Judge Kavanaugh News


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Everywhere one turns, there’s another article about the SCOTUS nominee. Just thought I’d gather them in one thread.

Legal Expert Who's Had Cases Before Kavanaugh Talks about How He's Ruled on Big Issues @ Legal Expert Who's Had Cases Before Kavanaugh Talks about How He's Ruled on Big Issues

An analysis of some rules he made on the circuit court.

'It's a Meltdown': Media Research Center Calls Bias on Mainstream Coverage of SCOTUS Nomination @ 'It's a Meltdown': Media Research Center Calls Bias on Mainstream Coverage of SCOTUS Nomination

This should not surprise anyone.

Inside the Democrats' Crusade to Turn SCOTUS Pick Brett Kavanaugh Into The Boogeyman @ Inside the Democrats' Crusade to Turn SCOTUS Pick Brett Kavanaugh Into the Boogeyman

Some Conservatives Criticize Kavanaugh: ‘Swamp Pick,’ ‘Bush Pick,’ Not Scalia' @ Some Conservatives Criticize Kavanaugh: ‘Swamp Pick,’ ‘Bush Pick,’ Not Scalia'

I was amazed when Judge Napolitano dissed him as being at the heart and soul of the D.C. establishment. Rich Santorum and Mark Levin were no surprises.

NAACP: Kavanaugh ‘A Dangerous Ideologue’ With ‘Extreme Views on Civil Rights’ @ NAACP: Kavanaugh ‘A Dangerous Ideologue’ With ‘Extreme Views on Civil Rights’

No surprise from this far-left group

Nets Tout Dems ‘Launching All-Out War’ Against Kavanaugh @ Nets Tout Dems ‘Launching All-Out War’ Against Kavanaugh

The GOP Should Use The Harry Reid Precedent on Democrat’s Kavenaugh Demands @http://datechguyblog.com/2018/07/11/the-gop-should-use-the-harry-reid-precedent-on-democrats-kavenaugh-demands/

Democrats are making loud noises because loud noises are all they have to fundraise on. Their demands are meaningless. The GOP has the power to ignore these demands with impunity, and should do so.

HuffPo Writer Attacks 'Team Kavanaugh' For Showing Kavanaugh's A Great Dad. Then This Happens. @ HuffPo Writer Attacks 'Team Kavanaugh' For Showing Kavanaugh's A Great Dad. Then This Happens.

More of hysterical leftist reactions.

Rush Limbaugh: Kavanaugh Is An ‘Impeccable' Pick @ Rush Limbaugh: Kavanaugh Is An ‘Impeccable' Pick

That should really drive the left up the wall.

The Left’s Trump Card On Kavanaugh: HE’S A WHITE MALE! @ The Left’s Trump Card On Kavanaugh: HE’S A WHITE MALE!

Wacky Cory Booker tweeted: "Our next justice should be a champion for protecting & advancing rights, not rolling them back -- but Kavanaugh has a long history of demonstrating hostility toward defending the rights of everyday Americans."

Crazy Bernie tweeted: "If Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed to the Supreme Court it will have a profoundly negative effect on workers'
rights, women's rights and voting rights for decades to come. We must do everything we can to stop this nomination."

If only these guys could get themselves elected to some sort of legislative body, they could pass laws protecting these rights!

Otherwise, these "rights" whereof you speak are no more real than the Beastie Boys' assertion of THE RIGHT TO PARTEEEEEEEE!
Kavanaugh is a Nice Guy and a Good Dad


The Left hates this piece in the WaPo.

I’ll leave it to others to gauge Judge Kavanaugh’s qualifications for the Supreme Court as a jurist. But as someone who would bring to his work the traits of personal kindness, leadership and willingness to help when called on, he would receive a unanimous verdict in his favor from those who know him.

More @ The left is outraged over a WaPost piece humanizing Judge Kavanaugh

Brett Kavanaugh and the McCain Factor @ Brett Kavanaugh and the McCain factor

So McCain “strongly endorses” the nominee.

Allahpundit at Hot Air takes the analysis further. He discusses the possibility that, if necessary, McCain might resign from the Senate so he can be replaced by someone who can vote to confirm Kavanaugh. The power to appoint a replacement resides with the state’s Republican governor, and the replacement would not be up for reelection until 2020.

A Look at Brett Kavanaugh, the Supporters, the Naysayers and the Issues @ This Week: A Look at Brett Kavanaugh, the Supporters, the Naysayers and the Issues
Anthony Gaughan on Judge Kavanaugh

An extremely interesting article about the good judge and his philosophy as to the original intent of the Founders in creating the constitution. It compares him to Judge Scalia and explains how he’s different from Judge Kennedy.

According to Kavanaugh, the framers’ diverse and often conflicting opinions should make judges skeptical of historical evidence, even in the case of a document as renowned and influential as the Federalist Papers. As the judge explained during the roundtable:

“The point being, be careful about even The Federalist . . . point of view. That’s not the authoritative interpretation of the [Constitution’s] words. You’ve [also] got to be careful about some of the ratification debates. You’ve got to be careful about different people at the Convention itself. They had different views.”

The site is an interesting read if you want opinions as to the original meaning of the constitution. Much more @ Anthony Gaughan on Judge Kavanaugh and OriginalismMichael Ramsey - The Originalism Blog

NY Times Cuts Up SCOTUS Pick Kavanaugh: 'Son of Privilege,' Father a ‘Swamp Creature’ @ NY Times Cuts Up SCOTUS Pick Kavanaugh: 'Son of Privilege,' Father a ‘Swamp Creature’


CNN star busted spreading ugly Supreme Court lie @ CNN star busted spreading ugly Supreme Court lie

Perhaps it’s time to change CNN’s motto to that old Irish saying, “Never let the facts get in the way of a good story.”
Americans Want Kavanaugh Confirmed to Supreme Court

I think he will be confirmed with 3 to 5 Dim votes and it’ll happen before the November elections.

According to a Gallup poll released Tuesday, 41-percent of respondents want to see the Senate vote in favor of Kavanaugh’s confirmation.

In comparison, only 37-percent of respondents wanted to see the Senate vote against the confirmation. These findings reaffirm those of other recent polls.

More @ Gallup: Americans Want Kavanaugh Confirmed to Supreme Court | One America News Network

I’ve noticed FoxNews and other channels have some pretty powerful commercials indicating he should be confirmed.
Everywhere one turns, there’s another article about the SCOTUS nominee. Just thought I’d gather them in one thread.

Legal Expert Who's Had Cases Before Kavanaugh Talks about How He's Ruled on Big Issues @ Legal Expert Who's Had Cases Before Kavanaugh Talks about How He's Ruled on Big Issues

An analysis of some rules he made on the circuit court.

'It's a Meltdown': Media Research Center Calls Bias on Mainstream Coverage of SCOTUS Nomination @ 'It's a Meltdown': Media Research Center Calls Bias on Mainstream Coverage of SCOTUS Nomination

This should not surprise anyone.

Inside the Democrats' Crusade to Turn SCOTUS Pick Brett Kavanaugh Into The Boogeyman @ Inside the Democrats' Crusade to Turn SCOTUS Pick Brett Kavanaugh Into the Boogeyman

Some Conservatives Criticize Kavanaugh: ‘Swamp Pick,’ ‘Bush Pick,’ Not Scalia' @ Some Conservatives Criticize Kavanaugh: ‘Swamp Pick,’ ‘Bush Pick,’ Not Scalia'

I was amazed when Judge Napolitano dissed him as being at the heart and soul of the D.C. establishment. Rich Santorum and Mark Levin were no surprises.

NAACP: Kavanaugh ‘A Dangerous Ideologue’ With ‘Extreme Views on Civil Rights’ @ NAACP: Kavanaugh ‘A Dangerous Ideologue’ With ‘Extreme Views on Civil Rights’

No surprise from this far-left group

Nets Tout Dems ‘Launching All-Out War’ Against Kavanaugh @ Nets Tout Dems ‘Launching All-Out War’ Against Kavanaugh

The GOP Should Use The Harry Reid Precedent on Democrat’s Kavenaugh Demands @http://datechguyblog.com/2018/07/11/the-gop-should-use-the-harry-reid-precedent-on-democrats-kavenaugh-demands/

Democrats are making loud noises because loud noises are all they have to fundraise on. Their demands are meaningless. The GOP has the power to ignore these demands with impunity, and should do so.

HuffPo Writer Attacks 'Team Kavanaugh' For Showing Kavanaugh's A Great Dad. Then This Happens. @ HuffPo Writer Attacks 'Team Kavanaugh' For Showing Kavanaugh's A Great Dad. Then This Happens.

More of hysterical leftist reactions.

Rush Limbaugh: Kavanaugh Is An ‘Impeccable' Pick @ Rush Limbaugh: Kavanaugh Is An ‘Impeccable' Pick

That should really drive the left up the wall.

The Left’s Trump Card On Kavanaugh: HE’S A WHITE MALE! @ The Left’s Trump Card On Kavanaugh: HE’S A WHITE MALE!

Who cares if he is a Scalia?

He is better than Kennedy.
Majority Of Americans Don't Want Roe v. Wade Overturned With a new conservative Supreme Court justice likely to be seated, only 17 percent of poll respondents say they want the landmark abortion ruling overturned, a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll finds.
Majority Of Americans Don't Want Roe v. Wade Overturned

Majority Of Americans Don't Want Roe v. Wade Overturned
July 25, 201812:33 PM ET

Protesters spread their dueling messages at a March for Life rally in 2016. Only 17 percent of Americans say they want the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling overturned, a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll finds.

Just 17 percent say they support overturning Roe outright. Another 24 percent say they want Roe kept in place, but they want to see more restrictions on abortion.

Just 17 percent want to keep Roe the way it is; 1 in 5 (21 percent) say they want abortion rights expanded to any circumstance and another 15 percent want Roe kept in place and want some restrictions reduced.

In all, that means 41 percent want Roe either overturned or want to see more restrictions on abortion rights, while 53 percent want Roe either kept as is or have abortion rights expanded.

The poll comes as the U.S. Senate is set to consider President Trump's nomination of federal Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Kavanaugh would replace Anthony Kennedy and would almost certainly be more conservative.
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Toobin has had/is having psychotic event(s). He is not rational and therefore should not be accused of lying---though he would lie like a dog if he had the requisite mental capacity---which he does not.

What the Founders did not contemplate is that perverted science would come up with a kind of embalming fluid which would keep Ruth Bater Ginzberg's brain stem working well enough for her Star in a remake of "Weekend at Bernies".

What Kavanaugh Is Like Behind the Scenes: Former Clerks Share Stories


There’s nothing more telling about someone than what the people who work for him or her have to say. [At least those without a political agenda.]

In their own words.

“In the midst of a very contentious debate over Judge Garland’s nomination, Judge Kavanaugh went out in public. He wasn’t going to take a position on whether to confirm or not confirm anyone,” Martinez said. “But he thought the right thing to do in that circumstance was tell people he thought Judge Garland was one of his heroes, that he thought he was supremely qualified and he wasn’t going to say anything bad about Judge Garland. I’m not sure everyone would have done that.”

Who else would have the juevos to do that?

More @ What Kavanaugh Is Like Behind the Scenes: Former Clerks Share Stories

Senator Grassley announces that hearings on Kavanaugh will start Sept 4.

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