about. Why not use data instead of anecdotes?

The Congress has been focused on this debt battle for a month. Every sane member of the body knows the debt ceiling has to be raised. The Democratic Congressmen and the President wanted to do it in a way that means we don't have to worry bout it again until 2013 (at the earliest) so the Congress and the executive can focus on job creation. The GOP is now demanding both houses pass a constitutional amendment before it gets done. It may be unprecedented in the history of the body.

Actually the debt-ceiling doesn't need to be raised.

The President could always do his job and institute spending cuts by executive order.

I remember Reagan doing exactly that the day he walked into the Oval Office.
At a time when real leadership is called for Boehner wastes precious time on a useless Tea Bagger bill that has no hope of passing.

How many political stunts is he going to pull? Is he that far in the Tea Party pocket? When the political solution calls for compromise, the Republicans move in the opposite direction

The balanced budget amendment is a sham. The votes are never going to be there. Two thirds majority in both houses is needed to pass BBA. It will NEVER happen. Why waste time on this silliness?

Are you somekinda retard?

Yeah a balanced budget is a sham... Kinda like you live your life - on credit...

Then you have the audacity to blame republicans and the tea party which its constituents have no problem living by their means???

Are you greedy little welfare recipients that egotistical?

It's funny how republicans can earn their keep yet leftists want free shit from the government and expect me to pay for it...

Yeah, Goddamn right the government needs a balanced budget - do democrats not understand economy 101????
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They attempted repeal of obamascare.

That discredits any notion of not wanting to get jobs moving, they voted down cap and trade so now that is being implemented through regulation.

Such dishonesty oh my.

Not sure what you're talking about. Why not use data instead of anecdotes?

The Congress has been focused on this debt battle for a month. Every sane member of the body knows the debt ceiling has to be raised. The Democratic Congressmen and the President wanted to do it in a way that means we don't have to worry bout it again until 2013 (at the earliest) so the Congress and the executive can focus on job creation. The GOP is now demanding both houses pass a constitutional amendment before it gets done. It may be unprecedented in the history of the body.

If you can not follow current events perhaps you should remain in the background, silent.

I do follow current events, there is no legislation called "obmascare".

Cutting it is not a jobs program.

Perhaps the GOP is incapable of just making up things?
They attempted repeal of obamascare.

That discredits any notion of not wanting to get jobs moving, they voted down cap and trade so now that is being implemented through regulation.

Such dishonesty oh my.

Not sure what you're talking about. Why not use data instead of anecdotes?

The Congress has been focused on this debt battle for a month. Every sane member of the body knows the debt ceiling has to be raised. The Democratic Congressmen and the President wanted to do it in a way that means we don't have to worry bout it again until 2013 (at the earliest) so the Congress and the executive can focus on job creation. The GOP is now demanding both houses pass a constitutional amendment before it gets done. It may be unprecedented in the history of the body.

Actually the debt-ceiling doesn't need to be raised.

The President could always do his job and institute spending cuts by executive order.

I remember Reagan doing exactly that the day he walked into the Oval Office.

Politically speaking, President Reagan (see how I did that...I didn't call him RAY-GUN or try to obfuscate the name in any way) didn't do it prior to running for re-election.

Fiscally speaking, the debt ceiling was raised time and again by Presidents of both parties without the weak economy sharing the stage. Instead of focusing on creating jobs, instead of focusing on their favorite subject (tax cuts); the GOP has decided to make this the Waterloo moment.

And it looks like they will succeed in driving the country off the cliff.

Not that the economy would hinge on my inaction (believe me) but I'm not purchasing any stocks until after this is over. I imagine a lot of investors and potential investors are sitting on the sidelines as well.
Not sure what you're talking about. Why not use data instead of anecdotes?

The Congress has been focused on this debt battle for a month. Every sane member of the body knows the debt ceiling has to be raised. The Democratic Congressmen and the President wanted to do it in a way that means we don't have to worry bout it again until 2013 (at the earliest) so the Congress and the executive can focus on job creation. The GOP is now demanding both houses pass a constitutional amendment before it gets done. It may be unprecedented in the history of the body.

Actually the debt-ceiling doesn't need to be raised.

The President could always do his job and institute spending cuts by executive order.

I remember Reagan doing exactly that the day he walked into the Oval Office.

Politically speaking, President Reagan (see how I did that...I didn't call him RAY-GUN or try to obfuscate the name in any way) didn't do it prior to running for re-election.

Fiscally speaking, the debt ceiling was raised time and again by Presidents of both parties without the weak economy sharing the stage. Instead of focusing on creating jobs, instead of focusing on their favorite subject (tax cuts); the GOP has decided to make this the Waterloo moment.

And it looks like they will succeed in driving the country off the cliff.

Not that the economy would hinge on my inaction (believe me) but I'm not purchasing any stocks until after this is over. I imagine a lot of investors and potential investors are sitting on the sidelines as well.

I'm afraid your finger-pointing is a waste of effort.

The Dems wanted this. They pretty much stated it the moment the election results were in last November. Immediately they started harping about the debt-ceiling.

The debt-ceiling has been raised 3 times since Obama took office yet they act like this is the first time. This is a game of chicken instigated by the left. The GOP is attempting to reign in this bloated government and the Dems are merely trying to raise our taxes. That is all they want.
Not sure what you're talking about. Why not use data instead of anecdotes?

The Congress has been focused on this debt battle for a month. Every sane member of the body knows the debt ceiling has to be raised. The Democratic Congressmen and the President wanted to do it in a way that means we don't have to worry bout it again until 2013 (at the earliest) so the Congress and the executive can focus on job creation. The GOP is now demanding both houses pass a constitutional amendment before it gets done. It may be unprecedented in the history of the body.

If you can not follow current events perhaps you should remain in the background, silent.

I do follow current events, there is no legislation called "obmascare".

Cutting it is not a jobs program.

Perhaps the GOP is incapable of just making up things?

LOL so you have no idea to the reference obumblecare either AKA the healthcare bill.


Do you understand the term cap and trade? How it was voted down and is still being implemented.
Actually the debt-ceiling doesn't need to be raised.

The President could always do his job and institute spending cuts by executive order.

I remember Reagan doing exactly that the day he walked into the Oval Office.

Politically speaking, President Reagan (see how I did that...I didn't call him RAY-GUN or try to obfuscate the name in any way) didn't do it prior to running for re-election.

Fiscally speaking, the debt ceiling was raised time and again by Presidents of both parties without the weak economy sharing the stage. Instead of focusing on creating jobs, instead of focusing on their favorite subject (tax cuts); the GOP has decided to make this the Waterloo moment.

And it looks like they will succeed in driving the country off the cliff.

Not that the economy would hinge on my inaction (believe me) but I'm not purchasing any stocks until after this is over. I imagine a lot of investors and potential investors are sitting on the sidelines as well.

I'm afraid your finger-pointing is a waste of effort.

The Dems wanted this. They pretty much stated it the moment the election results were in last November. Immediately they started harping about the debt-ceiling.

The debt-ceiling has been raised 3 times since Obama took office yet they act like this is the first time. This is a game of chicken instigated by the left. The GOP is attempting to reign in this bloated government and the Dems are merely trying to raise our taxes. That is all they want.

Really, what taxes are being raised in the Reid plan?

This is from Yahoo News:

Reid's plan to raise the debt ceiling would cut billions more than Boehner's proposal, and free up enough money for the government to continue paying its debts until after the elections in November 2012. That, too, would require House approval.

This is from Political Wire:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) proposed a plan for $2.7 trillion in spending cuts over 10 years in return for raising the nation's debt ceiling through the end of 2012, Reuters reports.

The Wall Street Journal notes the plan would have no increase in tax revenue but would cut both domestic and military spending, but they wouldn't target entitlement programs such as Medicare.

The White House issued a statement backing Reid's approach: "We hope the House Republicans will agree to this plan so that America can avoid defaulting on our obligations for the first time in our history. The ball is in their court."
Politically speaking, President Reagan (see how I did that...I didn't call him RAY-GUN or try to obfuscate the name in any way) didn't do it prior to running for re-election.

Fiscally speaking, the debt ceiling was raised time and again by Presidents of both parties without the weak economy sharing the stage. Instead of focusing on creating jobs, instead of focusing on their favorite subject (tax cuts); the GOP has decided to make this the Waterloo moment.

And it looks like they will succeed in driving the country off the cliff.

Not that the economy would hinge on my inaction (believe me) but I'm not purchasing any stocks until after this is over. I imagine a lot of investors and potential investors are sitting on the sidelines as well.

I'm afraid your finger-pointing is a waste of effort.

The Dems wanted this. They pretty much stated it the moment the election results were in last November. Immediately they started harping about the debt-ceiling.

The debt-ceiling has been raised 3 times since Obama took office yet they act like this is the first time. This is a game of chicken instigated by the left. The GOP is attempting to reign in this bloated government and the Dems are merely trying to raise our taxes. That is all they want.

Really, what taxes are being raised in the Reid plan?

This is from Yahoo News:

Reid's plan to raise the debt ceiling would cut billions more than Boehner's proposal, and free up enough money for the government to continue paying its debts until after the elections in November 2012. That, too, would require House approval.

This is from Political Wire:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) proposed a plan for $2.7 trillion in spending cuts over 10 years in return for raising the nation's debt ceiling through the end of 2012, Reuters reports.

The Wall Street Journal notes the plan would have no increase in tax revenue but would cut both domestic and military spending, but they wouldn't target entitlement programs such as Medicare.

The White House issued a statement backing Reid's approach: "We hope the House Republicans will agree to this plan so that America can avoid defaulting on our obligations for the first time in our history. The ball is in their court."

Like Boehners, Reids plan didnt live up to its billing. Sending him back for additional gimmicks.
If you can not follow current events perhaps you should remain in the background, silent.

I do follow current events, there is no legislation called "obmascare".

Cutting it is not a jobs program.

Perhaps the GOP is incapable of just making up things?

LOL so you have no idea to the reference obumblecare either AKA the healthcare bill.


Do you understand the term cap and trade? How it was voted down and is still being implemented.

Thanks....is it that hard for you to write like an adult?

Voting down the healthcare bill was a jobs program? Please explain that.

Cap and trade, I'm not for it; however the idea of Presidential subversion of Congress has been around for a number of years. Remember the Contras in Nicaragua...congress didn't want to fund them; President Reagan found a way. How many "signing orders" did the 2nd President Bush have?

Again, the Congress will do what the leaders in both houses want. The GOP could have gotten this off their desks months ago but they chose to make this the focal point of the Summer. They could be focusing on any number of things right now; they chose to focus on this.

Right now, they could approve a plan that takes this off the table until 2013 at the earliest; they have chosen not to even though the plan has MORE spending cuts than the one Speaker Boehner proposed and got passed yesterday and has no tax increases.

It's pretty obvious that the GOP (or at least parts of their congressional membership) want a default just to see what happens
I'm afraid your finger-pointing is a waste of effort.

The Dems wanted this. They pretty much stated it the moment the election results were in last November. Immediately they started harping about the debt-ceiling.

The debt-ceiling has been raised 3 times since Obama took office yet they act like this is the first time. This is a game of chicken instigated by the left. The GOP is attempting to reign in this bloated government and the Dems are merely trying to raise our taxes. That is all they want.

Really, what taxes are being raised in the Reid plan?

This is from Yahoo News:

This is from Political Wire:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) proposed a plan for $2.7 trillion in spending cuts over 10 years in return for raising the nation's debt ceiling through the end of 2012, Reuters reports.

The Wall Street Journal notes the plan would have no increase in tax revenue but would cut both domestic and military spending, but they wouldn't target entitlement programs such as Medicare.

The White House issued a statement backing Reid's approach: "We hope the House Republicans will agree to this plan so that America can avoid defaulting on our obligations for the first time in our history. The ball is in their court."

Like Boehners, Reids plan didnt live up to its billing. Sending him back for additional gimmicks.

I'm sorry, I don't know what you're trying to say.
Really, what taxes are being raised in the Reid plan?

This is from Yahoo News:

This is from Political Wire:

Like Boehners, Reids plan didnt live up to its billing. Sending him back for additional gimmicks.

I'm sorry, I don't know what you're trying to say.

He's saying that after it was scored by the CBO they found out it was full of tricky math and over-claimed it's savings by 500B.
I own several out right. I purchased my first home at 13% Cry me a river.

Wtf? what does that have to do with my post? Did you read the whole thing, or stop where it said "do you own your own home"? Re read the damned post and get back to me.

Tell me who is discussing paying the debt? who was that again? No one in congress which proves the idiocy of borrowing more. I have not seen a single l;legitimate reason for doing so.


Yeah... I can. It's really simple. Raising the debt ceiling is not "borrowing more". It's paying for things we've already spent. Debt reduction is happening as we speak... having the ability to have some breathing room while we work TOGETHER on a viable plan to reduce the debt is simply not Borrowing more. The spending has already been done. It's paying for what we spent. Screwing with that ceiling will end up causing more harm than simply raising it. The point that I was trying to make with the INTEREST RATES is that if we lose our credit rating... we're fucked. Not only will our debt payments go up, but all of our interest rates will go up... that means people like you and I will also be affected.

All because your side wants to play hardball on this shit. Both sides are actually and honestly discussing debt reduction as a priority. I am 46 years old and have never seen BOTH sides agreeing that it needs to be done like what's going on right now. So... with Debt reduction getting priority.... we certainly will not be "borrowing more".

But your side has to be reasonable(which isn't a strong suit for you). There's no reason why we can't do it over 20, 30, or even 40 years. It's not like the country is going anywhere... we know where we live. There's no reason to fuck people over to do this. It can be done reasonably and humanely.

The thing is.... your side doesn't seem to want reasonable and humane. They want drastic and hurtful. Personally, I can't abide by that.
Who give a flying fcukk about Boehner? He's not going to be running for president next year. The whole mess is going to be at the feet of this clown now occupying the oval office, which is going to make the next 18 months on this board nothing less than a hoot.
Wtf? what does that have to do with my post? Did you read the whole thing, or stop where it said "do you own your own home"? Re read the damned post and get back to me.

Tell me who is discussing paying the debt? who was that again? No one in congress which proves the idiocy of borrowing more. I have not seen a single l;legitimate reason for doing so.


Yeah... I can. It's really simple. Raising the debt ceiling is not "borrowing more". It's paying for things we've already spent. Debt reduction is happening as we speak... having the ability to have some breathing room while we work TOGETHER on a viable plan to reduce the debt is simply not Borrowing more. The spending has already been done. It's paying for what we spent. Screwing with that ceiling will end up causing more harm than simply raising it. The point that I was trying to make with the INTEREST RATES is that if we lose our credit rating... we're fucked. Not only will our debt payments go up, but all of our interest rates will go up... that means people like you and I will also be affected.

All because your side wants to play hardball on this shit. Both sides are actually and honestly discussing debt reduction as a priority. I am 46 years old and have never seen BOTH sides agreeing that it needs to be done like what's going on right now. So... with Debt reduction getting priority.... we certainly will not be "borrowing more".

But your side has to be reasonable(which isn't a strong suit for you). There's no reason why we can't do it over 20, 30, or even 40 years. It's not like the country is going anywhere... we know where we live. There's no reason to fuck people over to do this. It can be done reasonably and humanely.

The thing is.... your side doesn't seem to want reasonable and humane. They want drastic and hurtful. Personally, I can't abide by that.


This is exactly why we must be tnakful for the Tea Party......becuase we have bozo's like this guy who think everythng is going to be fine continuing to increase the rate of spending 6% a year like its a zero sum game. Holy fcukk...........

All the bills currently in play out there are fcukking bogus and dont do shit.......and it hit me last night. These fcukkers......all of them......... KNOW we're going to get downgraded, effectively dropping the value of the dollar so we can inflate our way out of debt. This whole process has been one huge sham. They'll all keep their constituents happy and let the slow erosion of inflation fcukk over everybody and they can say, "Hey....we kept our campaign promises so WTF???!". Moody's to the rescue..........like the slow creep of socialism......inflation hits people incrementally instead of the knock out blow in one shot that would come next week. Dont worry........they'll get an agreement before Tuesday.........I'd bet my house on it.
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Wtf? what does that have to do with my post? Did you read the whole thing, or stop where it said "do you own your own home"? Re read the damned post and get back to me.

Tell me who is discussing paying the debt? who was that again? No one in congress which proves the idiocy of borrowing more. I have not seen a single l;legitimate reason for doing so.


Yeah... I can. It's really simple. Raising the debt ceiling is not "borrowing more". It's paying for things we've already spent. Debt reduction is happening as we speak... having the ability to have some breathing room while we work TOGETHER on a viable plan to reduce the debt is simply not Borrowing more. The spending has already been done. It's paying for what we spent. Screwing with that ceiling will end up causing more harm than simply raising it. The point that I was trying to make with the INTEREST RATES is that if we lose our credit rating... we're fucked. Not only will our debt payments go up, but all of our interest rates will go up... that means people like you and I will also be affected.

All because your side wants to play hardball on this shit. Both sides are actually and honestly discussing debt reduction as a priority. I am 46 years old and have never seen BOTH sides agreeing that it needs to be done like what's going on right now. So... with Debt reduction getting priority.... we certainly will not be "borrowing more".

But your side has to be reasonable(which isn't a strong suit for you). There's no reason why we can't do it over 20, 30, or even 40 years. It's not like the country is going anywhere... we know where we live. There's no reason to fuck people over to do this. It can be done reasonably and humanely.

The thing is.... your side doesn't seem to want reasonable and humane. They want drastic and hurtful. Personally, I can't abide by that.
Creative rhetoric.
Technically, yes, the increase in the debt "there is no ceiling" ceiling is a result of poor fiscal planning on the part of the federal government.
Now...here is the part that most people, especially those who either live off or support social spending.
It's called base line budgeting.
Each fiscal year, the federal budget is written with an automatic 3-10% budget increase in all departments. That even if a department reports it will have money left over and has no need for an increase in the new budget. These departments are told they MUST spend all of their budget.
Washington liberals view any reduction in fiscally mandated budget increases as a "cut". Of course this is regurgitated by the main stream media. Most people hear the word "cut" and their hair starts to fall out.
During Clinton's second admin, he railed against the GOP controlled Congress for proposing "cuts" That was a lie. The House sent a budget with smaller INCREASES in the next year's budget. The Left went bonkers. Then, as like now, the Left is running around telling anyone who will listen that the GOP is trying to take senior's medicine away, close poor kid's schools and all other kinds of nonsense. None of it is true.
Yet there are many people who do little more than look at the headline on page one of their local newspaper, believing this garbage.
BO & Reid better cave or its a DEPRESSION that happened on their watch. Inexcusable. BO had a deal and blew it with a $400b revenue demand. Bet that 1st deal w/Boehner looks good now.

bet those corporate jet tax credits look pretty damned good to the GOP too. It was a token offer that would have been a huge win for the GOP and a "save face" maneuver for the Dems... and your side was too stubborn and stupid to take it.

Right now... I say invoke the 14th and save the country. Re-election be damned.
Save the country from what?

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