Just a little thing P:E ratio can mean billions of $$$


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Liberals,Obama supporters continually amuse me with the naive and totally OBVIOUS ignorance of business, ratios, i.e. anything to do that requires more then taking their shoes off to count!!!

For example, ALMOST ALL of them have obviously never heard of the Price to Earnings ratio one of several benchmarks used to buy or sell stocks.

Now this little benign ratio is directly related to Obamacare, the hundreds of companies like Walmart that are reducing their operating costs by reducing their employee health care programs. Primarily due to what the experts, i.e. actuaries (again for you liberal/Obama neophytes actuaries calculate what the health insurance premiums will be) that premiums starting in 2013 will increase over next 5 years by 122% for the private health insurance policy holders. This ratio will mean employer insurance premiums will also climb.
And so the financial people at public held companies like Walmart have to look at their operating costs going up and that is bad for the P:E ratio!

See again for you totally ignorant liberal/Obamacare people..
For example, if a company is currently trading at $43 a share and earnings over the last 12 months were $1.95 per share, the P/E ratio for the stock would be 22.05 ($43/$1.95).
But if the earnings (due to increased costs, like Obamacare is projected to do...) decrease to $1.00 per share.. The ratio would be 43 ($43/$1.00).
As a result someone looking to invest would have to invest $43 to earn $1.00 whereas with higher earnings of say $2.00 the ratio would be lower i.e. take less money to earn higher earnings.
Price-Earnings Ratio (P/E Ratio) Definition | Investopedia

Which means more expenses i.e. Obamacare means less earnings which means higher ratio which means value of share MUST decline!

So tomorrow when the market opens on the bad news of millions of people watching their value of their 401Ks, or stock portfolios going down..down...down...
just remember people all that gloating about Obama's win???
I predict a market fall of over 200 points tomorrow close of DJI!
Fuck you. Go to bed. You got money to earn for me tomorrow. I got bills bitch.
Poorer workers are going to have some dignity, and health costs will go down. Too bad for greedy health care scam a-holes. HM (my initials), it will be no big problem for you. Remain calm. You are officially obsessed with fear mongering Pubcrappe.
Poorer workers are going to have some dignity, and health costs will go down. Too bad for greedy health care scam a-holes. HM (my initials), it will be no big problem for you. Remain calm. You are officially obsessed with fear mongering Pubcrappe.

For all 29 hours a week they get to work.
Poorer workers are going to have some dignity, and health costs will go down. Too bad for greedy health care scam a-holes. HM (my initials), it will be no big problem for you. Remain calm. You are officially obsessed with fear mongering Pubcrappe.

So given your business acumen which is shown to be very little what would you suggest people that own stocks do?
And by the way if you have a 401K this will directly AFFECT it as your funds will begin selling and then where will you go for retirement funding?
SS? By the way again your business acumen is showing when these businesses decide to close up and take their money who pays the employee's
payroll taxes? OH wait there won't be any more employers paying their 6.2% for SS 1.45% for Medicare!
So again.. where will that money come from???

See business haters like you don't seem to comprehend exactly what it costs to run a business and have employees.

You've NEVER heard of FUTA have you. You never KNEW your employer also pays into YOUR SS/Medicare did you?

Just wait till the other big shoe drops, Congress decides to disallow businesses from deducting employee insurance and pension payments a total
of over $250 billion a year. That happens your health/your 401K will be dropped!
Poorer workers are going to have some dignity, and health costs will go down. Too bad for greedy health care scam a-holes. HM (my initials), it will be no big problem for you. Remain calm. You are officially obsessed with fear mongering Pubcrappe.

So given your business acumen which is shown to be very little what would you suggest people that own stocks do?
And by the way if you have a 401K this will directly AFFECT it as your funds will begin selling and then where will you go for retirement funding?
SS? By the way again your business acumen is showing when these businesses decide to close up and take their money who pays the employee's
payroll taxes? OH wait there won't be any more employers paying their 6.2% for SS 1.45% for Medicare!
So again.. where will that money come from???

See business haters like you don't seem to comprehend exactly what it costs to run a business and have employees.

You've NEVER heard of FUTA have you. You never KNEW your employer also pays into YOUR SS/Medicare did you?

Just wait till the other big shoe drops, Congress decides to disallow businesses from deducting employee insurance and pension payments a total
of over $250 billion a year. That happens your health/your 401K will be dropped!

The indications are clearer now.

Looks like we are heading for the exit:

Wealthy Dump Assets Before the 'Fiscal Cliff' - U.S. Business News - CNBC
Liberals,Obama supporters continually amuse me with the naive and totally OBVIOUS ignorance of business, ratios, i.e. anything to do that requires more then taking their shoes off to count!!!

For example, ALMOST ALL of them have obviously never heard of the Price to Earnings ratio one of several benchmarks used to buy or sell stocks.

Now this little benign ratio is directly related to Obamacare, the hundreds of companies like Walmart that are reducing their operating costs by reducing their employee health care programs. Primarily due to what the experts, i.e. actuaries (again for you liberal/Obama neophytes actuaries calculate what the health insurance premiums will be) that premiums starting in 2013 will increase over next 5 years by 122% for the private health insurance policy holders. This ratio will mean employer insurance premiums will also climb.
And so the financial people at public held companies like Walmart have to look at their operating costs going up and that is bad for the P:E ratio!

See again for you totally ignorant liberal/Obamacare people..
For example, if a company is currently trading at $43 a share and earnings over the last 12 months were $1.95 per share, the P/E ratio for the stock would be 22.05 ($43/$1.95).
But if the earnings (due to increased costs, like Obamacare is projected to do...) decrease to $1.00 per share.. The ratio would be 43 ($43/$1.00).
As a result someone looking to invest would have to invest $43 to earn $1.00 whereas with higher earnings of say $2.00 the ratio would be lower i.e. take less money to earn higher earnings.
Price-Earnings Ratio (P/E Ratio) Definition | Investopedia

Which means more expenses i.e. Obamacare means less earnings which means higher ratio which means value of share MUST decline!

So tomorrow when the market opens on the bad news of millions of people watching their value of their 401Ks, or stock portfolios going down..down...down...
just remember people all that gloating about Obama's win???
I predict a market fall of over 200 points tomorrow close of DJI!

Well I'm sure Truthmatters has now absorbed you lesson in P/E ratio and her portfolio is now poised to skyrocket. Thanks for helping her, and others, out.
Liberals,Obama supporters continually amuse me with the naive and totally OBVIOUS ignorance of business, ratios, i.e. anything to do that requires more then taking their shoes off to count!!!

For example, ALMOST ALL of them have obviously never heard of the Price to Earnings ratio one of several benchmarks used to buy or sell stocks.

Now this little benign ratio is directly related to Obamacare, the hundreds of companies like Walmart that are reducing their operating costs by reducing their employee health care programs. Primarily due to what the experts, i.e. actuaries (again for you liberal/Obama neophytes actuaries calculate what the health insurance premiums will be) that premiums starting in 2013 will increase over next 5 years by 122% for the private health insurance policy holders. This ratio will mean employer insurance premiums will also climb.
And so the financial people at public held companies like Walmart have to look at their operating costs going up and that is bad for the P:E ratio!

See again for you totally ignorant liberal/Obamacare people..
For example, if a company is currently trading at $43 a share and earnings over the last 12 months were $1.95 per share, the P/E ratio for the stock would be 22.05 ($43/$1.95).
But if the earnings (due to increased costs, like Obamacare is projected to do...) decrease to $1.00 per share.. The ratio would be 43 ($43/$1.00).
As a result someone looking to invest would have to invest $43 to earn $1.00 whereas with higher earnings of say $2.00 the ratio would be lower i.e. take less money to earn higher earnings.
Price-Earnings Ratio (P/E Ratio) Definition | Investopedia

Which means more expenses i.e. Obamacare means less earnings which means higher ratio which means value of share MUST decline!

So tomorrow when the market opens on the bad news of millions of people watching their value of their 401Ks, or stock portfolios going down..down...down...
just remember people all that gloating about Obama's win???
I predict a market fall of over 200 points tomorrow close of DJI!

Well, we could reduce the amount of government assistance we give to the poor/low income Americans, and simply make healthcare unaffordable to them so they would have to go without...

...that would reduce demand for healthcare and thus, according to economics 101,

the price of healthcare should come down.

You want to try that?
Liberals,Obama supporters continually amuse me with the naive and totally OBVIOUS ignorance of business, ratios, i.e. anything to do that requires more then taking their shoes off to count!!!

For example, ALMOST ALL of them have obviously never heard of the Price to Earnings ratio one of several benchmarks used to buy or sell stocks.

Now this little benign ratio is directly related to Obamacare, the hundreds of companies like Walmart that are reducing their operating costs by reducing their employee health care programs. Primarily due to what the experts, i.e. actuaries (again for you liberal/Obama neophytes actuaries calculate what the health insurance premiums will be) that premiums starting in 2013 will increase over next 5 years by 122% for the private health insurance policy holders. This ratio will mean employer insurance premiums will also climb.
And so the financial people at public held companies like Walmart have to look at their operating costs going up and that is bad for the P:E ratio!

See again for you totally ignorant liberal/Obamacare people..
For example, if a company is currently trading at $43 a share and earnings over the last 12 months were $1.95 per share, the P/E ratio for the stock would be 22.05 ($43/$1.95).
But if the earnings (due to increased costs, like Obamacare is projected to do...) decrease to $1.00 per share.. The ratio would be 43 ($43/$1.00).
As a result someone looking to invest would have to invest $43 to earn $1.00 whereas with higher earnings of say $2.00 the ratio would be lower i.e. take less money to earn higher earnings.
Price-Earnings Ratio (P/E Ratio) Definition | Investopedia

Which means more expenses i.e. Obamacare means less earnings which means higher ratio which means value of share MUST decline!

So tomorrow when the market opens on the bad news of millions of people watching their value of their 401Ks, or stock portfolios going down..down...down...
just remember people all that gloating about Obama's win???
I predict a market fall of over 200 points tomorrow close of DJI!

Well I'm sure Truthmatters has now absorbed you lesson in P/E ratio and her portfolio is now poised to skyrocket. Thanks for helping her, and others, out.

I'm taking that comment as being "sarcasm" because I maybe way off!
Market is plus 4 right now!

I'm just using the rationale the experts that use P/E ratios as one of several indicators to buy/sell and the logic of health care costs directly affecting operating costs which reduces profits is what I'm looking at.
I doubt sincerely my comments to MOST idiots on this board that voted for Obama make any sense since it requires a little bit of counting beyond taking shoes off!
Liberals,Obama supporters continually amuse me with the naive and totally OBVIOUS ignorance of business, ratios, i.e. anything to do that requires more then taking their shoes off to count!!!

For example, ALMOST ALL of them have obviously never heard of the Price to Earnings ratio one of several benchmarks used to buy or sell stocks.

Now this little benign ratio is directly related to Obamacare, the hundreds of companies like Walmart that are reducing their operating costs by reducing their employee health care programs. Primarily due to what the experts, i.e. actuaries (again for you liberal/Obama neophytes actuaries calculate what the health insurance premiums will be) that premiums starting in 2013 will increase over next 5 years by 122% for the private health insurance policy holders. This ratio will mean employer insurance premiums will also climb.
And so the financial people at public held companies like Walmart have to look at their operating costs going up and that is bad for the P:E ratio!

See again for you totally ignorant liberal/Obamacare people..
For example, if a company is currently trading at $43 a share and earnings over the last 12 months were $1.95 per share, the P/E ratio for the stock would be 22.05 ($43/$1.95).
But if the earnings (due to increased costs, like Obamacare is projected to do...) decrease to $1.00 per share.. The ratio would be 43 ($43/$1.00).
As a result someone looking to invest would have to invest $43 to earn $1.00 whereas with higher earnings of say $2.00 the ratio would be lower i.e. take less money to earn higher earnings.
Price-Earnings Ratio (P/E Ratio) Definition | Investopedia

Which means more expenses i.e. Obamacare means less earnings which means higher ratio which means value of share MUST decline!

So tomorrow when the market opens on the bad news of millions of people watching their value of their 401Ks, or stock portfolios going down..down...down...
just remember people all that gloating about Obama's win???
I predict a market fall of over 200 points tomorrow close of DJI!

Well, we could reduce the amount of government assistance we give to the poor/low income Americans, and simply make healthcare unaffordable to them so they would have to go without...

...that would reduce demand for healthcare and thus, according to economics 101,

the price of healthcare should come down.

You want to try that?

Health care costs WON"T go down as long as millionaire lawyers force health care providers to cause $600 billion a year in defensive medicine costs!
Health care costs won't go down as long as IDIOTS don't recognize that:
1) 10 million supposedly UNINSURED ARE NOT CITIZENS!
2) 14 million ARE ALREADY covered by Medicaid!
3) 18 million under age 34, making over $50,000 don't want, spend out of pocket their health care costs
LEAVES 8 million truly uninsured!
These 8 million when going to emergency room cost nearly $60 billion in unreimbursed expenses WHICH was forced by EMTALA...look it up!
So why not tax 10% of the $100 billion lawyers make and buy health insurance for the truly 8 million uninsured!
THEN the hospitals don't have to pad and pass on to Medicare sometimes marking up 6,000% above their costs!
With this two prong attack lowering $600 billion in defensive medicine, i.e.duplicate tests, all out of fear of lawsuits and forcing hospitals to stop padding and passing because they'll collect for the "uninsured".. A drop in health cost by at least 20% or savings over $100 billion a year!
THEN the cost of health insurance will go down!!
BUT YOU don't want that! YOU are just another of the dumb..f...ks that think there are 50 million "uninsured!!!
Marc Faber: Prepare for a Massive Market Meltdown

“The market is going down because corporate profits will begin to disappoint, the global economy will hardly grow next year or even contract, and that is the reason why stocks, from the highs of September of 1,470 on the S&P, will drop at least 20 percent, in my view.”
Marc Faber: Prepare for a Massive Market Meltdown
Liberals,Obama supporters continually amuse me with the naive and totally OBVIOUS ignorance of business, ratios, i.e. anything to do that requires more then taking their shoes off to count!!!

For example, ALMOST ALL of them have obviously never heard of the Price to Earnings ratio one of several benchmarks used to buy or sell stocks.

Now this little benign ratio is directly related to Obamacare, the hundreds of companies like Walmart that are reducing their operating costs by reducing their employee health care programs. Primarily due to what the experts, i.e. actuaries (again for you liberal/Obama neophytes actuaries calculate what the health insurance premiums will be) that premiums starting in 2013 will increase over next 5 years by 122% for the private health insurance policy holders. This ratio will mean employer insurance premiums will also climb.
And so the financial people at public held companies like Walmart have to look at their operating costs going up and that is bad for the P:E ratio!

See again for you totally ignorant liberal/Obamacare people..
For example, if a company is currently trading at $43 a share and earnings over the last 12 months were $1.95 per share, the P/E ratio for the stock would be 22.05 ($43/$1.95).
But if the earnings (due to increased costs, like Obamacare is projected to do...) decrease to $1.00 per share.. The ratio would be 43 ($43/$1.00).
As a result someone looking to invest would have to invest $43 to earn $1.00 whereas with higher earnings of say $2.00 the ratio would be lower i.e. take less money to earn higher earnings.
Price-Earnings Ratio (P/E Ratio) Definition | Investopedia

Which means more expenses i.e. Obamacare means less earnings which means higher ratio which means value of share MUST decline!

So tomorrow when the market opens on the bad news of millions of people watching their value of their 401Ks, or stock portfolios going down..down...down...
just remember people all that gloating about Obama's win???
I predict a market fall of over 200 points tomorrow close of DJI!

Well, we could reduce the amount of government assistance we give to the poor/low income Americans, and simply make healthcare unaffordable to them so they would have to go without...

...that would reduce demand for healthcare and thus, according to economics 101,

the price of healthcare should come down.

You want to try that?

Health care costs WON"T go down as long as millionaire lawyers force health care providers to cause $600 billion a year in defensive medicine costs!
Health care costs won't go down as long as IDIOTS don't recognize that:
1) 10 million supposedly UNINSURED ARE NOT CITIZENS!
2) 14 million ARE ALREADY covered by Medicaid!
3) 18 million under age 34, making over $50,000 don't want, spend out of pocket their health care costs
LEAVES 8 million truly uninsured!
These 8 million when going to emergency room cost nearly $60 billion in unreimbursed expenses WHICH was forced by EMTALA...look it up!
So why not tax 10% of the $100 billion lawyers make and buy health insurance for the truly 8 million uninsured!
THEN the hospitals don't have to pad and pass on to Medicare sometimes marking up 6,000% above their costs!
With this two prong attack lowering $600 billion in defensive medicine, i.e.duplicate tests, all out of fear of lawsuits and forcing hospitals to stop padding and passing because they'll collect for the "uninsured".. A drop in health cost by at least 20% or savings over $100 billion a year!
THEN the cost of health insurance will go down!!
BUT YOU don't want that! YOU are just another of the dumb..f...ks that think there are 50 million "uninsured!!!

The Dow is up 61 points dumbfuck.
Masscare proves you are brainwashed, Pub dupe/ Medicare Advantage sellout lol...

Ype medicare advantage covers 19% of all medicare recipients but costs within 3 billion of what we par for the rest of the medicare recipients.
Something like 50.6 billion for standard medicare and 47.6 billion for the 19% on the medicare advantage.
Marc Faber: Prepare for a Massive Market Meltdown

“The market is going down because corporate profits will begin to disappoint, the global economy will hardly grow next year or even contract, and that is the reason why stocks, from the highs of September of 1,470 on the S&P, will drop at least 20 percent, in my view.”
Marc Faber: Prepare for a Massive Market Meltdown

Marc Faber? lol

Marc Faber Flips from Bullish to Bearish on Stock Markets, Says SELL
Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2010
Jan 16, 2010 - 03:45 PM

Note the date.

On Jan 15, 2010 the SP500 was at 1136.

It's currently at 1386.

That's a 250 point gain in the SP500 since Faber made that bearish call.

My friendly advice, don't listen to stock market 'gurus'.''


Liberals,Obama supporters continually amuse me with the naive and totally OBVIOUS ignorance of business, ratios, i.e. anything to do that requires more then taking their shoes off to count!!!

For example, ALMOST ALL of them have obviously never heard of the Price to Earnings ratio one of several benchmarks used to buy or sell stocks.

Now this little benign ratio is directly related to Obamacare, the hundreds of companies like Walmart that are reducing their operating costs by reducing their employee health care programs. Primarily due to what the experts, i.e. actuaries (again for you liberal/Obama neophytes actuaries calculate what the health insurance premiums will be) that premiums starting in 2013 will increase over next 5 years by 122% for the private health insurance policy holders. This ratio will mean employer insurance premiums will also climb.
And so the financial people at public held companies like Walmart have to look at their operating costs going up and that is bad for the P:E ratio!


Then why is Walmart stock UP about 35% since the Affordable Care Act passed in 2010?
Masscare proves you are brainwashed, Pub dupe/ Medicare Advantage sellout lol...

Ype medicare advantage covers 19% of all medicare recipients but costs within 3 billion of what we par for the rest of the medicare recipients.
Something like 50.6 billion for standard medicare and 47.6 billion for the 19% on the medicare advantage.

BUT there is NO FRAUD with Advantage PLANS!!!!
Right now I KNOW a lot more about Medicare then you do as everyday 10,000 times a day inquiries are made through our web site Medicare eligibility so I know what Medicare does and costs!
I have access to a 6,000 hospital database of what these hospitals CHARGE Medicare and what it actual costs and this fraud and abuse is best illustrated by this real number that comes from that database!

In 2009 the University Community Hospital in Tampa sent Medicare 2,110 claims for CAT scan no contrast.
Each claim averaged: at $2,635 which is what was billed by the hospital to Medicare...
But the hospital's ACTUAL COSTS to perform the CAT SCAN was $43
a mark up 6,127.91%

NOT possible with Advantage plan! I know because I'm an Advantage Plan Member!!!
OH and Medicare MAKES ME pay 20% co-pay. I pay $96.40/month under Medicare but because I'm on an Advantage plan I DON"T PAY THAT!!

SO PLEASE don't tell me about Medicare I am far more knowledgeable then you!
Again.. Advantage Plans HAVE NO WASTE,FRAUD and ABUSE as far as Medicare does because Medicare pays just a simple monthly fee of $800 for example for ME to my Advantage PlAN!!

PLUS MY Advantage plan is a "for profit" and PAYS an average of 25% of the average 4% net profits in TAXES to the government... DID YOU know that???
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The DJI closed DOWN 57 and will continue tomorrow and the next day and the next until Obama is out of office!!!

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