Joy Ann Reid - An Example Of Crap Political "Journalism"

Sun Devil 92

Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2015
Well, I got a kick out of this:

Time to Call Out the Big GOP Lie on Obamacare

This was written by Joy Ann Reid for the Daily Beast.

For grins I googled her.

It says she is a......[laughing].....I mean it says.....[holding side].....well, it calls her a......[ROTF].........
can you believe it........a journalist !!!!!!

First of all, her article says:

Perhaps it’s because healthcare is complicated, and most Americans don’t really understand it, or the ACA.


Perhaps it’s because the very real issues some Americans are having with Obamacare, particularly in the individual market, have convinced reporters that the problems with the law are far more extensive than they are.

Then after some drivel she states:

Don’t believe me? Ask the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office,


Then after drawing a number of unsupported conclusions, our "journalist" states:

It’s an ethos not unlike the one that produced a Trump budget that hacks away at everything from mine safety to Big Bird to Meals on Wheels. What you’re seeing in Washington today is exactly what you think you see: a bunch of rich men; modern-day robber barons, giddily drawing up plans to pull off a giant reverse Robin Hood—transferring billions of dollars from the poorest Americans to the richest, just because they can. All that matters is that the wealthy make a profit; and to hell with everyone else.

And her ending statement is about "truth".......

You want a dose of truth? Donald Trump—the supposed “populist” president; the all-gold everything, New York penthouse-dwelling, Mar-a-Lago every weekend on your dime golf-hopping, wannabe Russian oligarch—is one of them.


Don't know whether to laugh or cry ?

How about you write the Daily Beast and tell them the "truth"....that a sixth grader could do better.

I don't necessarily like the Beast. I especially don't like Michael Tomasky, but his stuff is well written and generally backed up. His conclusions don't follow...but you can get that because he does not ask you to accept much on faith.

This woman is a hack (she's actually worse than that. She's a liar and a schill...but given it is MSNBC.....

Fox News.....???

She makes the Brownshirted Sean Hannity look like Edward Murrow.
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How did Reid miss that Obama and the dems got creamed in 2010, in large part due to Obamacare.

It's so good after all.......

Hillary hardly mentioned it or anything about health care in her campaign.

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