Judicial Watch Obtains Strzok-Page Emails Showing FBI’s Special Accommodation of Clinton Email

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
FULL TITLE: Judicial Watch Obtains Strzok-Page Emails Showing FBI’s Special Accommodation of Clinton Email Witnesses

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it received 35 pages of records of communications between former FBI official Peter Strzok and former FBI attorney Lisa Page that show the attorney representing three of Hillary Clinton’s aides met with senior FBI officials.

Two March 2016 emails show then-FBI General Counsel James Baker and then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe had discussed meeting with attorney Beth Wilkinson, who was representing Clinton aides Cheryl Mills, Heather Samuelson, Jake Sullivan and Philippe Reines. The FBI officials discussed holding “discreet” meetings with Wilkinson in secure locations that were set up to avoid any “stakeouts” by the press. (In a separate Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, U.S. District Court Judge Royce Lamberth said that he was “dumbfounded” that Cheryl Mills had been given immunity and was allowed to accompany former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to her FBI interview:

I had myself found that Cheryl Mills had committed perjury and lied under oath in a published opinion I had issued in a Judicial Watch case where I found her unworthy of belief, and I was quite shocked to find out she had been given immunity in — by the Justice Department in the Hillary Clinton email case. So I did not know that until I read the IG report and learned that and that she had accompanied the Secretary to her interview.)

In an email exchange with Deputy Assistant Director in the Counterintelligence Division Jonathan Moffa, Strzok discusses Clinton aides’ laptops, and that Wilkinson said that the laptops in the FBI’s possession did not contain Clinton’s 60,000 emails. She also said that the two laptops that had them are the personal laptops of Mills and Samuelson that were still in use at that time.

The document production is in response to Judicial Watch’s January 24, 2018, lawsuit filed after the Department of Justice failed to respond to a December 4, 2017, FOIA request (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:18-cv-00154)).

Strzok and Page were lead investigators in the Clinton email and Russia collusion investigations. The records include:

MORE AT LINK. judicialwatch.org ^


In other words, the FBI played cover for the Hildebeast. It’s something we already knew, but the vast public scoffed at the suggestion.

There’s more to come, and more people within the system, who were lied to, that will be “dumbfounded”. It’s only when it reaches the level of outrage and a demand for justice that anything has a chance of changing.

They covered for the Beasty, but tried to entrap Trump. You would have to be thick beyond belief to not see the absolute hypocrisy and bias in the differing treatment here....of course our DERANGED, DELUSIONAL, and DUMB AS A BOX OF ROCKS LEFTISTS, will deny anything and everything that would put "THEIR PRESIDENT" into a jail cell where she deserves to spend the rest of her life!
FULL TITLE: Judicial Watch Obtains Strzok-Page Emails Showing FBI’s Special Accommodation of Clinton Email Witnesses

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it received 35 pages of records of communications between former FBI official Peter Strzok and former FBI attorney Lisa Page that show the attorney representing three of Hillary Clinton’s aides met with senior FBI officials.

Two March 2016 emails show then-FBI General Counsel James Baker and then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe had discussed meeting with attorney Beth Wilkinson, who was representing Clinton aides Cheryl Mills, Heather Samuelson, Jake Sullivan and Philippe Reines. The FBI officials discussed holding “discreet” meetings with Wilkinson in secure locations that were set up to avoid any “stakeouts” by the press. (In a separate Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, U.S. District Court Judge Royce Lamberth said that he was “dumbfounded” that Cheryl Mills had been given immunity and was allowed to accompany former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to her FBI interview:

I had myself found that Cheryl Mills had committed perjury and lied under oath in a published opinion I had issued in a Judicial Watch case where I found her unworthy of belief, and I was quite shocked to find out she had been given immunity in — by the Justice Department in the Hillary Clinton email case. So I did not know that until I read the IG report and learned that and that she had accompanied the Secretary to her interview.)

In an email exchange with Deputy Assistant Director in the Counterintelligence Division Jonathan Moffa, Strzok discusses Clinton aides’ laptops, and that Wilkinson said that the laptops in the FBI’s possession did not contain Clinton’s 60,000 emails. She also said that the two laptops that had them are the personal laptops of Mills and Samuelson that were still in use at that time.

The document production is in response to Judicial Watch’s January 24, 2018, lawsuit filed after the Department of Justice failed to respond to a December 4, 2017, FOIA request (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:18-cv-00154)).

Strzok and Page were lead investigators in the Clinton email and Russia collusion investigations. The records include:

MORE AT LINK. judicialwatch.org ^


In other words, the FBI played cover for the Hildebeast. It’s something we already knew, but the vast public scoffed at the suggestion.

There’s more to come, and more people within the system, who were lied to, that will be “dumbfounded”. It’s only when it reaches the level of outrage and a demand for justice that anything has a chance of changing.

They covered for the Beasty, but tried to entrap Trump. You would have to be thick beyond belief to not see the absolute hypocrisy and bias in the differing treatment here....of course our DERANGED, DELUSIONAL, and DUMB AS A BOX OF ROCKS LEFTISTS, will deny anything and everything that would put "THEIR PRESIDENT" into a jail cell where she deserves to spend the rest of her life!

It goes beyond saying that we all know the Left are liars and crooks. Even they admit that to themselves. The proof in the pudding is with the likes of the Candycornhole and his ilk who require 99.9997% proof before admitting leftist corruption and guilt with those like Hillary all the while denouncing Trump with only 0.0003% proof. That old leftwing double standard.
Who cares, with tramp the rule of law has gone into the toilet and flushed. There is no rule of law anymore.

You think we care about lying and emails, while tramp lies like a rug and has foreign countries interfere in our elections? really?
Who cares, with tramp the rule of law has gone into the toilet and flushed. There is no rule of law anymore.

You think we care about lying and emails, while tramp lies like a rug and has foreign countries interfere in our elections? really?
Muslim terrorist, we all know you are full of shit, and your propaganda is laughable....if you must try to put exactly what the DemonRATS have done for the Surrender Monkeys terms, and associate them to Trump, at least try to make your shit believable!.....ROTFLMFAO!
Who cares, with tramp the rule of law has gone into the toilet and flushed. There is no rule of law anymore.

You think we care about lying and emails, while tramp lies like a rug and has foreign countries interfere in our elections? really?
Muslim terrorist, we all know you are full of shit, and your propaganda is laughable....if you must try to put exactly what the DemonRATS have done for the Surrender Monkeys terms, and associate them to Trump, at least try to make your shit believable!.....ROTFLMFAO!

Who are the musllim terrorists, and the surrender monkeys?
Who cares, with tramp the rule of law has gone into the toilet and flushed. There is no rule of law anymore.

You think we care about lying and emails, while tramp lies like a rug and has foreign countries interfere in our elections? really?

What you meant to say that you have not found anything illegal he has done after spending 30 million, therefore the law must be broken.

In fact, the law is not broken,turns out that him being a bad orange man is not enough for an indictment.

As for Clinton she destroyed evidence and needs to be put behind bars.
Who cares, with tramp the rule of law has gone into the toilet and flushed. There is no rule of law anymore.

You think we care about lying and emails, while tramp lies like a rug and has foreign countries interfere in our elections? really?

The Bidens are as corrupt as pols get, just follow the money.
Then the democrats cry "foul" when they get caught?!
Please remember 2016 when the democrats "fabricated dirt", i.e. made-up lies, i.e. PAID RUSSIANS, for the Steele Dossier about Trump
Who cares, with tramp the rule of law has gone into the toilet and flushed. There is no rule of law anymore.

You think we care about lying and emails, while tramp lies like a rug and has foreign countries interfere in our elections? really?

What you meant to say that you have not found anything illegal he has done after spending 30 million, therefore the law must be broken.

In fact, the law is not broken,turns out that him being a bad orange man is not enough for an indictment.

As for Clinton she destroyed evidence and needs to be put behind bars.

He has done a lot illegal, ever since he was an adult and its continuing. We do not care about Clinton's emails, she was found to be innocent of all crimes.
Who cares, with tramp the rule of law has gone into the toilet and flushed. There is no rule of law anymore.

You think we care about lying and emails, while tramp lies like a rug and has foreign countries interfere in our elections? really?

The Bidens are as corrupt as pols get, just follow the money.
Then the democrats cry "foul" when they get caught?!
Please remember 2016 when the democrats "fabricated dirt", i.e. made-up lies, i.e. PAID RUSSIANS, for the Steele Dossier about Trump

Prove it, and who cares, I will not hesitate to vote for Biden and his son Hunter and his wife can have an office in the WH.
Who cares, with tramp the rule of law has gone into the toilet and flushed. There is no rule of law anymore.

You think we care about lying and emails, while tramp lies like a rug and has foreign countries interfere in our elections? really?
Who cares, with tramp the rule of law has gone into the toilet and flushed. There is no rule of law anymore.

You think we care about lying and emails, while tramp lies like a rug and has foreign countries interfere in our elections? really?

You, listerine and lesh are something else

It's absolutely amazing how Trump was able to
secure help from Russia yet, can't even manage
a full circle of competent, loyal allies

It's absolutely amazing how Manafort and Flynn
made it past the FBI vetting process....
especially since Flynn was already under investigation

It's absolutely amazing that it took over 15 years
and making it past the FBI vetting process to bust Manafort,
but, in 2 years the FBI had the first and last names
of elite Russian agents...the best of the best

It's absolutely amazing how the CIA hasn't nabbed
whoever is threatening the anonymous whistle blower.

It's absolutely amazing how a CIA operative
needs to be protected but, not Epstein

It's absolutely amazing how Epstein was drowned out
by the whole Russian collusion, Ukraine edition, part 2

Who cares, with tramp the rule of law has gone into the toilet and flushed. There is no rule of law anymore.

You think we care about lying and emails, while tramp lies like a rug and has foreign countries interfere in our elections? really?

What you meant to say that you have not found anything illegal he has done after spending 30 million, therefore the law must be broken.

In fact, the law is not broken,turns out that him being a bad orange man is not enough for an indictment.

As for Clinton she destroyed evidence and needs to be put behind bars.

He has done a lot illegal, ever since he was an adult and its continuing. We do not care about Clinton's emails, she was found to be innocent of all crimes.
No. She was found too stupid to be charged for the crimes "by any reasonable prosecutor"...... at least according to Comey.
Who cares, with tramp the rule of law has gone into the toilet and flushed. There is no rule of law anymore.

You think we care about lying and emails, while tramp lies like a rug and has foreign countries interfere in our elections? really?

Pelosi and Schiff are innocent, they have never been accused of a crime.

Pelosi and Schiff are in Congress, the Bidens are the ones that are dirty. Schiff and Pelosi are part of the cover-up...
Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Joe and Hunter Biden Scandal - Gingrich 360

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