Journalist found boy filmed in white helmets Douma alleged chemical attack vide He did it for food


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
According to Poddubny:

  • 11-year-old Hassan Diab is fine;
  • He suffered no injuries from the “chemical attack” because there was no attack (at least then and there);
  • The boy participated in the video for food (rice, dates and cookies).
Poddubny also contacted Hassan’s father – he also said that there was no chemical attack in the town.

The boy's father is interviewed , but you can't prove anything to the mentally impaired.
Some of the other headlines your link has carried-
Globalresearch - RationalWiki
  • Just some actual headlines:
  • North Korea, a Land of Human Achievement, Love and Joy: North Korea Celebrates 60th Anniversary of Victory[1](saved archive)
  • US Training Nazis, Western Media Providing Cover[80]
  • The Complete History of Monsanto, "The World’s Most Evil Corporation"[25]
  • Capitalism and "The Universal Religion"[81]
  • "US Struggles to Keep Asia in Dark Age. US-Funded 'Newspapers' and 'Activists'".[82]
  • "Weaponizing the Term 'Conspiracy Theory': Disinformation Agents and the CIA": The CIA tells lies, mainstream media is disinformation, and Andrew Wakefield's research is both valid and replicated. Right.[83]
  • Fidel Castro Ruz. His Legacy Will Live Forever[84]

  • In the 2014 Ukrainian crisis the site is taking the standard "anti-globalisation" stance against the Western side and falling into the ranks of imperial Russian propaganda instead.[95][96][97][98][99][80] Chossudovsky wrote that "the deaths of protesters in Maidan square triggered by Neo-Nazi elements have been used to break the legitimacy of a duly elected government"[100] and questions, "Is the US backing Neo-Nazis in Ukraine?"[101] While criticizing American buildup of forces against Russia, it writes: "The underlying narrative is supported by a string of baseless accusations directed against the Russian Federation. It accuses Russia of having invaded Ukraine. It states without evidence that Russia was behind the downing of Malaysian Airlines MH17, it accuses Russia of military aggression."[65] Accordingly, it denies that MH-17had anything to do with Russia.[95]
Russian Propaganda? Conspiracy theories about GlobalResearch[edit]
GlobalResearch is listed in Andrew Weisburd's Disinfo Network, based on how many other alleged disinfo sites referred to said website during the height of the Ukraine crisis.[102] This supports the above section, which notes that many of GlobalResearch's sources are Russian government or extremely pro-Russian authors. GlobalResearch is also listed in the Washington Post's PropOrNot list of sites that "Reliably Echo Russian Propaganda".[103]

Fringe-ier websites have taken the same stance. Websites ToInformIsToInfluence[104] and MadCowNews[105] both make the similar arguments and come to the same conclusion.

All that said, the simpler solution (which also explains everything GlobalResearch has done) is to simply assume that Glob

Sorry, not going to believe a word of theirs.
The OP?

Funny to see how people are ready to believe any bs without any proves if it exactly what they believe is true. And resist all evidence of their wrong opinion.

From the very beginning Russia said that they hadn't found any evidence of chemical attack in Douma.
Thinking logically it is absolutely clear Asad didn't need to use it there.
It was well understood that USA and their satellites didn't need real investigation and started their attack 1 day before OPCW commission arrived.

And still they cannot accept that USA is in fact aggressor...I'd rather say terrorist.
Thinking logically leads one to the answer that the Syrian regime did use gas.
Thinking logically leads one to the answer that the Syrian regime did use gas.
You prove the rule Goebbels said once "the most incredible lie after being repeated thousand times becomes a truth".
He was leader of nazists' propaganda and all his works were taken by Americans as well as some of his colleagues.
Funny to see how people are ready to believe any bs without any proves if it exactly what they believe is true. And resist all evidence of their wrong opinion.

From the very beginning Russia said that they hadn't found any evidence of chemical attack in Douma.
Thinking logically it is absolutely clear Asad didn't need to use it there.
It was well understood that USA and their satellites didn't need real investigation and started their attack 1 day before OPCW commission arrived.

And still they cannot accept that USA is in fact aggressor...I'd rather say terrorist.
Where in Moscow are you posting from?
Are you being paid by the word or the sentence?
The FACT that you do not use proper english in your posts pretty much proves you are a russian bot.
That rule of Goebbels indicts Assad's regime, yes. All of the Syrian Damascus Dan's are following the principles of Nazi propaganda.
Funny to see how people are ready to believe any bs without any proves if it exactly what they believe is true. And resist all evidence of their wrong opinion.

From the very beginning Russia said that they hadn't found any evidence of chemical attack in Douma.
Thinking logically it is absolutely clear Asad didn't need to use it there.
It was well understood that USA and their satellites didn't need real investigation and started their attack 1 day before OPCW commission arrived.

And still they cannot accept that USA is in fact aggressor...I'd rather say terrorist.
Where in Moscow are you posting from?
Are you being paid by the word or the sentence?
The FACT that you do not use proper english in your posts pretty much proves you are a russian bot.

I introduced myself not long ago.
Here are some sentences from my post:
Decided to introduce myself here because my opinion in politics makes someone nervous and call me a bot. It's not true, I am real person.
My Instagram: @eugene.zozulya
But you may go on insulting me and others who are not poisoned with your western lying propaganda.
You may remain a brainwashed sheep blindly believing everything in mainstream mass media.

And you know my English is much better than your Russian!
But you may go on insulting me and others who are not poisoned with your western lying propaganda.

I don't think your being poisoned by your Russian propaganda is any better. I don't look at you as as typical though. The Russians I have known have all been original thinkers and would laugh at your posts.
But you may go on insulting me and others who are not poisoned with your western lying propaganda.

I don't think your being poisoned by your Russian propaganda is any better. I don't look at you as as typical though. The Russians I have known have all been original thinkers and would laugh at your posts.
People have different opinions. There are Americans not agree to each other on some matters and Russians...
I don't say for every Russian but just for myself.
All my points of view are grounded on reliable facts. I read much of quite different sources, opposite ones...foreign and Russian. And I greatly doubt you do the same.
Russians after 1990s do not blindly believe to anyone and as a rule prefer to make conclusions out of different sources and/or opinions. Until 1990 we trusted every word read in newspapers just like you do now.

Western mass media and authorities were caught lying so often that only sheep may still believe them.

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