Jusst heard this on the news:

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
20% of all bills passed by congress 2010 - 2012 = naming post offices.

Theses jerks work only 125 days a year, get paid more than $200K a year (before counting the extensive benefits we buy for them, including their ObamaCare coverage), all they do is get back from and leave for vacations and THIS is what we get for our money.

Congress was elected to stop obama. It looks like they are doing the job they are supposed to do.
20% of all bills passed by congress 2010 - 2012 = naming post offices.

Theses jerks work only 125 days a year, get paid more than $200K a year (before counting the extensive benefits we buy for them, including their ObamaCare coverage), all they do is get back from and leave for vacations and THIS is what we get for our money.


Sounds like they are following the example of Dear Leader.
Congress was elected to stop obama. It looks like they are doing the job they are supposed to do.

These tea bag congress critters are against any health care whether its ACA, single payer, whatever, and I'm sure they would outlaw medicare tomorrow if they thought it were possible. Has just one of them turned down government health care and paid for a private policy out of their own pocket? Like practice what they preach.
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20% of all bills passed by congress 2010 - 2012 = naming post offices.

Theses jerks work only 125 days a year, get paid more than $200K a year (before counting the extensive benefits we buy for them, including their ObamaCare coverage), all they do is get back from and leave for vacations and THIS is what we get for our money.


yea their was a entire book written about the 2007 congress Lmao...it was a fun read.

They have not been able to pass important
legislation on minimum wage, immigration reform, or
anything else of importance. Instead, they spend their time raising money for themselves, bickering and passing bills to change the names of courthouses and post offices
I don't recall a single thing that Boehner's teaprty House has done. Off for 239 days this year too.

Drunk, tanned, golfing teepubs while Obama lowers the debt to less than $1Trillion, creates jobs every single month, fights for the working class.

They SAY they want less debt but have run it up another $52MILLION with their fake ObamaCare repeal bills but they can't find the time to vote for jobs.

These tea bag congress critters are against any health care whether its ACA, single payer, whatever, and I'm sure they would outlaw medicare tomorrow if they thought it were possible. Has just one of them turned down government health care and paid for a private policy out of their own pocket? Like practice what they preach.

Yep. Medicare makes good fiscal sense but it helps Americans so the Rs are against it. If it helped the 1%, it would be written in stone for all time. teepubs get free ObamaCare because we buy it for them. Most of them will never have to work for a living because they get free bennies and pay for the rest of their lives.

rw voters don't want jobs and economic recovery either. If they did, they wouldn't keep voting for GObP bloodsuckers. Or, maybe they're just too damn dumb to GET IT.
I don't recall a single thing that Boehner's teaprty House has done. Off for 239 days this year too.

Drunk, tanned, golfing teepubs while Obama lowers the debt to less than $1Trillion, creates jobs every single month, fights for the working class.

They SAY they want less debt but have run it up another $52MILLION with their fake ObamaCare repeal bills but they can't find the time to vote for jobs.

These tea bag congress critters are against any health care whether its ACA, single payer, whatever, and I'm sure they would outlaw medicare tomorrow if they thought it were possible. Has just one of them turned down government health care and paid for a private policy out of their own pocket? Like practice what they preach.

Yep. Medicare makes good fiscal sense but it helps Americans so the Rs are against it. If it helped the 1%, it would be written in stone for all time. teepubs get free ObamaCare because we buy it for them. Most of them will never have to work for a living because they get free bennies and pay for the rest of their lives.

rw voters don't want jobs and economic recovery either. If they did, they wouldn't keep voting for GObP bloodsuckers. Or, maybe they're just too damn dumb to GET IT.

never knew a person could get drunk on kool aid???
20% of all bills passed by congress 2010 - 2012 = naming post offices.

Theses jerks work only 125 days a year, get paid more than $200K a year (before counting the extensive benefits we buy for them, including their ObamaCare coverage), all they do is get back from and leave for vacations and THIS is what we get for our money.

So maybe they should break all the other bills up into smaller bills to make the numbers better for you? Or should post offices not have names?
yea their was a entire book written about the 2007 congress Lmao...it was a fun read.

They have not been able to pass important
legislation on minimum wage, immigration reform, or
anything else of importance. Instead, they spend their time raising money for themselves, bickering and passing bills to change the names of courthouses and post offices

So, business as usual.

Strangely, Nerdly Dentite didn't have a problem with it when Bush was president and Pelosi was Majority Leader.
yea their was a entire book written about the 2007 congress Lmao...it was a fun read.

They have not been able to pass important
legislation on minimum wage, immigration reform, or
anything else of importance. Instead, they spend their time raising money for themselves, bickering and passing bills to change the names of courthouses and post offices

So, business as usual.

Strangely, Nerdly Dentite didn't have a problem with it when Bush was president and Pelosi was Majority Leader.

well you have to give the op some credit at least he/she didnt just name Republicans.
I don't recall a single thing that Boehner's teaprty House has done. Off for 239 days this year too.

Drunk, tanned, golfing teepubs while Obama lowers the debt to less than $1Trillion, creates jobs every single month, fights for the working class.

They SAY they want less debt but have run it up another $52MILLION with their fake ObamaCare repeal bills but they can't find the time to vote for jobs.

These tea bag congress critters are against any health care whether its ACA, single payer, whatever, and I'm sure they would outlaw medicare tomorrow if they thought it were possible. Has just one of them turned down government health care and paid for a private policy out of their own pocket? Like practice what they preach.

Yep. Medicare makes good fiscal sense but it helps Americans so the Rs are against it. If it helped the 1%, it would be written in stone for all time. teepubs get free ObamaCare because we buy it for them. Most of them will never have to work for a living because they get free bennies and pay for the rest of their lives.

rw voters don't want jobs and economic recovery either. If they did, they wouldn't keep voting for GObP bloodsuckers. Or, maybe they're just too damn dumb to GET IT.

Obama lowers the debt to less than $1Trillion

Nice try.....

As of today the US nations debt is at $15,874,365,457,260. - See more at: What is the United States national debt? | ChaCha .....:eusa_hand:
yea their was a entire book written about the 2007 congress Lmao...it was a fun read.

They have not been able to pass important
legislation on minimum wage, immigration reform, or
anything else of importance. Instead, they spend their time raising money for themselves, bickering and passing bills to change the names of courthouses and post offices

So, business as usual.

Strangely, Nerdly Dentite didn't have a problem with it when Bush was president and Pelosi was Majority Leader.

very stange isn't it...and most of the libs today didn't have a damn problem with it then..but that shoe is on the other foot...waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
yea their was a entire book written about the 2007 congress Lmao...it was a fun read.

They have not been able to pass important
legislation on minimum wage, immigration reform, or
anything else of importance. Instead, they spend their time raising money for themselves, bickering and passing bills to change the names of courthouses and post offices

So, business as usual.

Strangely, Nerdly Dentite didn't have a problem with it when Bush was president and Pelosi was Majority Leader.

How do you know?
Dudley is pissed because they did not name a PO after him.....they tried but Whining Pussy PO just did not go over to well.........
Congress was elected to stop obama. It looks like they are doing the job they are supposed to do.

Actually, for the first time ever, katzenstupid is right. Too bad that "stopping Obama" means screwing over Americans and sending more money out of the country. And, lucky for us, they've failed to stop Obama. :)

The people elect the representatives of their district to represent them. Not wefare mothers in Baltimore, crime bosses in Chicago or union hacks in Michigan. The people voted for those individuals who would block anything obama tried to do. Due to so many dead people's votes and multiple votes cast, obama won the election. Next best thing is to paralyze him.
The people elect the representatives of their district to represent them. Not wefare mothers in Baltimore, crime bosses in Chicago or union hacks in Michigan. The people voted for those individuals who would block anything obama tried to do. Due to so many dead people's votes and multiple votes cast, obama won the election. Next best thing is to paralyze him.

Umm, no.

The Congressional districts in many states have been gerrymandered to guarantee a republican win in spite of the voters' wants and needs.

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