Judge Merchan Slaps Down Trump's Immunity Argument.

For the Supreme court to even look at this case they would have to acknowledge that paying off a porn star to silence her when Trump was a private citizen was part of his official duties as President.

Think that’s likely?
I do not believe her funds came from Trump. Do you have proof he paid her? She serviced Trump per her claims as a paid porn star. Since when can they demand a party not having sex pay her? A rule prostitutes always follow is pay them first and they then will fuck you.
It’s odd that no other President ever imagined he would have full immunity like that. Nixon resigned as part of a deal that culminated with him getting a Pardon. Clinton worked out a plea deal at the last minute before leaving office.

So where was this immunity claim?
Biden had better hope to God they rule in Trump's favor or he is in deep shit for open borders and the Afghanistan debacle where people died...
Bottom line .. Democrats are proud to restrict free speech and the true .. American way.

The wimpiest cowards path … is the chosen Democrat way..

Pussies galore and proud of it.. 👀
Looking into voter fraud is part of his duties as president...
Up to a point. Using legal channels like instructing his attorney general to investigate all such claims for merit (which he did) is well within his duties.

However, when no evidence of fraud was found, personally trying to pressure election officials to change votes or not certify elections in order to favor him, is not. And it should not have immunity.
Such as what? What are you complaining about and be precise this time.
Stormy Daniels isnt being charged with anything and trump is going trial over this in a few weeks. THAT is reality. Not some made up shit world you live in. It's obvious from your comments you have absolutely zero clue what this trial is actually about and what trump is being charged with.
Trump petitioned the state judge. The judge ruled based on his request.

So obviously the judge had the authority, otherwise Trump wouldn’t have asked him.

He [Trump's attorneys] asked the trial be delayed pending the SCOTUS ruling. The judge said no immunity, he has no say, it is a Federal matter.
He [Trump's attorneys] asked the trial be delayed pending the SCOTUS ruling. The judge said no immunity, he has no say, it is a Federal matter.
If he had no say, they wouldnt have asked him.

Use some common sense
In that case, immunity ends when he leaves office and wouldn’t cover tbe willful retention of classified material or tbe other actions he took to retain them and obstruct their recovery.


Biden had classified documents for decades, even from back to when he was a Senator. They were also insecurely stored and transported as well.

Clinton has classified info, the court in DC said nothing could be done since Clinton claimed they were personal. And the DoJ argued that very point on behalf of Clinton.
I do not believe her funds came from Trump. Do you have proof he paid her? She serviced Trump per her claims as a paid porn star. Since when can they demand a party not having sex pay her? A rule prostitutes always follow is pay them first and they then will fuck you.
Fuck what you believe. You’re nuts. The evidence of payment was presented at the Cohen trial

Fuck off Gramps
Biden had better hope to God they rule in Trump's favor or he is in deep shit for open borders and the Afghanistan debacle where people died...

If the Supreme Court finds for Trump. Biden will have Trump assassinated and laugh his ass off when Republicans scream it is a crime.
If he had no say, they wouldnt have asked him.

Use some common sense

They asked for a stay pending the SCOTUS ruling in the matter.

Merchan interjected himself and showed how far over his head this is; of course he is also highly biased and is now openly using the court to protect his adult daughter, who is making money off this case.
He [Trump's attorneys] asked the trial be delayed pending the SCOTUS ruling. The judge said no immunity, he has no say, it is a Federal matter.
Not in this case it isn’t stupid

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