CDZ Julian Assange Won't be Extradited to the US!

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020
This has nothing to do with 'freedom of the press.'
No. It has to do with targeting a guy who exposed US war crimes and then --even worse for his case--crimes by Hillary Clinton. A big no-no,
No. It has to do with targeting a guy who exposed US war crimes and then --even worse for his case--crimes by Hillary Clinton. A big no-no,

You're trying to bait the wrong person. I'm a Canadian and I never take a stand on supporting America's corruption or your corrupt politicians.
Obsess over Hillary with somebody else. This thread was meant to be about Assange.
Obsess over Hillary with somebody else. This thread was meant to be about Assange.
I generally don't obsess over anything on here.
You're trying to bait the wrong person. I'm a Canadian and I never take a stand on supporting America's corruption or your corrupt politicians.
Wasn't trying to 'bait' anyone--stating facts.
Assange was persecuted by the Obama administration largely because of dirt on the Clintons revealed by Wikileaks...way before the 2016 election.

Mod Edit: Deleted a personal flame.. Keep the CDZ threads civil..
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A good test of Biden!
Is he a corrupt American looking for revenge against Assange because Julian spilled the beans on US murder of civilians?


Is he the people's president who can rise above the evil and corruption his country has become.

Almost certainly the former but there's always hope.

And who isn't waiting to see the US dirty tricks on Britain for not falling in line with US evil?
This has nothing to do with 'freedom of the press.
It most certainly does have everything to do with "freedom of the press". Why should the press be muzzled from reporting on U.S. misdeeds but be encouraged to report the dirt on Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, etc? Those countries are bad-mouthed for having a lack of "freedom of the press" and we in the west ought to follow their trend to prove what? Where is this "freedom of the press" and "Democratic freedom" that we are yearning to be proud of and flaunt for the world to see and envy? Where is this elusive "right" we've been told about? Is it just false propaganda? It certainly looks that way.
That would depend on what kind of country you live in, a socialist country would see it your way, a free country would not...this guy went after the wrong crowd, had he went after the other side he would be "invited" instead of "extradited" to the U.S. for his parade.
This may have been his last MSM appearance....before the 2016 election, except for Fox.
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A great day for freedom of the press and against US oppression of the right to free speech.

RT, "Russia Today", publishes a lot of anti American and anti European propaganda.

It's Putin's mouthpiece and the mouthpiece of Russian military intelligence.

Can you find the story on Fox News? Fox has some integrity and it isn't anti American.
RT, "Russia Today", publishes a lot of anti American and anti European propaganda.

It's Putin's mouthpiece and the mouthpiece of Russian military intelligence.

Can you find the story on Fox News? Fox has some integrity and it isn't anti American.
It doesn't hurt you to receive a different slant on the news. We're all grownups who should be capable of separating fact from fiction.
You'll become much more politically astute if you hear the other side of the story from RT, along with what you get out of Fox.
It doesn't hurt you to receive a different slant on the news. We're all grownups who should be capable of separating fact from fiction.
You'll become much more politically astute if you hear the other side of the story from RT, along with what you get out of Fox.
Russia Today is pure propaganda.

When Wikileaks starts leaking stuff out of Russia, ISIS, Al Queda, etc... I'll be interested in hearing how "honest" they are. When you only seek to embarrass certain set yourself up as a partisan.
Mod Note: You're in the Clean Debate Zone. If you're not TOTALLY focused on this thread topic -- bad habits show up.. This zone is to remember what civil discussion is like.

Deleted 4 posts. Snipped a flame out of a 5th..
President Trump should have Pardoned Julian Assange.
When it comes to actually doing something useful, He resembles something a bit empty.

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