Rove/GOP Establishmentarians in Deep Poo


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
I been saiyn' since Wednesday that the repubs don't need to pander to anyone, but just stick to the bread-and-butter economic and individual liberty issues, dump the culture war crap and victory will be theirs.

As an example of how sophisticated Rove is…Karl Rove was out raising money to keep Santorum alive until they could kill Newt — Santorum basically ran for Governor of Iowa in 2011, visiting all 99 counties; Santorum, out of Iowa, had no organization, no money and no chance in 2012 to be the Republican nominee; he was only a stalking horse for Mitt Romney — Rove kept Santorum alive until he could kill Rick Perry first, and then Newt Gingrich.

It's instructive to note that Santorum placed 3rd in the South Carolina Presidential Primary the third week of January, and placed 3rd again the next week in Florida — yet Rove [by encouraging GOP donors to donate Santorum] was able to parlay two third place finishes into a $1M shot of money to keep Santorum alive...this is political gamesmanship on a whole other level, plus access to unlimited money.

IOW, Rove propped up Santorm, who appealed to a minor constituency within the party, in order to get the establishment neocon sock puppet the nomination...Then his toadies later changed the rues at the RNC to slam the door in the face of both Snatorum and Dr. Paul.

"A party who won't paint in bold colors, who puts out flawed messengers, who doesn't focus on fundamentals, who pisses off the young and the libertarian, well, that party just got what was coming to it."
this wont go over well because parties can't look at themselves and be honest. Sorry oddball you are going to run into a lot of deflection or just down right ignoring of this. Its too complex for them.
Rove thought he was the sh*t when he was backing the Globalist tool Bush II for two terms.

What he found out in 2012 is that there are forces beyond National Party level controlling Politics in the USA.

His reaction on election night at FoxNews was genuine. He thought HE was in charge of the voting machines, turns out he's not.
Rove thought he was the sh*t when he was backing the Globalist tool Bush II for two terms.

What he found out in 2012 is that there are forces beyond National Party level controlling Politics in the USA.

His reaction on election night at FoxNews was genuine. He thought HE was in charge of the voting machines, turns out he's not.
What the establishmentarians in both parties keep trying to get us to ignore is that Ted Cruz and Jeff Flake won, both in states with huge Hispanic populations.

Yet, somehow or another, the paleorepub message of fiscal restraint, individual freedom and free enterprise doesn't resonate well with Latinos, so say the lamestream media and the inside-the-beltway neocons.
Rove thought he was the sh*t when he was backing the Globalist tool Bush II for two terms.

What he found out in 2012 is that there are forces beyond National Party level controlling Politics in the USA.

His reaction on election night at FoxNews was genuine. He thought HE was in charge of the voting machines, turns out he's not.
What the establishmentarians in both parties keep trying to get us to ignore is that Ted Cruz and Jeff Flake won, both in states with huge Hispanic populations.

Yet, somehow or another, the paleorepub message of fiscal restraint, individual freedom and free enterprise doesn't resonate well with Latinos, so say the lamestream media and the inside-the-beltway neocons.

Prove the GOP is trying to suppress that information, as you continue to claim.
Active suppression is different from changing the subject.

Fact remains that the insider neocons and the prigcons are too busy wringing their hands over who to blame, rather than recognizing that the meat-and-potatoes guys won, while the used car salesman and the foot-in-the-mouth evangelical fundies lost.
For social conservatives, Rove's treason began long before election day, when the Fox News contributor led the party's tar-and-feathering of Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin, who came under fire for his now infamous "legitimate rape" comments. The party's perceived betrayal of Akin confirmed what many grassroots conservative activists had long suspected: That the Republican Establishment was willing to throw the base under the bus to serve the interests of deep-pocketed donors.

The Republican Establishment needs to throw ‘the base’ under the bus to start winning elections, otherwise they won't have any deep-pocketed donors.

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