Just because they don't talk abour it anymore

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Blobs of Exxon-Valdez Oil Are Still Fresh on Alaska's Beaches - John Metcalfe - The Atlantic Cities

It may be a quarter-century since the Exxon Valdez disaster, yet blobs of oil along Alaska's coastline look as fresh as if they'd been spilled less than two weeks ago.

This remaining petroleum might not be obvious to the casual observer. But it's there, lurking under boulders and between rocks, a lingering legacy of the nearly 11 million gallons of crude that escaped from the 1989 tanker wreck. Look, here's a hidden pocket:



And yet, last week, the gullible told us all about (paid shill) Rush Limbaugh saying there was nothing left of the bp spill.
With Disaster Still Unfolding, Gulf Opens for BP Drilling | Common Dreams

EPA strikes deal with oil giant despite 11 counts of manslaughter and ongoing devastation of coastal communities


Four years after the Deepwater Horizon explosion, oil still washes up on the Gulf Coast shore, and residents and cleanup workers face health hazards from the millions of gallons that spilled and BP's chemical dispersant that followed. Yet, the Environmental Protection Agency announced Thursday that BP — after pleading guilty to 11 charges of manslaughter and lying to Congress about the disaster — will be allowed to start new drilling in Gulf waters.

"BP has ruined coastal areas in five states and killed 11 people," said Monique Harden of the New Orleans-based Advocates for Environmental Human Rights in an interview with Common Dreams. "This has nothing to do with justice or people or sustainability of our environment. It is all about political deal-making."

What was it the idiots on the right were saying about how they hate the EPA's progressive actions? Nothing progressive about this.
25 Years of Oil Spills - Businessweek

On March 24, 1989, a tired third mate ran the tanker Exxon Valdez into a reef near Alaska’s Prince William Sound. About 10.5 million gallons of crude oil flooded the waterway in what was then the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history. Although the salmon have returned and most of the spill is gone, stubborn pockets of oil linger at the site even after 25 years and billions of dollars spent on cleanup. The incident spurred tighter international and U.S. regulations and the construction of sturdier, better-staffed ships. While the safety record of oil tankers has vastly improved, it’s difficult to prevent outlier events such as the 2010 BP (BP) spill. Where oil goes, spills follow.

Check out the graphics at the link.
ALL BS, I've been to Valdez many a time since the oil spill

back to it's pristine self

You people and your fearmongering
I grew up on the beach in Daytona.. We had leaks from tankers SUNK during WW2, that periodically oozed out. Never saw a 2 headed fish or ANY impact on local economy of fishing. The West coast FL beaches see NATURAL oozing from the Gulf all the time.

This OP is evidence that leftists will turn over every rock to find something to whine about.. NOTHING in nature is pristine clean.. Did you know Luddite??? That trees make poisonous turpentine?? And that now emissions of highly REGULATED VOCs are being exceeded by pristine forests ????
ALL BS, I've been to Valdez many a time since the oil spill

back to it's pristine self

You people and your fearmongering

You 'Conservatives" and your continous lies. I think most will find the source more trustworthy than Staph;

EXXON VALDEZ PHOTOS: 20 Years On, Spilled Oil Remains

In its first toxic sweep, the Exxon Valdez oil spill killed about 250,000 seabirds (above, one of the oil-covered birds in 1989), 4,000 sea otters, 250 bald eagles, and more than 20 killer whales, according to the conservation group WWF.

Many of these species have not recovered and are still exposed to the more than 21,000 gallons (79,500 liters) of Exxon Valdez oil that still remain on the shores, experts said in March 2009.
"Just because they don't talk abour it anymore" There you are stoned again!

I just got back from 2 months on the Gulf. And here is what it looked like every single day. In my time there I spent time from Biloxi to Pensacola. It ALL looks like this:

Note, people out walking on the beach. Many days we walked barefoot. No oil. Nada. None.

Where do you get all your silly shit?
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ALL BS, I've been to Valdez many a time since the oil spill

back to it's pristine self

You people and your fearmongering

I grew up on the beach in Daytona.. We had leaks from tankers SUNK during WW2, that periodically oozed out. Never saw a 2 headed fish or ANY impact on local economy of fishing. The West coast FL beaches see NATURAL oozing from the Gulf all the time.

This OP is evidence that leftists will turn over rock to find something to whine about.. NOTHING in nature is pristine clean.. Did you know Luddite??? That trees make poisonous turpentine?? And that now emissions of highly REGULATED VOCs are being exceeded by pristine forests ????

We have been and seen. They have read about it in some liberal rag. So, you know they gotta be right! :badgrin:

Where do they get this silly shit?
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It'll be a cold day in hell before the human race decides they want to have a positive impact on this planet

Look at the pics I posted. Those fences and the dunes are part of a massive restoration project to get the beaches back the way they were before the hurricanes took what was there out to sea. No one is allowed to walk or dig shells on the dunes. I live on KY Lake. People here work constantly to keep the shoreline intact and the land in a good state of conservation. You are simply parroting the latest liberal rag and you clearly don't know what you are talking about.

The internet contains the entirety of information known to man, and you use it to look at pictures of cats and get into arguments with strangers!
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It'll be a cold day in hell before the human race decides they want to have a positive impact on this planet

Look at the pics I posted. Those fences and the dunes are part of a massive restoration project to get the beaches back the way they were before the hurricanes took what was there out to sea. I live on KY Lake. People here work constantly to keep the shoreline intact and the land in a good state of conservation. You are simply parroting the latest liberal rag and you clearly don't know what you are talking about.

Those are great pictures of an area that recovered. I hope the other countless damaged areas in the world can also recover one day.
ALL BS, I've been to Valdez many a time since the oil spill

back to it's pristine self

You people and your fearmongering

You 'Conservatives" and your continous lies. I think most will find the source more trustworthy than Staph;

EXXON VALDEZ PHOTOS: 20 Years On, Spilled Oil Remains

In its first toxic sweep, the Exxon Valdez oil spill killed about 250,000 seabirds (above, one of the oil-covered birds in 1989), 4,000 sea otters, 250 bald eagles, and more than 20 killer whales, according to the conservation group WWF.

Many of these species have not recovered and are still exposed to the more than 21,000 gallons (79,500 liters) of Exxon Valdez oil that still remain on the shores, experts said in March 2009.

Are you not the least bit concerned about agriculture's continuous and perpetual impact on our environment? It is far worse than anything hydrocarbons have wrought.

Put this shit in perspective, Mr. Rocks.

I'm not attempting to deflect, but I do wish to place your mind into a perspective place.

If you want to mitigate hydrocarbon's effects on our environment, go after the users - not the suppliers.
It'll be a cold day in hell before the human race decides they want to have a positive impact on this planet

Look at the pics I posted. Those fences and the dunes are part of a massive restoration project to get the beaches back the way they were before the hurricanes took what was there out to sea. I live on KY Lake. People here work constantly to keep the shoreline intact and the land in a good state of conservation. You are simply parroting the latest liberal rag and you clearly don't know what you are talking about.

Those are great pictures of an area that recovered. I hope the other countless damaged areas in the world can also recover one day.

And we would love to see CURRENT pictures of those 'countless' areas. I mean since the Gulf coast is one continuous sweep of coastline and all. We would love to see where the lines are drawn. Oh gee. Wait. There aren't any. The entire area has recovered. Nah, that couldn't be it. The liberal rags say so. :badgrin:

Try to imagine how truly stupid you look posting this silly shit.

Let me suggest that you get on a plane and fly from coast to coast. You will see beautiful farmland, woodlands, rivers, lakes. This country's natural resources are not going to hell in a hand basket just because YOU sit on your ass and do nothing. Other people work very hard to keep their part of the earth in good repair.
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Look at the pics I posted. Those fences and the dunes are part of a massive restoration project to get the beaches back the way they were before the hurricanes took what was there out to sea. I live on KY Lake. People here work constantly to keep the shoreline intact and the land in a good state of conservation. You are simply parroting the latest liberal rag and you clearly don't know what you are talking about.

Those are great pictures of an area that recovered. I hope the other countless damaged areas in the world can also recover one day.

And we would love to see CURRENT pictures of those 'countless' areas. I mean since the Gulf coast is one continuous sweep of coastline and all. We would love to see where the lines are drawn. Oh gee. Wait. There aren't any. The entire area has recovered. Nah, that couldn't be it. The liberal rags say so. :badgrin:

Try to imagine how truly stupid you look posting this silly shit.

LOL I'm so foolish!!! How could I be so dumb???

Humans have ABSOLUTELY NO IMPACT on anything!!! The rainforests? Fuck em they're doing great! The oceans? FUCK EM humans haven't influenced them in ANY WAY WHATSOEVER!!!

LOL these fucking liberals. How can they possibly think that humans have played ANY role WHATSOEVER on this world? :dunno:

Loony libs :cuckoo:
Those are great pictures of an area that recovered. I hope the other countless damaged areas in the world can also recover one day.

And we would love to see CURRENT pictures of those 'countless' areas. I mean since the Gulf coast is one continuous sweep of coastline and all. We would love to see where the lines are drawn. Oh gee. Wait. There aren't any. The entire area has recovered. Nah, that couldn't be it. The liberal rags say so. :badgrin:

Try to imagine how truly stupid you look posting this silly shit.

LOL I'm so foolish!!! How could I be so dumb???

Humans have ABSOLUTELY NO IMPACT on anything!!! The rainforests? Fuck em they're doing great! The oceans? FUCK EM humans haven't influenced them in ANY WAY WHATSOEVER!!!

LOL these fucking liberals. How can they possibly think that humans have played ANY role WHATSOEVER on this world? :dunno:

Loony libs :cuckoo:

What did humans do to cause the last ice age?
And we would love to see CURRENT pictures of those 'countless' areas. I mean since the Gulf coast is one continuous sweep of coastline and all. We would love to see where the lines are drawn. Oh gee. Wait. There aren't any. The entire area has recovered. Nah, that couldn't be it. The liberal rags say so. :badgrin:

Try to imagine how truly stupid you look posting this silly shit.

LOL I'm so foolish!!! How could I be so dumb???

Humans have ABSOLUTELY NO IMPACT on anything!!! The rainforests? Fuck em they're doing great! The oceans? FUCK EM humans haven't influenced them in ANY WAY WHATSOEVER!!!

LOL these fucking liberals. How can they possibly think that humans have played ANY role WHATSOEVER on this world? :dunno:

Loony libs :cuckoo:

What did humans do to cause the last ice age?

Holocene extinction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Those are great pictures of an area that recovered. I hope the other countless damaged areas in the world can also recover one day.

And we would love to see CURRENT pictures of those 'countless' areas. I mean since the Gulf coast is one continuous sweep of coastline and all. We would love to see where the lines are drawn. Oh gee. Wait. There aren't any. The entire area has recovered. Nah, that couldn't be it. The liberal rags say so. :badgrin:

Try to imagine how truly stupid you look posting this silly shit.

LOL I'm so foolish!!! How could I be so dumb???

Humans have ABSOLUTELY NO IMPACT on anything!!! The rainforests? Fuck em they're doing great! The oceans? FUCK EM humans haven't influenced them in ANY WAY WHATSOEVER!!!

LOL these fucking liberals. How can they possibly think that humans have played ANY role WHATSOEVER on this world? :dunno:

Loony libs :cuckoo:

Any of those issues would be amore productive use of time OldSchool.. THOSE issues are all back burner now, because the left has framed this global warming gig as the ONLY enviro issue that matters.......

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