Just got a new puppy....


Oct 14, 2011
a Maltipoo female. Haven't had a puppy since the 1980's (being a cat person, mostly).

Am having a bit of trouble paper training her (her previous owner lied and said she already was paper trained).

Whenever she is outside of her area (a tiled bathroom)....she forgets and goes on the carpet, which I can't stand. I've been spoiled with the cleanness and convenience of having cats and not having to "clean up" such messes constantly. She is adorable though, and worth the effort of the clean-up and training.

Any tips, tricks or info that might help? Any and all would be appreciated!

Get some house training pads and put them near the outside doors.
Always praise the pub when she uses it.
Never scold her, it does not help and only confuses them. They have no idea that it is wrong to go in the house.

Young puppies can only hold on for so long before they need to go, they don't have much control early on. As a general rule a puppy can hold on an hour for every month of his/her age, plus another hour. This means that a 2 month old puppy can be expected to hold on for three hours and at 3 months old this same pup could be expected to hold on for four hours at a time.

Take her outside where you want her to go and set her down before she goes inside the house.
Do it every 3 hours if she is 2 months old and then say good girl.
Keep doing this and within a week she should get the idea that she needs to do it outside.

When there is an accident, I used oxy clean to clean it up with. It gets rid of the smell so that they don't keep using the same spot.

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