Judge blocks parts of Arizona immigration law

I'll give the same answer I gave in another thread to your post Wry, Our state's economy , especially the housing market has collapsed as a result of the financial crisis. Those same homes and apartments you were speaking of were for the most part built with the use of cheap illegal labor. With the lack of new homes and apartments being built the construction trades suffer and those needed to staff it , namely those same illegal Aliens.

It makes complete sense to enforce immigration laws, for economic reasons and safety reasons, more so than to ignore them and use resources in a court room that would be better used in finding solutions to this issue.

Again, I agree. The solution lies somewhere between 1070 and Amnesty, but politics, prejudice and emotion (as well as personal ambition) interfere.

In Prince William, we use a slightly modified version of Arizona's law (incidentally, after 3 years of enforcement, there has not been one single substantiated case of racial profiling), in our case legal status is only determined after arrest for another crime. So it is slightly more modest than the AZ law where it is a secondary breach. (Like stopping someone for texting on the cell phone. You can't stop them (in VA) if you see it, but if you stop them for something else, you can get them for that too.)

So, perhaps that's where you cut the baby in half. I'd be satisfied with that compromise. In the end, the illegals mostly deport themselves anyway. There are lots of "sanctuary" cities and states to go to, no reason to risk it in places like Prince William and AZ.
Federal Judge Susan Bolton granted an injunction against key sections of SB 1070 today, hours before the controversial new law was to take effect.

The judge’s decision gave the federal government and opponents a major legal victory.

Parts of the new law will still take effect Thursday.

However, the major provisions that drew the opposition of immigrant rights groups, the ACLU and the Justice Department will not go into effect.

“Requiring Arizona law enforcement officials and agencies to determine the immigration status of every person who is arrested burdens lawfully-present aliens because their liberty will be restricted while their status is checked,” U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton ruled.

“There is a substantial likelihood that officers will wrongfully arrest legal resident aliens under the new (law),” Bolton ruled. “By enforcing this statute, Arizona would impose a ‘distinct, unusual and extraordinary’ burden on legal resident aliens that only the federal government has the authority to impose.”

The provisions that were enjoined include sections that required officers to check a person’s immigration status while enforcing other laws.

Also blocked from going into effect is the part of the law that required immigrants to carry their papers at all times,.

The provision making it a crime for undocumented workers to solicit employment in public places was also enjoined.

Injunctions against a state law going into effect must meet a high hurdle . Those seeking an injunction must show irreparable harm and a likelihood they will prevail at trial. The Plaintiffs succeed.

Full text of Judge Bolton’s ruling

SB 1070 enjoined by federal judge - View From Baja Arizona

Welcome to anarchy via activist judicial oligarchy.
Wry, I can assure you that this decision will assure Gov. Brewer another term in office by a wide margin here. Further, the presidents approval rating here in Arizona is somewhere around 30% according to many polls. What many don't seem to understand is that Arizona is a little tired of the Federal Govt. not enforcing the law to the point where it's officers, its citizens, and it's economy were in need of some sort of protection. Let me give you some idea Wry, each day along the I-10, I-8 corridor people that traffic in human beings and drugs mostly Mexican drug cartels move through that area. At times they engage local police with AK-47's in order to protect their cargo. Phoenix has become the 2nd largest kidnapping city in the world as a result of unchecked and a Federal Govt. looking the other way. So is it any wonder that the legislature here would at the very least attempt to address an issue that the Federal Govt. won't? Let me go a little further, last year the Federal attorney in the state of California prosecuted ZERO persons for illegal immigration if tha gives you some idea. When you live here and you see on the news, families impacted from a Illegal Alien who killed their son or daughter , mother or father simply because our Govt. looked the other way then you would begin to understand the frustration. This is not an issue of lumping in an entire people because of race, in fact if our Govt. really cared they would want to end this sanctioned form of slavery that is allowed as a result of our Govts. lack of interest in this.

I suspect that now the FEDERAL govenment is going to be forced to enforce the laws already in the books which have been there forever. It's too soon to say that AZ has lost. I think in a way AZ and the USA has won because the feds have no choice now but to do their job! If the judge based her ruling on the fact that some provisions were unconstitutional then it leaves the feds no choice. Give it time - the sancutary cities will be history in the very near future - you read it here.

I don't believe for a moment Arizona has lost this case yet, these things take a long time to play themselves out. However having said that, if the end result of SB-1070 is a Federal Govt. that actually does address the issues of immigration then perhaps SB-1070 has done it's job. I'm of opinion that the Federal Govt. is riddled with individuals on one side that see's illegal immigrants as potential votes, and another side that see's them as cheap sources of labor. When what needs to happen is someone comming to the table and creating an environment where a person who wishes to be here legally can and those here illegally can be removed and enforced.
The judge issued a temporary injunction preventing the law from going into effect at midnight tonight.

As a side issue, the "attrition through enforcement" experiment seems to be putting the economy of Arizona in the tank. Small businesses are failing, apartment complexes are emptying and the once red-hot housing market is now stone cold and filled by REO's and short sales.

Such is the consequence of emotion based populist politics, where personal ambition leads and critically thinking is absent, and where governors and legislators put ideology before people.

Wow so you somehow believe that the housing crash in AZ is due to this law being brought up a month or two ago??? So the entire rest of the country has a housing/bank/economy crisis but somehow AZ was still considered “hot”?? Are you even a real person or just a bot posting more dumb crap on the internet, that’s a real question btw.

Maybe the reason small businesses are failing is because they catered to Illegal’s to much, helping hurt the overall economy by making the tax payers foot the bill… Not to mention the GIANT ASS RESSESION the whole country is in…

What you fail to understand is free markets and how they work and why it’s a good thing. In this case homes will be vacant as well as apartment building due to people selling or renting to illegal’s loosing that customer but still having the overhead of the building. In the end the price for homes and renting will naturally drop, also more jobs will open up as illegal’s leave and taxes can either be brought down or simply put to better use (yeah right but that’s the idea).

So question, just how many illegals does it take to make a state or country’s economy good? Because we have something like 18 million illegal’s and things seem to be falling the fuck apart. States with the most illegals also seem to be falling the fuck apart faster than states with much smaller illegal immigrant populations.
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We are a nation divided
Yes we are!.....And it doesn't help that we have a president who sat in the pews of a racist church for twenty years, being spoonfed the racist rantings of a preacher who's sole goal is too divide. It doesn't help that we have a president who chose to indict an innocent WHITE cop without all the facts presented, in a blatant attempt to take the brutha's side. It doesn't help that we have a president who called the Arizona law "misguided". A law that mirrors federal law. The same federal law that he vowed to protect when he raised his hand and vowed to protect ALL federal law. It doesn't help that we have a president who claims to be a scholar of constitutional law, but has fully proven time and again that he is clueless to constitutional law.

Seriously, how in the fuck did that moron get elected?
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As a side issue, the "attrition through enforcement" experiment seems to be putting the economy of Arizona in the tank. Small businesses are failing, apartment complexes are emptying and the once red-hot housing market is now stone cold and filled by REO's and short sales.

Such is the consequence of emotion based populist politics, where personal ambition leads and critically thinking is absent, and where governors and legislators put ideology before people.
Easily the stupidest post of the month....Including rdunce's prolific brain droppings
meanwhile cons have deported Zero

By cons you mean Neocons... And looky who on just one more issue agrees with Neocons!! Obama, Yay!!!!

Is there even a single issue that Obama is different on than Neconservatives when they had power? Ohh I doubt it! But keep supporting that guy while hatin on Bush you numb nuts!
Immigration is not on my top ten list.
It's my opinion that republicans or Bush didn't deport many illegals or we wouldn't have 20 million here. If he did show me, otherwise fuck all you wingnuts complaining to Obama that we have illegals.
Immigration is not on my top ten list.
It's my opinion that republicans or Bush didn't deport many illegals or we wouldn't have 20 million here. If he did show me, otherwise fuck all you wingnuts complaining to Obama that we have illegals.
It's a wedge issue. Instead of enacting unconstitutional laws, Arizona should deploy their national guard to the border if they are so worried about the drug traffic. That they haven't just proves immigration is nothing but a wedge issue.
Immigration is not on my top ten list.
It's my opinion that republicans or Bush didn't deport many illegals or we wouldn't have 20 million here. If he did show me, otherwise fuck all you wingnuts complaining to Obama that we have illegals.

It must always be 4:20 where you live. Otherwise you'd be able to make sense.
Tthe "attrition through enforcement" experiment seems to be putting the economy of Arizona in the tank. Small businesses are failing, apartment complexes are emptying and the once red-hot housing market is now stone cold and filled by REO's and short sales.

Such is the consequence of emotion based populist politics, where personal ambition leads and critically thinking is absent; where governors and legislators act in their own self-interest and where ideology rules and pragmatic solutions die.
Ya' mean like the emotion based populist politics of sanctuary cities, where personal ambition leads and critically thinking is absent; where mayors and city councils act in their own self-interest and where ideology rules and pragmatic solutions die?

Exactly. Laws should make sense and be enforced. Emotion, bias, prejudice ought not influence legislators, locally or nationally. Sadly it does.
BTW, many 'sanctuaries' are churches - do you have an opinion on that activity?
[btw, what happended to the Dodgers? Hopefully they can cool SD and by next WE the Giants wil be where they belong, on top in the West].
Regarding those churches, Wry. I would not attend them. I would not donate to them. I would encourage all whom I could to do the same. I would then notify ICE that it would behoove them to park it outside said church/churches and wait for the lil' criminal bastards to sneak out for a Taco Bell/El pollo loco run, arrest their sorry criminal asses, and toss 'em right back over the fucking border where they belong!.....If they refuse to do so, i'm going and getting that O'Reilly producer with the ambush cam, and ask him to embarrass the hell out of the do-nothing ICE MFer's!
This country will never be right, or as it was intended to be, until the monarchy that has presently infected our government is forcibly destroyed or removed. This is a fact. Most intelligent people know this, however a great deal of them are terrified by the notion so they rationalize in an effort to mask their cowardice and convictions. The majority of those in power are simply sheep that are too used to hundred dollar lunches, prostitution and material gratification to give a damn. This being as their pockets get fatter in the short term. The extreme few high profile puppets that that dance on the strings of real power merely forward the illusion of their master's while they best serve them to manipulate all of us to the tune of the real piper's agenda. Divide and conquer, pacify and distract. Not necessarily in that order.
Immigration is not on my top ten list.
It's my opinion that republicans or Bush didn't deport many illegals or we wouldn't have 20 million here. If he did show me, otherwise fuck all you wingnuts complaining to Obama that we have illegals.

The goal is to be the party that gives Amnesty, to buy the votes. It aint that hard to understand man.

If Neocons are in power they try and buy the votes, if Dems are in power they try and buy the votes.

Maybe you need to learn that it's been 2 years of Obama and 3 years on a Democratic congress. Bush was bad, sure, but then why so long after Bush has left do we have Obama doing much of the same things Bush did? When Bush was president he was the focus, now that Obama is President (and has been for a long fucking time now) he is the focus.

Pay attention to today, not 700ish days ago. Know your histoty but at least be aware of the preasent.
This country will never be right, or as it was intended to be, until the monarchy that has presently infected our government is forcibly destroyed or removed. This is a fact. ...
It's going to also take a true opposition party, rather than the current squishy, mealy-mouthed, feet-of-clay Republican Party, whose candidates campaign as though they're libertarians and govern as leftist democratics.
The judge issued a temporary injunction preventing the law from going into effect at midnight tonight.

As a side issue, the "attrition through enforcement" experiment seems to be putting the economy of Arizona in the tank. Small businesses are failing, apartment complexes are emptying and the once red-hot housing market is now stone cold and filled by REO's and short sales.

Such is the consequence of emotion based populist politics, where personal ambition leads and critically thinking is absent, and where governors and legislators put ideology before people.

Wow so you somehow believe that the housing crash in AZ is due to this law being brought up a month or two ago??? So the entire rest of the country has a housing/bank/economy crisis but somehow AZ was still considered “hot”?? Are you even a real person or just a bot posting more dumb crap on the internet, that’s a real question btw.

Maybe the reason small businesses are failing is because they catered to Illegal’s to much, helping hurt the overall economy by making the tax payers foot the bill… Not to mention the GIANT ASS RESSESION the whole country is in…

What you fail to understand is free markets and how they work and why it’s a good thing. In this case homes will be vacant as well as apartment building due to people selling or renting to illegal’s loosing that customer but still having the overhead of the building. In the end the price for homes and renting will naturally drop, also more jobs will open up as illegal’s leave and taxes can either be brought down or simply put to better use (yeah right but that’s the idea).

So question, just how many illegals does it take to make a state or country’s economy good? Because we have something like 18 million illegal’s and things seem to be falling the fuck apart. States with the most illegals also seem to be falling the fuck apart faster than states with much smaller illegal immigrant populations.

Wry makes Freddo Corleone look like Newton, go easy on him. I think he's up to his third or fourth lobotomy
This country will never be right, or as it was intended to be, until the monarchy that has presently infected our government is forcibly destroyed or removed. This is a fact. ...
It's going to also take a true opposition party, rather than the current squishy, mealy-mouthed, feet-of-clay Republican Party, whose candidates campaign as though they're libertarians and govern as leftist democratics.


If you look at the country we have moved so far to the left (politicians) that you would be lucky if a hard core political person could list off just a hand full of true conservatives in congress.

If you support

The wars (MASSIVE Government growth/watse, that's right!)

Amnesty for illegal's

Government HC


Bail outs


Then you prolly aint even in the realm of conservative. Of course a voting record is a whole lot different than talkin it up, and if you go off voting records there are very very few politicians that could be considered conservative.
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The ruling may be temporary, but it's still baseless. There is NO chance of any irreparable harm had the judge not approved the temporary restraining order. Indeed, it is fantasy to claim that there is a likelihood that opponents of the legislation will ultimately prevail.

The ruling was a spineless and gutless abrogation of her actual judicial responsibility.

Let's not kid ourselves. The liberal bias of the judicial branch is quite clear and this is a political question that is being treated (invalidly) as though it were properly justiciable. In her eventual (final) ruling she, like the Higher Courts (with the possible exception of the SCOTUS) are likely going to rule by judicial fiat along the very same lines.

What possible legal justification can exist to prevent a cop from finding out if some illegal immigrant is an illegal immigrant?

It really is insane. Libs and other kooks have clearly taken over the asylum.
Immigration is not on my top ten list.
It's my opinion that republicans or Bush didn't deport many illegals or we wouldn't have 20 million here. If he did show me, otherwise fuck all you wingnuts complaining to Obama that we have illegals.

It must always be 4:20 where you live. Otherwise you'd be able to make sense.

blow me, you added nothing

that said when I retire it will be 4:20 all day you tool

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