Juan Williams is black....


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
even though he's also Hispanic.

So I'm curious to know why Zimmerman can't be white....even though he's also Hispanic.

So when posters on this forum insist that Zimmerman isn't white it's because they want to classify him as a protected political group?
So when posters on this forum insist that Zimmerman isn't white it's because they want to classify him as a protected political group?
Probably not.

It's because the media and the leftist political class are going out of their way to make the shooting about race, rather than merely a terrible tragedy....A hispanic shooting a black doesn't sell newspapers, draw viewership to tabloid cable programs, and play into the hands of race hustling rabble rousers like Sharpton and Jackson....I believe that is the point that the aforementioned posers are trying to make.
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Who the hell insisted he wasn't white?

We've only been over this subject forwards, backwards and sideways. Hispanic is a culture/ethnicity.

Races are:
White, black, Asian, Pacific Islander, Alaskan Native, Native American.

Hispanics can be any/all of those races...but is still Hispanic. Because Hispanic references the culture and language. Not the race.

This isn't rocket science.
Who the hell insisted he wasn't white?

We've only been over this subject forwards, backwards and sideways. Hispanic is a culture/ethnicity.

Races are:
White, black, Asian, Pacific Islander, Alaskan Native, Native American.

Hispanics can be any/all of those races...but is still Hispanic. Because Hispanic references the culture and language. Not the race.

This isn't rocket science.

Race and ethnicy are thought of as the same in America, hence the question " what is your race or ethnicity"?

This was the first time I can remember anyone being refered to as a white hispanic.
I can't help that.

It's a federal distinction, if you've applied for foodstamps, there are separate boxes for "race" and "ethnicity". Race is the above listed races....ethnicity is just hispanic or non-hispanic. You don't pick one or the other, you answer both.
I can't help that.

It's a federal distinction, if you've applied for foodstamps, there are separate boxes for "race" and "ethnicity". Race is the above listed races....ethnicity is just hispanic or non-hispanic. You don't pick one or the other, you answer both.

Well many times the question is race or ethnicity. Not many Hispancis consider themselves white.
You people are too dense for words.


"Race-One of the several subdivisions of mankind distinguished by physical characteristics; group descended from common ancestor; family; tribe; clan; any recognizabe group sharing certain characteristics.


What is the scientific difference between "race" and "ethnic"? - Yahoo! Answers

ETHNICITY: The fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition.


One is a group characterized by physical traits.

The other is a cultural identity.

One is characterized by physical traits.

One is cultural identity.

One is physical traits.

One is cultural identity.

You people are too dense for words.


"Race-One of the several subdivisions of mankind distinguished by physical characteristics; group descended from common ancestor; family; tribe; clan; any recognizabe group sharing certain characteristics.


What is the scientific difference between "race" and "ethnic"? - Yahoo! Answers

ETHNICITY: The fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition.


One is a group characterized by physical traits.

The other is a cultural identity.

One is characterized by physical traits.

One is cultural identity.

One is physical traits.

One is cultural identity.


I'm not disagreeing with you, but the issue you bring up is really semantics. Hispanics are not considered white in America, nor do they consider themselves white.
It doesn't matter what they consider themselves. The point is, Hispanic is not a race. It's a CULTURE.
If we weren't saddled with this bullshit made up concept of 'race' we wouldn't have to worry about this nonsense quite so much.
It comes down to government.

You get the government involved in feeding people, in determining who is *entitled* and who isn't, you get these dumbass distinctions, and the government neck deep creating them and dividing people along those lines.

The government is the reason the Indian tribes have blood quotas, which is a nightmare of racism in Indian country.
even though he's also Hispanic.

So I'm curious to know why Zimmerman can't be white....even though he's also Hispanic.


Why does it have to matter what race he is or isn't?

Why the fuck can't we all just go with one label.... 'American'?

That would get in the way of divide and conquer.
So when posters on this forum insist that Zimmerman isn't white it's because they want to classify him as a protected political group?
Probably not.

It's because the media and the leftist political class are going out of their way to make the shooting about race, rather than merely a terrible tragedy....A hispanic shooting a black doesn't sell newspapers, draw viewership to tabloid cable programs, and play into the hands of race hustling rabble rousers like Sharpton and Jackson....I believe that is the point that the aforementioned posers are trying to make.
There's always that possibility but it doesn't really answer the question.

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