Juanita Broaddrick can prove she was raped by Bill Clinton

How about joining the 21st century with the rest of us?

Well the suppose Sexual Assault that Kavanaugh is being accused of was back in the 20th century, so tell Democrats to joim us then...

But Kavanaugh is applying for the job now, so too bad.
Are you saying this disqualifies Hillary for 2020?

I certainly hope so.
I'm sure her replacement will be just as comical. :)
Clinton is not involved in any government position nor consideration for any.
He might be First Man. This calls for a complete and thorough investigation immediately.

We Believe Women.
Well, if you want Clinton investigated, then investigate Kavanaugh and Trump. Let's get 'em all.
The Don is already under investigation.

Obama and Hillary.

Hillary has been under investigation for almost 3 decades. Nothing yet, but you keep trying.
She lost get over it.

She lost by less than 80,000 in 3 states, so do not get too cocky. By the hair on his chin.
There are too many morons making this same comment " CLINTON IS NOT PRESIDENT". ok stupid fks if he's not President and you give him a free pass to rape someonw ( who has proof it was done) that makes the rape ok and nothing should be done about). SO jackasses. if that is the cae you pos losers accuse Kavanaugh of rape. BACK 36 FK YEARS AGO STUPD FKS so he too accoring to leftiist retard logic should also skip over any charges on Kavanaugh after all KAVANAUGH IS NOT THE PRESIDENT AT ALL..
There are too many morons making this same comment " CLINTON IS NOT PRESIDENT". ok stupid fks if he's not President and you give him a free pass to rape someonw ( who has proof it was done) that makes the rape ok and nothing should be done about). SO jackasses. if that is the cae you pos losers accuse Kavanaugh of rape. BACK 36 FK YEARS AGO STUPD FKS so he too accoring to leftiist retard logic should also skip over any charges on Kavanaugh after all KAVANAUGH IS NOT THE PRESIDENT AT ALL..

Monica loved to give Clinton head , she was very willing. Mrs. Ford did not want to be raped and she got away.
Clinton is not president and he is not running for office.
He will never be a Supreme Court nominee.

In the meantime, let's concentrate on what is right in front of our faces.

You are so fkn stupid


Bill Clinton's crime bill destroyed lives, and there's no point denying it | Thomas Frank
And to prove even more hypocritical losers, where in the hell is METOO, oh they aren't coming forward again, just like they never destroyed Cosby's hollywood star

they never destroyed WEINSTEINS star........

your hyporites every freakig one of you Trump / Kavanaugh haters.. the very same losers who are anti american, anti feedom.

All a part of ANTIFA funny how you loons think and act alike.
Regardless of what Clinton may have done, he never held a lifetime position that gave him immense power over other Americans, and, in particular, female Americans. Clinton is now is a private citizen. It's okay if Kavanaugh goes home as a private citizen, even a federal judge. Giving him immense power on the Supreme Court is another story altogether. His veracity is in question, as well as is his capacity for judicial neutrality when judging questions important to women and gays that might involve his personal opinions, prejudices, or religious views. We have seen with before with justices like Scalia.
I think most posters know I have zero respect for the Orange One. However, no one can ever deny Bill Clinton seriously tarnished the presidency of this country. The guy is slug.
This kind of predatory sex habit, is not just one party's problem.

What you say may be true, but the Clinton bit never sought to use it as a method to subject the American People to it. The Kavanaugh nomination does. The Clinton follies, no matter what they were, did not involve serious national policy issues. They involved only the family affairs of the Clintons, not national policies. Let this man go home and contend with the rest of his family as to his conduct and reputation. Just keep him out of a position of power over other Americans. He is not qualified for such a position.
Clinton accuser Juanita Broaddrick demands FBI probe on Clinton rape claim, amid Kavanaugh furor

But Dems Chuck Schumer, Diane Feinstein and Dick Durbin refused to hear it.

Don't you agree this woamn's allegations need an FBI Investigation? After all, the Clintons are enjoying enormous benefits at taxpayer expense today and for decades. Tens of millions in US taxpayer paid benefits.

In addition,. Hillary Clinton might (foolishly) throw her decrepit hat back into the Presidential Ring

Isn't it time to demand a full investigation?

Or are Democrats immune and only Republicans are subject to scrutiny?

Were the Left consistent she wouldn't have to "prove" anything they would just accept his guilt.
Clinton accuser Juanita Broaddrick demands FBI probe on Clinton rape claim, amid Kavanaugh furor

But Dems Chuck Schumer, Diane Feinstein and Dick Durbin refused to hear it.

Don't you agree this woamn's allegations need an FBI Investigation? After all, the Clintons are enjoying enormous benefits at taxpayer expense today and for decades. Tens of millions in US taxpayer paid benefits.

In addition,. Hillary Clinton might (foolishly) throw her decrepit hat back into the Presidential Ring

Isn't it time to demand a full investigation?

Or are Democrats immune and only Republicans are subject to scrutiny?
You mean the woman who, under oath, in a deposition, swore he didn't rape her?
Well, if you want Clinton investigated, then investigate Kavanaugh and Trump. Let's get 'em all.
The Don is already under investigation.

Obama and Hillary.

Hillary has been under investigation for almost 3 decades. Nothing yet, but you keep trying.
She lost get over it.

Get over it? I'm not the one whining about investigating her.
We believe women, remember?
When do we believe her....when she's under oath or now when she's not under oath?
He might be First Man. This calls for a complete and thorough investigation immediately.

We Believe Women.
Well, if you want Clinton investigated, then investigate Kavanaugh and Trump. Let's get 'em all.
The Don is already under investigation.

Obama and Hillary.

Hillary has been under investigation for almost 3 decades. Nothing yet, but you keep trying.
She lost get over it.

She lost by less than 80,000 in 3 states, so do not get too cocky. By the hair on his chin.
Dem's slogan can be "Almost Winning."
The Don is already under investigation.

Obama and Hillary.

Hillary has been under investigation for almost 3 decades. Nothing yet, but you keep trying.
She lost get over it.

Get over it? I'm not the one whining about investigating her.
We believe women, remember?
When do we believe her....when she's under oath or now when she's not under oath?
When she provides proof.

You remember proof, don't you?

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