Just 42% Think Russia Meddled More in 2016 Election Than FBI

Americans EXPECT Russia to meddle in our elections. They DON'T expect the FBI to.
This is the biggest political scandal in American history and the media look the other way...but that is what adds to it's historic position...the American news agencies are in on it...When that happens all trust goes out the window for the media and the nations law enforcement agencies...
This is why Session's must step down and allow a new DOJ chief to step in and appoint a new special council to look into the FBI and Obama's DOJ to find out what happened and to prosecute the guilt no matter whom they are...
As far as Mueller in concerned...if he is still looking for Russian/Trump collusion he is as foolish as he must be partisan...
It's time for Mueller to show his hand....the people have called him...we are waiting Mr Mueller...
Just 42% Think Russia Meddled More in 2016 Election Than FBI

Proof the narrative is working.

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